

"With you, the red light will eventually turn green" ===== As she looked into his eyes, those deep dark irises, eyes that seemed to look into her very soul. That smirk that screamed 'danger'. She shuddered, feeling cold sweat drench her shirt "What's wrong?" his magnetic voice sounded with almost inhuman dexterity, he held her by the waist. "Stay-stay back, don't touch me!" her voice was shaking, almost breaking into a shout, but was actually a whimper. She slipped into his arms, heart pounding, eyes darting. Feeling complicated, a mixture of reluctance and pleasure. His chiseled face leaned into her hair, noise sniffing greedily. Her hair stood on end with nervousness, seeing the sharp fangs at the edges of his reddish pink lips. "Now you can be mine forever" 'No' she thought, but couldn't bring herself to speak. She gradually closed her eyes in despair. "I won't kill you, you're to beautiful for that" seeing her disposition, the man was amused. Vera opened her eyes in bewilderment and confusion. Mustering her courage and will, she managed yo squeeze out one word. "Why?" Her imagination ran wild, doubts began to form and dissipate at astonishing speeds. She hated when she wasn't aware of the situation. Soon her fear became anger, and anger gave way to rage. "So you kidnapped me and made me feel like a piece of shit for nothing?" The man smiled widely, and her fear returned. {CREDIT TO THE OWNER OF THE COVER From Pinterest}∆∆

Ace_zza · Fantasy
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28 Chs


'The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you're not going to stay were you are'

After my release of my first 7 chaps, I decided to do a formal introduction as it is the right thing to do, right?

Good day my dearest readers, both inside the house(DROWN IN HELL) and outside. I welcome you to my first ongoing story, officially called 'D.I.G'

This is a fantasy romance, comedy, Adventurous (even if its not mentioned in my tags) and love triangled story. Basically, from the start, it's information provided are centered with both contracts and pain, if am not mistaken, and has portrayed and delineate a skillfully exquisite picture to my fantasy world.

I hope my words are not to much *laughs*

Generally is constitute of three volumes with informations provided above;


'First, I got lost

in his eyes, and in his words,

and in his arms holding me...

then I got lost in all this lies I taught he told,

and I was just...lost

but then I looked myself

in the eyes, and I started to find my voice,

and I learned to hold myself up,

my head high and my chest out,

and began searching for the truth,

and now...I'm finding my way,

finding him, finding myself.

~butterfly rising


'Ever has it been that love knows not only it's depth until the hour of separation'

VOLUME 3; {REVELATION} *ongoing*

'Love is the child of illusion and the parents of disillusion'

-Volume 1 excerpts describes a hidden truth in disguise as a lie. It is centered on the both protagonist of this novel. All this special package is directly issued to you all, for your pleasure as long as you embark on this journey with me

-Volume 2 excerpts is still pivoted on hidden truth but veritably riveted on suffering and longing on the two parties. And most especially, it is on suited on fictional creatures and historical timelines. I just hope you won't get to confused here.

-Volume 3 is converged on the possibilities and the impossibilities of thriving and fighting for love. It is also balanced on REVELATION which signifies the END of the journey.

In my conclusion, I hope you all really enjoy it and please, don't forget that your comment and review matters.
