
Dropped His Dime

Yasmin Wilson is stuck between being in love with her current boyfriend Kevin who carries drama of his own interfering in his relationship choices. While Malik comes in trying to be her night and shining armor being problematic himself. Will she choose to be with Kevin or Malik.

ValenciaAvail · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter 29

I was walking off a private jet in North Carolina waiting on Zari who awaited on the ground for me at the plane strip. Zari I learned was holding everything together after I left she reminded me it took her forever to find me after my father death. My brother on the other hand took life hard after finding out his blood mother was alive and only father he ever knew was dead. And it changed him more making him play a major role in my the company he knew nothing about. So no one knew what I did for a living and that how I liked to keep it. I spent my days in California learning from my grandfather how to become head of the cartel like my father always wanted. My grandfather showed me everything he showed my father reminding me that I was more advance than my father when his time came. Plenty days I missed out on sleep but not no money. The money was flowing in and enough could last me a lifetime. Even though deep inside apart of me was missing so I kept an eye on it through her.

Zari pulled up in a pink 2021 Dodge Charger Redbull Hellcat pushing the pedal. She slammed on brakes as I laughed before she cut the music down as I thanked her for picking me up to take me to the hotel I'd be staying at for the next few weeks under a fake name by one of my connects. Pulling off she sat in silence before handing me a picture of my son.

"Damn he's got big Zari, thank you for helping me get my head back on straight."

"No problem Malik. He's a sweet boy growing fast to. But he got a fresh mouth hanging around the brother of yours."

"Well how is he?"

"He's getting better but been working later lately. I dont know if he with someone else or what but I wont be around much longer to find out. Anyways hows your life been?"

"So you just gone skip her right?"

Slowing the car down she called pulled over the car to tell me get out. I got out the car as she done the same. The cars on the highways were breezing by when she pulled out a cigarette to smoke. Taking a few pulls she got straight to the point asking my intentions of her. For twenty minutes she went on a rant about how broken Yasmin was. I told her that this time I was gone man up and stay here officially. Only for her to pass the cigarette that I denied. Looking out at he highway she told me that Yasmin was now currently seeing Priest. Priest was coming around more. I was hurt to hear that deep inside. I didnt let me emotions show but she could tell.

"Its okay though right now I know she hasn't moved on physically by giving herself to him. But when I tell you he at every bbq or event Trey has he's there trying to push up on her. Now I'm for you and always have but dont you dare try to mess that up. She already happy being single and if you love her the way you say you do than let it come naturally."

Our talk was over as we headed back to the car. Jumping on the highway she told me I could relax because I needed it after everything she just told me. My mind was in a daze as I kept silent along the ride. We were about 45 minutes into the city when we pulled up to the hotel I'd be staying at. I grabbed my bags to head inside as Zari pulled off. I picked up my phone to call my grandfather to let him know I made it. He told me to be careful and call him if I needed anything. Getting out my clothes I hurried to take a shower. When I came out I just put on a pair of jeans and polo shirt to await my guest. I attempted to focus on tonight but this Priest situation was stuck on my mind heavy.

There was a knock at the door and in the flesh stood Bricks looking like new money. My connect was Bricks since he proved to be trustworthy and have my back during my fathers passing. He got himself together and was making major moves in business. Shit he owned multiple clubs now and was on every billboard shitting on everybody who doubt him. I opened the door as he dapped me up.

"Yo Malik welcome back bro here is a token of my appreciation for you having my back and believing in me. I know you dont drink but this should work" he said.

A women came to the door in a trench coat opening it up to show me the lingerie she had on. Showing me a nice bubble ass with the matching thong. Licking my lips I told him thanks but catch me in the morning and we could talk business. He left out the doorway smiling as she headed inside searching for the bedroom. She took off her clothes trailing it to my bedroom as I retrieved a rubber out my wallet placing it on my manhood to hit it from the back. With each stroke I wish it was Yasmin as she screamed and clenched the sheet when I bent her legs above her head. After I kept stroking she hollered until I grew tired of hearing it when I pulled the condom off asking her to open her mouth. Each drop she swallowed before attempting to kiss me after. I stopped her telling I had shit to do when I pulled my pants up to head in the livingroom. She was dressed coming out the bedroom heading out the front door mentioning next time I needed some to call Bricks and she'd do it for free.