
Dual Destiny: I Am The Special One

Smart MC_ Check ✓ Op MC_ Check ✓ Interesting characters_ Check ✓ World building_ Check ✓ In 2030, a strange and powerful force called Chaos Energy swept across the Earth. This energy had a terrible effect, transforming humans and animals into monstrous, violent creatures called Mutants. However, at the same time, a brilliant light descended upon a select few humans. This light granted them extraordinary abilities, known as talents, making them far stronger and faster than ordinary people. These special individuals became known as the Chosen. The arrival of dark energy and the emergence of the Chosen ignited a massive war, a war that would forever change the fate of the planet. _____ Three hundred years later, the Earth was almost unrecognizable. The war had reshaped the planet, dividing it into two vast territories: one controlled by humans and the other overrun by Mutants. Humans, who once ruled the world alone, had been forced to adapt to sharing their planet with these powerful creatures. It had been a long and difficult adjustment, but they had learned to survive. Over the centuries, many more Chosen had been born among the humans. Similarly, exceptionally powerful Mutants emerged from the mutated hordes, creating a tense balance of power between the two sides. The war raged on, but neither side could gain a decisive advantage. _____ Kyoji Renn, a young man of twenty-six, was born into this divided world. He grew up hearing tales of the Chosen, revered as heroes and worshipped for their incredible powers. Yet, Kyoji was not one of them. When he turned sixteen, he underwent the Blessing, a sacred ritual where humans prayed to the mysterious gods (whose existence only became known during the chaos) for a chance to receive a talent. Unfortunately, Kyoji's Blessing failed. Though disappointed, Kyoji refused to give up on his dream of gaining power. He dedicated himself to research, seeking a way to unlock hidden potential without relying on the gods. He believed that somewhere within the human body, incredible power lay dormant, waiting to be awakened. Years later, Kyoji felt he was on the verge of a breakthrough. He had been conducting experiments on captured Mutants, hoping to unlock the secrets of their transformation. But tragedy struck. One of the creatures, far stronger than he anticipated, broke free from its confines. Kyoji, caught off guard, couldn't escape the creature's wrath and was killed. Or so he thought. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in an awe-inspiring hall, standing before nine majestic statues radiating an otherworldly aura. He realized with shock that he had been reborn, sent back to the day of his failed Blessing ceremony. Join Kyoji Renn on an epic journey as he seizes this second chance. Driven by the knowledge of future events and armed with an unyielding determination, Kyoji sets out to unravel the mysteries behind Earth's transformation, uncover the truth behind the gods, and fulfill his destiny in a world teetering on the brink of annihilation. ___________________ Release schedules. _Two chapters daily or three maybe, depends on how much time i have. _For every 100 powerstone_ 1 bonus chapter. _For every 100 Golden ticket_ 2 bonuse chapter. _For every super gift_ 3 bonus chapter.

I_Love_Ramen · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 7. Ethan Callahan.

"You!" Tristan roared, his face contorted in anger at Kyoji's words. The crowd erupted in laughter, fueling Tristan's rage.

Kyoji ignored him, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips as he turned back towards the altar. The laughter died down as quickly as it began under Tristan's icy glare. No one dared challenge him.

[Next, Candidate 128…] The metallic voice of the announcer echoed through the hall as a young woman nervously made her way to the stage.

Her simple clothes and timid demeanor marked her as someone from the outer districts, far from the wealth and privilege of the inner city. She returned a short while later, her face beaming with joy as she sprinted towards her classmates. Cheers and happy cries erupted from the group. She had received a D-tier talent.

Kyoji watched them, a sigh escaping his lips. A D-tier talent was considered mediocre at best to the elite families, but for those from the poorer districts, it was a life-changing blessing. It meant financial security and a chance to rise above their circumstances.

'Isn't this how life should be?' Kyoji mused, his gaze lingering on the celebrating group. 'Everyone content with what they have, finding joy in the simple things, without the need for greed or violence.'

"Jealous of a low-life?" Tristan's voice cut through his thoughts, laced with venom.

Kyoji didn't even bother turning around. He had no desire to engage with someone like Tristan, whose arrogance stemmed from deep-seated insecurities. Such people hid behind a facade of strength, terrified of revealing their vulnerability.

He knew from experience that arguing with someone like Tristan was pointless. It was a waste of time and energy. The only way to truly deal with them was to shatter their carefully constructed mask and expose the fear beneath.

By the time Kyoji turned back to the altar, the ceremony for the next candidate had concluded. He let his mind wander as he watched, growing bored with the seemingly endless procession.

"[Next, Candidate 378, Tristan Gilles]" The metallic voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

Looking up, he saw Tristan, built like a cartoon character, swaggering towards the stage. As he reached the altar, Miss Anna greeted him with a warm smile and gestured for him to step forward. The military officer beside her, however, maintained his stern and impassive expression.

With exaggerated confidence, Tristan stepped onto the altar and activated his blessing ritual.

[Blood of Candidate detected. Initiating Divinity Alignment Protocol. Please wait…] the metallic voice announced as Tristan's blood touched the altar.

All eyes turned towards the altar, specifically the nine towering statues that stood behind it. Moments later, one of the statues began to tremble. Its eyes snapped open, glowing with an intense light as a beam shot out towards Tristan.

The shaking soon subsided, and the statue returned to its original state.

[Congratulations, Candidate 378 - Tristan Gilles. You have received an A-tier talent.]

The hall erupted in a cacophony of gasps and murmurs. It was the highest tier talent anyone had received since the ceremony began.

Tristan, unable to hide his smug satisfaction, descended the altar with an air of superiority, basking in the envious stares of the crowd.

"Congratulations, Candidate 378, on receiving your talent and becoming an official Chosen," the military officer announced formally.

"Thank you, sir," Tristan replied, his usual arrogance replaced by a veneer of respect. Even with his bravado, he wasn't foolish enough to disrespect a representative of the world government, especially one whose uniform bore the insignia of a Major.

"Congratulations on receiving an A-tier talent, Tristan. It warms my heart to see such gifted young people," Miss Anna said, her voice full of warmth as she smiled at Tristan.

"Thank you, Miss Anna," Tristan replied, his smile almost predatory.

"Such a talented young man," Miss Anna continued revealing her fox tail. "Please do come to me if you need anything once you arrive at the academy."

Upon entering the prestigious Bastion Academy, students were to choose an instructor who would guide and support them. It was a mutually beneficial relationship; strong students brought prestige to their mentors. Miss Anna, holding a high position within the academy, was clearly trying to secure Tristan as her student.

Tristan, understanding her intent, replied smoothly, "I'll keep that in mind, Miss Anna."

"Excellent, excellent. You're a bright young man," Miss Anna said, beaming at him.

"That's enough, you two. You can discuss this later. We have a schedule to keep," the military officer interjected, his tone brooking no argument.

"Yes, sir," Tristan replied, scurrying back to his seat but not before shooting Kyoji a triumphant smirk.

Kyoji ignored him, his attention fixed on the stage. Time seemed to speed up as he watched the ceremony with a bored expression.

"[Next, Candidate 620, Ethan Callahan]," the metallic voice announced, jolting Kyoji out of his thoughts. He turned to look at the young man beside him.

Ethan Callahan, with his short, curly brown hair and hazel eyes, looked visibly nervous. His simple clothes marked him as someone without wealth or influence.

Ethan was only able to attend Gryphon High School, a place meant for the affluent, because Kyoji paid for his tuition. He had taken the boy under his wing.

As if sensing Kyoji's gaze, Ethan looked up, his eyes wide with fear. Despite the cool air within the temple, beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

"Why are you still here? It's your turn," Kyoji asked, frowning slightly at the boy's unease.

Ethan wasn't surprised by Kyoji's lack of emotion. He had known him for years and understood that Kyoji wasn't one to offer emotional comfort.

"Are you scared?" Kyoji asked, his frown deepening.

"No, not really. Just nervous," Ethan mumbled.

"Nervous about what? It's just a blessing ritual. You're not facing a fearsome beast or anything," Kyoji said, puzzled by the boy's anxiety.

"Easy for you to say," Ethan retorted, his voice tight with tension. "You're a rich kid. It doesn't matter if you fail. But if I fail, I lose everything. How will I take care of my grandpa and little brother? I promised them I'd become a Chosen, earn a lot of money, and buy them a big house in the inner city."

"Well," Kyoji said, tilting his head in thought, "you could always live with me in my mansion. It's quite big, and it's in the inner city."

Ethan looked up at Kyoji and shook his head, a wave of sadness washing over him. Kyoji, lost in his own world, seemed incapable of understanding basic human emotions. He possessed almost zero emotional intelligence.

Kyoji had taken care of Ethan and his family for years. He had rescued them from a life on the streets, provided food and shelter, and even paid for his little brother's expensive medical treatments. Kyoji even ensured Ethan received an education at the prestigious Gryphon High School, shouldering the hefty tuition fees. His generosity knew no bounds.

Ethan ached to repay his debt, but he knew he could only do so by becoming a Chosen. He needed to be strong, successful, and wealthy. It was a heavy burden, and the pressure of this life-altering ceremony amplified his anxiety.

Gazing at Kyoji's impassive face, Ethan couldn't help but wonder if this was the same person who had shown such kindness to him and his family. Kyoji's expressionless features and aloof demeanor could easily be mistaken for coldness, but Ethan knew better. He had witnessed the compassion hidden beneath the stoic exterior.

"Go on. Get up there and get yourself a talent," Kyoji said, giving Ethan's shoulder a reassuring, albeit somewhat forceful, squeeze.

Ethan managed a weak smile and started towards the stage, steeling himself for the challenge ahead.

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