

"With you, the red light will eventually turn green" ===== As she looked into his eyes, those deep dark irises, eyes that seemed to look into her very soul. That smirk that screamed 'danger'. She shuddered, feeling cold sweat drench her shirt "What's wrong?" his magnetic voice sounded with almost inhuman dexterity, he held her by the waist. "Stay-stay back, don't touch me!" her voice was shaking, almost breaking into a shout, but was actually a whimper. She slipped into his arms, heart pounding, eyes darting. Feeling complicated, a mixture of reluctance and pleasure. His chiseled face leaned into her hair, noise sniffing greedily. Her hair stood on end with nervousness, seeing the sharp fangs at the edges of his reddish pink lips. "Now you can be mine forever" 'No' she thought, but couldn't bring herself to speak. She gradually closed her eyes in despair. "I won't kill you, you're to beautiful for that" seeing her disposition, the man was amused. Vera opened her eyes in bewilderment and confusion. Mustering her courage and will, she managed yo squeeze out one word. "Why?" Her imagination ran wild, doubts began to form and dissipate at astonishing speeds. She hated when she wasn't aware of the situation. Soon her fear became anger, and anger gave way to rage. "So you kidnapped me and made me feel like a piece of shit for nothing?" The man smiled widely, and her fear returned. {CREDIT TO THE OWNER OF THE COVER From Pinterest}∆∆

Ace_zza · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


The next day...

The door bell rang, indicating someone was at her door. Vera's eyes opened and squinted in the sunshine streaming in through the open window. She stretched, followed by a heavy sigh, feeling disturbed by her peaceful sleep.

She flipped the cover sheet back and sat at the edge of her bed with a weak knees, forcing herself to her feet despite the sleeping urge, that overwhelmed her. She shoved her arms in her bathrobe, slipped into her warm slippers and rushed slowly for the door.

Her hands were weak though she could hardly turn the doorknob properly. Finally, she got the door open and looked outside to find nobody there.

Curiously, she stepped out but something hit her left leg and got her attention. Her eyes travelled from outside to a package decorated in red and white color, and four gift bag made in silver and purple glitters differently.

Still curious, she stepped out, looking at her left and right trying to observe her surrounding to ease the suspicions that tangled her heart. Certain nothing suspicious, she walked back to the door where the package were kept. There was a silver card at the top of the package, that reflected her name on it. Tempted to pick it up, she unfolded it, and brought out the letter that was written in two words;

'Get ready'

Knowing the sender, she picked up the box, putting it on her left armpit while using her right hand to carry the bags placing her hand under the box for support.

Squarely faced the door with her feet roughly shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, she braced her hand on the doorknob, turning it open. She entered, using her feet to close the door, while walking to her bed, dropping it carefully.

Checking the date and time, she rushed to the bathroom. Her off days were finally over and she has to resume work today.

After bathing, she came out with a towel tied on her body and her hair dripping wet. She stroded to stool and sat on it, picking up a hair dryer while drying her wet hair. She applied a body lotion and a light makeup on her face before walking to her closet. She picked up a simple T-shirt and a pair of trouser, putting it on. She was about to pick her phone before a call came in. She smiled and answered.

"Hello vee" her soft melodious voice rang into her ear as her smile widened.

"Hello Alya" vera greeted with her phone relaxed on her raised left shoulder on her ear, while putting some important document into her office bag.

"So you coming today right?" she asked.

"Yes, why?" Vera replied, picking up a book on top of her bed in her bag.

"Just wanted to see my best friend after a longgg day of absent work" she answered honestly.

"Yeah, me too! I gotta go, see you at work then"

"Okay dear! Bye" she said and hung up. Vera quickly pulled off the phone from her ear, before moving all the stuffs she need inside her bag. She took a glance at the room before moving downstairs observing everything was intact. She went to the kitchen, turned off every electrical appliances and left.

"Time for work" She said, switching of the parlor's light, before leaving.
