
Dropped His Dime

Yasmin Wilson is stuck between being in love with her current boyfriend Kevin who carries drama of his own interfering in his relationship choices. While Malik comes in trying to be her night and shining armor being problematic himself. Will she choose to be with Kevin or Malik.

ValenciaAvail · Urban
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30 Chs

Chapter 30

The day had come for me to be placed back in society to say two years is a long time in my mind. Everyday in there I tried to get in touch with Yasmin to make sure she was safe. Lisa spoke to her alot over time Jordan started slipping on his word telling me to leave Yasmin alone. It was like he was fed up with my obsession with her but I loved her more than he knew. Shit I was probably loving her more than any man had. I waited outside the gates as Jordan pulled up next to the curb where I hoped inside in front of the jailhouse. After two years they moved to North Carolina with Lisa after he was fired for being a associate of mines in possible connection to the case. I smelled the air and smiled while chatting about how was life out here now. Two years is a while but things changed in the world within minutes so aint no telling what I missed out on. Jordan eyed my afro telling me the barbershop was my first stop. We pulled up to the old shop I use to get a cut in. Jordan dropped me off as I waited to be next after two guys in front of me. I overheard the barber speaking on some nigga name Trey who was the go to man right now. I was listening becoming entertain by his style because the things they spoke of reminded me of my true self before the incident. I got in the chair when the barber remembered my face from the few times he'd cut my hair when my barber wouldnt reply. Sitting in his seat he cut the clippers on and got to work. First he began to start on my facial hair lining me up. When the bell on the door alerted everyone eyes to the door and in walked the man guy from the graveyard with Yasmin on the day I was arrested. He had long hair like a girl fluffed out underneath a pandora as people got up to dap him up like a celebrity. The barber stopped to speak cutting off his clippers. After there embrace he looked at me before he introduced me.

"Yo man this is Trey and Trey this is the Kev-

"Kevin Carmicheal I know who you are man I'm a fan of your work. You know Im not big on media but from the folks in the industry I come across would love to work with you. I know you not a free agent or nothing but it would be a honor plus I'm looking for someone who got a good eye for talent."

"Honestly bro I can't because me and someone you know had a few run ins."

The barber swallowed hard and the babershop grew quiet as everyone looked at us. I could feel everyone eyes on me but I wasn't going to back down to no man.

"And who might that be?"


Breathing heavy he square up when speaking to me.

"Wait you the nigga that use to date her. Look if you can let go what yall had going on and do business with me we can deal. My mother is a grown as woman so we good as long as your not harming her. But look I want to go to the next level with a recording studio. Over the last two year I've gain alot of publicity so I use it to my advantage but here is my business card call me as soon as your free."

I took the card out his hand he walked into the back the barber started on my head again. After getting groomed I was off to my new house in North Carolina I never got rid of once me and Yasmin ended. When I arrived everything was inside as though the movers placed every box at the front door. I hurried to get out my clothes and wash up to put on the news ones that Jordan purchased for me because I spent most of my day in the barbershop. Tonight the plan was to go out on the town to one of the hottest clubs in the city. Waiting on Jordan he never came and I found one of Yasmin old credit card and decided to use it for some new gear. I got dress and went out to a bar I use to go to growing up. When I went inside the security man was letting all the women in free. He told me ladies could come in but men had to pay $35 to get in or get ghost. I declare he wasn't understanding because I kept telling him my name. He was still blowing me off till I could hear him call the manager to the door through his ear piece. He came out and I couldnt help myself to bomb rush the guards.

"Fuck you Bricks! I chanted."

The guard surrounded him as he laughed at me like he couldn't be touched.

"Kevin you just got out and ruining your reputation even more look around I'm here and your there. Look we never were brothers bro I lost everything because of you and you got the nerve to be mad. Do me a favor and get the fuck outta here."

Bricks walked back inside the building as the guards tossed me to the ground as I got up to dust myself off planning in my head how I was going to get him back. What some folks didnt know was Bricks was going to kill himself if I didn't keep him in rehab. He was all in the streets robbing and doing drugs that could cost him his freedom I just gave him a easier route. When I was in school I was embaressed to call him my brother but Yasmin kept telling me to stay out his business but I didn't listen. When the money came in I took him out of his misery before someone else did or he did it through drugs. I held a cab and climbed inside to tell them to take me home I was decided that I was going to get my life back by any means.