
Dropped His Dime

Yasmin Wilson is stuck between being in love with her current boyfriend Kevin who carries drama of his own interfering in his relationship choices. While Malik comes in trying to be her night and shining armor being problematic himself. Will she choose to be with Kevin or Malik.

ValenciaAvail · Urban
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30 Chs

Chapter 28

I was focusing back on myself after Malik lost his father. I was putting forth the time and effort into my business after not hearing from him. It was crazy the day it happened because I was posted up in a hotel when I got a text from my sister to tell me that Mal died. I called Malik phone it was disconnected even searched on social media to message him and still no reply. I left it alone because when Trey told me Malik needed time as would any other person in his case. I said forget about Malik then this baby was going to be raised with or without him. After two years passed I moved on after I sat around the house eating tubs of ice cream till I became depressed. Oneday I was at work when I got a knock at the door. And there in my face stood Priest in need of my business. Even the countless amount of times he'd flirt with me at Treys events when I began to come back around. He told me he was in the neghiborhood and wanted to make me an offer on a few rental propertys. We got to talking where we became familiar with each other.

One day we meet for a property I took him out in the country I was surprised by his taste. Eventually we began to talk to find out we had things in common. Priest was someone who I took interest in he was sweet on the ladies but the best I candy because of his looks. I think it was his style for me he was always on the classy side of things. His attire match mines and he complimented me on my beauty continously. Each time he offered dinner or lunch I denied knowing our common history which was my babys father. He was jokey and had me laughing more than anyone I ever had in a long time aside from Malik. He was following me along the tour of the house when his phone went off. He left me alone only to return to tell me hes sorry for taking the call.

"No apologies needed."

"Well its not something I do to a beautiful woman when shes in my presence. I try to keep focus on that specific thing unless you tell me otherwise."

He walked behind me in a suit watching my every move. We had furniture in the house when he got in the bedroom area I gave the metrics of the room than he walked to lay on the bed since it was already fully furnished. He took off his shoes and act like he was sleeping making me laugh.

"I'm sorry Yasmin but I got to test this bed out to make sure it comfortable getting a good sleep is everything. Now I got the time I want to relax a bit and enjoy life. Before I never got that chance because some reason women were drawn to me but I took no interest in them because of work. To be real I don't know what the hell Mal saw in Olivia she was trouble sorry thats so off topic. Anyways I like the house but want to know if I get to test it out tonight by spending time with you."

"Priest I don't know about that because Malik is your old boss son. Plus I have a few more people interested in the property so I need to sell the property rather quickly."

"Fuck it I'll buy it. Also I'm a man and I can handle him. Look you want to play games like I'm finding all these ways to get next to you and you still shooting me down. I'm hurt damn you gone make me pass out trying to jump through all these hoops."

We both laughed hysterically as he got on his knees to beg. I laughed even more at his sillyness. He got up dusting off his pants before asking how long would it be before he could be granted to get the keys. I was hesitant but didnt see an issue since the place was previously rented out. I passed the keys over and he told me tonight to come back and he'd prepare dinner. Feeling his vibe I went with my gut to agree. I hurried home to get dress when Zari called as I got ready. We talked before Trey began being on my back as always like he was guardian. I knew Zari was all for Malik because she said we were a good fit. While Trey wanted me to hook up with Priest. I was growing tired of being alone at night and needed someone to hold me. I informed them that I was going on a date with someone they knew at the house Trey kept telling me to put on the market. And that I would need them to bring Malaki to the house in the morning. Trey screamed in the background for me to not go on the date unless I told him that it was Priest. I laughed and hung up my phone in case Priest was growing impatient. Only a minute to late my phone ringed and it was Priest on the other line as the phone dinged.

"Are you still coming?" he cooed.

"Yes give me a hour I'll be there."

Driving to Priest spot I got out to knock on the door he opened quickly. He took my jacket while telling me to get comfortable. I did a small tour relooking over everything making sure no more work need to be done before he signed paperwork to take the place. When I reached the bedroom his deep voice walking up on me made me jump.

"I'm sorry Yasmin I didn't mean to scare you I just thought you might wanted something to drink along your tour. I brought you some wine. You look really sexy tonight. I know I speak to you in a business manner alot but I wanted to see if we can change it up tonight. I want you to be a little more of yourselves outside of the work place. Honestly I just want get to know you better."

"Is that right?"

"Yes why wouldnt I? Like you deserve anything great a man has to give and all his time need to be invested in you along the lines of making you feel like the only one."

He caressed my hand as I took the wine. My mouth got dry as I replayed in my head how he was making me feel. Really thats what it was in my mind and the awkward silence made me shy. He took lead as he lead me to the livingroom with cushions all around like the zubtuons they have in the japanese restarunt. I sat down as he went to sit across from me lighting two candles as he adjusted the lights with the remote beside him. Staring in his face I smiled at the entrees he had covered when I opened mines only to see it was from my favorite spot to eat. Grabbing my fork I dove in grabbing a shrimp dipping it in the ginger sauce feeding myself chewing as I closed my eyes. I didnt have it in so long I didnt notice I was moaning when he laughed.

"I'm sorry."

"No please dont be. I mean maybe I can have the honor of cooking for you and you can taste my food."

"I didnt know you can cook" I said shocked putting more food in my mouth.

"Yes I learned alot about cooking from Mal's grandmother but honestly you'd make her day to let her see Malaki."

"Maybe... but right now aint it. And you dont work for her no more so why you think that."

"Because no one should pay for someone else mistake."

He changed the conversation direction by laughing and cracking jokes for a while to clear the air. When I was finished with my food he told me to get my things together its getting late and he didn't wants me driving home late it wasnt safe. Walking me to the door he handed me a boquet of roses. When I got in my car he waved than shut the door. In the back in my mind my heart still beated for Malik and I felt like I was making a mistake.