
Dual Destiny: I Am The Special One

Smart MC_ Check ✓ Op MC_ Check ✓ Interesting characters_ Check ✓ World building_ Check ✓ In 2030, a strange and powerful force called Chaos Energy swept across the Earth. This energy had a terrible effect, transforming humans and animals into monstrous, violent creatures called Mutants. However, at the same time, a brilliant light descended upon a select few humans. This light granted them extraordinary abilities, known as talents, making them far stronger and faster than ordinary people. These special individuals became known as the Chosen. The arrival of dark energy and the emergence of the Chosen ignited a massive war, a war that would forever change the fate of the planet. _____ Three hundred years later, the Earth was almost unrecognizable. The war had reshaped the planet, dividing it into two vast territories: one controlled by humans and the other overrun by Mutants. Humans, who once ruled the world alone, had been forced to adapt to sharing their planet with these powerful creatures. It had been a long and difficult adjustment, but they had learned to survive. Over the centuries, many more Chosen had been born among the humans. Similarly, exceptionally powerful Mutants emerged from the mutated hordes, creating a tense balance of power between the two sides. The war raged on, but neither side could gain a decisive advantage. _____ Kyoji Renn, a young man of twenty-six, was born into this divided world. He grew up hearing tales of the Chosen, revered as heroes and worshipped for their incredible powers. Yet, Kyoji was not one of them. When he turned sixteen, he underwent the Blessing, a sacred ritual where humans prayed to the mysterious gods (whose existence only became known during the chaos) for a chance to receive a talent. Unfortunately, Kyoji's Blessing failed. Though disappointed, Kyoji refused to give up on his dream of gaining power. He dedicated himself to research, seeking a way to unlock hidden potential without relying on the gods. He believed that somewhere within the human body, incredible power lay dormant, waiting to be awakened. Years later, Kyoji felt he was on the verge of a breakthrough. He had been conducting experiments on captured Mutants, hoping to unlock the secrets of their transformation. But tragedy struck. One of the creatures, far stronger than he anticipated, broke free from its confines. Kyoji, caught off guard, couldn't escape the creature's wrath and was killed. Or so he thought. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in an awe-inspiring hall, standing before nine majestic statues radiating an otherworldly aura. He realized with shock that he had been reborn, sent back to the day of his failed Blessing ceremony. Join Kyoji Renn on an epic journey as he seizes this second chance. Driven by the knowledge of future events and armed with an unyielding determination, Kyoji sets out to unravel the mysteries behind Earth's transformation, uncover the truth behind the gods, and fulfill his destiny in a world teetering on the brink of annihilation. ___________________ Release schedules. _Two chapters daily or three maybe, depends on how much time i have. _For every 100 powerstone_ 1 bonus chapter. _For every 100 Golden ticket_ 2 bonuse chapter. _For every super gift_ 3 bonus chapter.

I_Love_Ramen · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 5. The Blessing ritual.

'What's going on? Am I alive? Where the hell am I?' Kyoji's mind raced.

He had been in his lab mere moments ago, a metal rod piercing his chest, ending his life. Now, he found himself surrounded by teenagers in a vast, ancient temple.

[Next, candidate 127_ Kyoji Ren] A woman's voice, strangely robotic, echoed through the space.

The mention of his name, along with a numerical designation, jolted Kyoji into truly observing his surroundings.

The temple was an imposing structure of weathered grey stone. Towering walls swallowed the little light that managed to penetrate the gloom, casting long, eerie shadows. High above, the roof was lost in the darkness. A single beam of light illuminated an altar at the far end, guarded by nine imposing statues. Plain wooden benches stretched back from the altar, disappearing into the shadows.

The statues radiated a powerful aura, making Kyoji feel incredibly small. Ancient, unfamiliar symbols covered the altar, emanating a strange holiness.

The scene sparked a memory. This place… it was the Temple of Blessings. The place where he had, ten years ago, failed to receive his talent.

But that meant… "Could I be… back in time?" he wondered aloud.

It would explain his height—a stark 68 inches compared to his usual 79. Candidate 127. The temple. It all pointed to that fateful day a decade ago.

"Candidate 127, move it! We haven't got all day." A harsh voice interrupted his thoughts.

Kyoji looked up to see a woman in a sharp, cream-colored suit and matching wide-legged trousers. Miss Anna, an instructor at Bastion Academy, one of the training ground for newly blessed individuals within the Coliseumcity. She was in her late thirties, blonde hair pulled back in a no-nonsense ponytail.

Beside her stood a stern-faced man in military uniform. His build was imposing, his eyes a steely grey, his head shaved clean. He was likely there as a representative of the military, which always kept a close eye on newly awakened talents.

Suddenly, Kyoji felt a sharp jab in his back.

He turned to find himself face-to-face with Tristan Gilles, the bane of many students existence back in high school. Standing at 62 inches and weighing well over 200 pounds, Tristan resembled a caricature of a human being. He had a disproportionately small head, an unfortunately arranged face, short, stubby legs, and a belly that preceded him like a fleshy battering ram.

Tristan was the epitome of an entitled bully, hailing from the Gilles family, the second most powerful family in Coliseum City. Their wealth, estimated at over 20 billion E₵, paled in comparison to the influence they wielded through their vast network of businesses and powerful warriors. Tristan, a direct descendant of the main family line, carried their arrogance like a badge of honor, looking down upon anyone he deemed beneath him.

"Stone face, scared to walk up there? Afraid the gods will strike you down for not praying hard enough?" Tristan's taunt echoed across the temple, followed by a wave of laughter from the sycophants surrounding him. They were all likely children of lesser noble families, eager to bask in the reflected glory of the Gilles name.

"Stone face" was their nickname for Kyoji, a name he got due to his usual stoic expression.

Kyoji didn't react, simply fixing Tristan with a cold stare before turning toward the altar. He was used to Tristan's bullying. Besides, Kyoji had more important things to worry about – like how he had been flung back a decade in time.

Tristan's jab, while meant to be cutting, held a grain of truth. Kyoji wasn't exactly a devout follower of the nine gods. Many had blamed his lack of piety for his failed blessing ritual in his previous life.

Of course, the idea of the gods striking him down was absurd. Just another one of Tristan's ridiculous taunts. Since their arrival, the nine gods had shown little interest in human affairs beyond bestowing talents.

Leaving the gaggle of nobles behind, Kyoji approached the altar.

About four thousand teenagers filled the temple, divided into groups likely based on their high schools.

Kyoji's group, composed of Gryphon High School students, practically screamed wealth with their expensive clothes and entitled attitudes.

Other groups shared their affluence, while some were dressed more simply, even poorly. These students were likely from the Outer City and the Third District – the less privileged areas of Coliseum City.

Looking down at the city from above, one would see a round mountain with a sprawling metropolis nestled within. Coliseum City was structured like its namesake, with three distinct tiers.

At the heart lay the Inner City, a box-shaped district boasting the most advanced infrastructure and housing the city's elite.

Stepping outwards, one reached the Outer City, home to the average citizens. And finally, the outermost ring, the Third District, housed the city's poorest and most marginalized.

"Don't trip on your way up there!" Tristan called out from behind, sparking another round of laughter.

Kyoji ignored him, a new thought taking root in his mind. He knew he would fail the ritual. So why bother going through with it?

With a sigh, he ascended the altar steps and stood before Miss Anna.

"Kyoji Ren?" she asked, her voice adopting a saccharine tone. It was no secret that Miss Anna favored the wealthy; her sudden shift in demeanor came as no surprise.

"Yes," Kyoji replied curtly.

"Very well. Please step forward and begin the ritual."

Kyoji nodded and walked towards the altar. As he faced the nine towering statues, memories of his past failure flooded back, vivid and unsettling.

Kyoji knew what awaited him: the familiar walk of shame back from the altar, empty-handed, branded as talentless.

He picked up the jade knife and with a sigh, he sliced his palm and let the blood drip into the flat basin on the altar.

The moment the blood touched the basin, it vanished, absorbed by the ancient stone basin. A clear, metallic voice echoed through the temple.

[Blood of candidate detected. Initiating Divinity Alignment Protocol. Please wait…]

Kyoji withdrew his hand, his gaze fixed on the nine statues. He braced himself for the heavy silence that would follow, the cold, unreadable gazes of the gods boring into him.

But something unexpected happened.

The statues began to shake. Violently.

Gasps echoed through the temple as the tremors intensified, shaking the very foundation of the building. Even the stern military man standing beside Miss Anna paled.

"He's… he's getting a reaction from all nine gods! This is… incredible!" Miss Anna gasped, her composure shattered.

The scene unfolding before them was unheard of. Unprecedented.

Typically, during the blessing ritual, a single statue might react, indicating a connection between the candidate and that god. Two reactions were rare. Three, practically miraculous.

A single reaction could bestow a talent ranging from the lowest to the highest tier (SS), though most received lower tiers. But multiple reactions? That signified the potential for extraordinary, even legendary, abilities.

"This young man… he has a bright future ahead of him," the military man murmured, his eyes glued to the spectacle.

"Congratulations, Miss Anna. It seems Bastion Academy has attracted a truly exceptional student."

A triumphant smile spread across Miss Anna's face. But amidst the gasps of awe and excited whispers, Kyoji felt a chill run down his spine.

While everyone else saw a blessing, he felt a sense of impending doom. The vibrations emanating from the statues felt… malevolent. As if they sought to crush him.

He felt no physical pressure, but a primal instinct screamed at him, setting his heart racing and his skin prickling with cold sweat.

Finally, the tremors subsided.

All eyes turned to the chromatic sphere near the basin, the orb that would reveal the tier of talent bestowed unto the candidate. It remained inert for a moment, then pulsed with a dull, lifeless grey.

[Congratulations, Candidate 127_ K....

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