
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 25: All Hell Broke Loose

"Oh fuck!" let out Izumi when he saw the message of the system.

"I found it!" shouted Aiura.

"Yeah, I know! Get back!" shouted back Izumi.

As soon as the cones breached the magma chamber of the volcano, he had received a notification from the system that it found the anomaly. Reacting quickly, Izumi expanded the drills to plug the tunnels, but it was too late. The magma started to rise through the tunnels and loud rumbling noises were heard everywhere. Luckily for the town, Izumi had made the barrier soundproof, but they couldn't stop the rumble from being felt.

"Saiki, check the situation outside!" ordered Izumi.

The latter used his Telepathy to scan the reaction of the normal civilians.

'They think it's an earthquake.'

"Shit! Will there be collateral damage?"

'No. The people are not in danger right now. Besides I can use Restoration to turn back time.'

At this moment, Toritsuka came running.

"What the hell is going on!" shouted the teen.

"I think we found the Outer God servant," replied Aiura.

"What? Where?"

Aiura simply pointed down.

"IT'S INSIDE THE VOLCANO!" he shrieked.

"Shut up! Saiki use your X-Ray vision to see what the servant looks like," ordered Izumi as he struggled against the increasing pressure of the volcano.

'I can't see it because of the magma.'

"Alright, then let's get rid of it first," replied Izumi.

"Wait are you sure?" asked Aiura.

"Yeah," he replied.

Izumi once again concentrated and pierced the chamber completely creating seven holes. First came the nauseating smell of carbon dioxide. Reacting quickly, Saiki creates a barrier protecting them from the gas. Then came the lava. It came out like water shooting out of a hose. While maintaining the barrier, Saiki took control of the magma and slowed down its speed of descent. Meanwhile, Izumi activated his magic circuits and produced water to cool down the lava hardening it and stopping its descent. The black hardened lava was soon overtaken by more magma as it spewed out of the volcano from all seven different holes.

"Let's go in the air!" said Izumi. Saiki took flight while Izumi created two Dark Matter platforms for Aiura and Toritsuka before bursting out his wings and they also went to the sky.

"WOOAAAAH!" shouted Aiura and Toritsuka as they held on to the platform.

Getting a better view and safe away from the magma, the psychic and the mage continued to work. It continued for 10 minutes.

Saiki and Izumi were in intense concentration to not let any quantity of lava flow down the volcano. Unfortunately, it seems that luck was not on their side because they soon heard a loud screech followed by an intense shaking of the mountain.

'Watch Out! shouted Saiki.

Not a second later, the top of the volcano exploded.


"AAAHHHH!" Aiura and Toritsuka shouted as they held on to the platform for their life.

Izumi and Saiki created barriers to protect the group. Rocks and dirt exploded from the ground and sailed in the air impacting the barriers both psychics had made. Lava spewed out like a geyser and, among the disaster, emerged a creature. Izumi squinted his eyes before using a wind spell to disperse the smoke giving a clear view of the monster. The group looked terrified once they saw the appearance of it. The fortune-teller and the ghost whisperer could be seen trembling. Saiki had a shocked expression and Izumi was wearing a frown.

"What the fuck is that?" cursed Aiura.

There stood a literal abomination, an eldritch abomination.

'It seems like ugliness runs in the family.' thought Izumi.

The creature stood well over 15 meters in height and looked the most grotesque thing Izumi had seen. The monster was dark grey and green with a humanoid body. It also had many blister-like bumps all over its body as lava dripped from it. It had long legs which ended with talons and large arms with claws at the end. Izumi could see stuff writhing under the thing's skin. The most defining part of the thing is the many tentacles that protrude from almost anywhere on the body. Izumi could honestly say that not one patch of the thing's body was not covered by tentacles. It also had a huge. Izumi wasn't sure if he could call it a face. It was massive easily a third of its body's size with multiple black eyes and a maw with tentacles instead of lips. Finally, it sported two huge wings easily surpassing 30 meters in wingspan.

"What the fuck is that hentai nightmare!?" asked Toritsuka completely scared shitless.

'Yup, that pretty much sums it up." thought Izumi.

At that moment, another notification from the system appeared.

[ Warning! Anomaly detected.

Fragment of The Outer God detected.

Identity: Fragment of Yog-Sothoth

Details: It has been sleeping in the heart of an active volcano for years in the hope to gain the strength to lay waste in this world. Fortunately, the world was being rewound multiple times otherwise it would have already done its task. As of right now, it is not at full strength because its ritual was interrupted. But, since it is still close to the volcano, it will continue to gain strength as time pass on, but at a slower rate.

Mission: Eliminate the fragment of Yog-Sothoth before it's too late.

Reward: Mystery box

Be careful and good luck!]

"Shit!" Izumi cursed.

'What? What is that?' asked an equally shocked Daiki? It was the first time Izumi had seen that kind of expression on Saiki. Of course, he can't blame him. Anyone would react the same as him at their first meeting to anything related to the Outer Gods.

"That's a fragment of an Outer God. More specifically, Yog-Sothoth," said Izumi.

"How do you know that?" asked a trembling Aiura.

As if on cue, the creature let out a huge screech which could've been heard all over town if Izumi's batter weren't soundproof. The teen could feel the vibration of the screech in his body even when it was enhanced with all of his abilities. Izumi had to reinforce his body with the magic to withstand the screech while Saiki was just built stronger to tolerate the vibration, but even he was affected. Unfortunately, Aiura and Toritsuka weren't so lucky. They both fell on their knees and picked their last meal. the latter had fallen unconscious.

"I'll tell you later. First, we have to get you two out of here," replied Izumi.

"No... wait!" started Aiura.

"Shut up! Now is not the time to say anything. You won't be able to do anything against that thing. The only ones who have a chance are Saiki and me!" retorted Izumi.

He turned to Saiki,

"Can you take them out of here?"

'Yes, but what about you?'

"Don't worry, you just need to teleport them out of the barrier and then come back. I will manage until then.

Saiki grimaced before placing his hands on his fallen classmates and disappearing out of view. His barrier has come undone leaving only Izumi's.

The monster then started to rampage. It started to uproot trees and destroy the ground in its circumference. Lava continued to flow down from it and, every time it moved, it was flung in every direction burning anything to ashes and swallowing it up. Izumi flew down to the ground and rested himself in a tree before covering himself in a Dark Matter armour and turning himself invisible.

He lifted his hand in the monster's direction and flexed his fingers. The monster moved at a speed that was impossible for its height. Not a second later, in its place, a spike made of Dark Matter appeared into existence as it was meant to impale it.

'What the hell? How did it know?' thought a shocked Izumi.

Izumi was going to try again when the creature suddenly turned in his direction.

"What? It sensed me!?" shouted Izumi. He quickly took flight before the monster reached him. The thing reared its grotesque arm back and flung it forward. Suddenly, its tentacles started to stretch and latched themselves on the tree that Izumi was on. The lava then turned the tree into lava.

"Shit, I better be careful!" thought Izumi.

at that moment, Saiki reappeared beside Izumi.

'Did I miss something?' asked Saiki. Izumi simply deadpanned,

"Last time I checked, there was a fragment of an Outer God hellbent on destroying the world. Nothing much," he replied without emotion.

The monster then reared its ugly head in the two psychics' direction. Saiki lifted his hand and used his psychokinesis and on it. It seemed to struggle, but, otherwise, Saiki's attack was ineffective.

'What!' mentally shouted Saiki.

"What happened!"

'My psychokinesis doesn't work on it!'

"The Fuck! How does that work?" shouted Izumi with wide eyes.

'No it's more like something is fighting back.' Saiki replied.

To Saiki's surprise, the monster lifted its arm and, suddenly, an invisible force wrapped itself around Saiki's body.

"Eh?" let out Saiki.

The next second, Saiki plummeted to the ground.


An explosion occurred on the ground and a cloud of dirt and lava flew up in the air.

"SAIKI!" shouted Izumi.

The latter turned towards the monster and saw the outstretched hand to where Saiki landed.

"Did... it just you telekinesis?" asked Izumi bewildered.

He once again used a wind spell to disperse the cloud and saw Saiki kneeling in a crater. He appeared to be unharmed except for his tattered school uniform. Izumi wanted to go help his friend, but it seems that the monster wouldn't let him as he saw it, once again, raise its arm towards Izumi and tried to use telekinesis on him. Fortunately, he was wearing his Dark Matter armour, therefore, it didn't have any effect. It wasn't like that was his only trick. Lava started to pool towards him before it shot towards Izumi.

"Son of a bitch!" cursed Izumi before bringing a shield up to protect him.

"Did it copy Saiki's telekinesis or did it already have it." Izumi started thinking as he observed his enemy. he glanced at where Saiki was but saw that he had disappeared. Looking around, he saw Saiki reappear next to him.

'We need to defeat it quickly. Otherwise, it will become too strong.' Izumi told Saiki telepathically.

'What do you mean?' asked Saiki.

'This volcano is his ritual ground and the longer it stays here, the stronger it gets.'

'Can't I just teleport it?'

'I don't think it's a good idea. We don't know if it copied your power or not. And if it could copy powers, it would copy your teleport.'

'Why didn't it copy yours?'

Before Izumi could answer, the wings behind the eldritch abomination expanded before they started to flap.

'Shit! It's going to fly! Scatter!' mentally shouted Izumi.

Both psychics flew in opposite directions when the fragment of Yog-Sothoth leaped into the air and flew in their direction. Even with all of its upgrades, Izumi couldn't react in time before the monster wrapped him in its tentacles.

"Hugh!" grunted Izumi went he started to strain against the strength of the creature. An energy ball soon slammed into the back of the head. It let out a shriek and loosened its hold of Izumi. Sensing the strength lessens, Izumi quickly wriggled itself out of its grasp and flew out of its way. The monster turned its head in the direction of the source of the energy ball when it saw Saiki with his arms outstretched.

'Are you alright?' he asked Izumi.

'I'm fine, thank you. What about you?'

'Just peachy.' retorted Saiki.

The monster released an angry roar and Saiki before an energy ball identical to Saiki's appeared in front of him.

'It copied my power again!' shouted Saiki surprised.

Izumi was also surprised since Saiki was very strong and if it copied his powers, it would become incredibly strong.

The creature shot the energy ball back towards Saiki. Luckily, the latter had erected a shield that deflected the shot towards the large barrier Izumi had made.

'it seems that it can copy powers after damaging it or touching it.' remarked Izumi and relayed the information to Saiki who frowned.

'So why didn't it copy yours?'

'It may have to do with the unique nature of Dark Matter.' Izumi replied.

That's when an idea struck him. He projected the only weapon he had: Murasame. The unique ability of this sword is that once it cut its enemies, it would leave a poison curse that would end their lives in a matter of seconds.

'Saiki, get out of the way!' Izumi mentally shouted.

Getting the message, he teleported from the monster's view before appearing beside Izumi. Izumi then projected multiple Murasame and let them float in the air above him. The bloodthirsty of the sword was so intense that a toddler could've sensed it. The monster, sensing the killing intent, turned back and saw the multitude of swords floating in the air above Izumi.

"You may be able to predict attacks, but can you predict a barrage?" asked Izumi with a determined expression before the rain of sword descended upon the monster.

At first, it seemed like the monster was dodging the sword with unnatural agility of its size. But, even it couldn't dodge them all since Saiki took control of some sword and redirected them towards the fragment of Yog-Sothoth. At that moment, a cut started to appear on the monster's body and curse patterns appeared on its body. The monster let out a screech when the pattern appeared, but it seemed like there was no effect. At first, Izumi was worried that I didn't work since he didn't see any effect when he saw that the regeneration of the monster was slowing down as the pattern grew on its body. Unfortunately, it was going at a slower rate than it's supposed to be.

'What are those marks?' asked Saiki.

"Those are curse poison marks that are supposed to kill someone in seconds. They are the sword's ability," replied Izumi.

'You have something like that!' asked a shocked Saiki.

'I don't use it often because of the bloodthirsty aura that it emits. I only use it for emergencies. This counts as one.'

Even if its regeneration was hindered, it didn't mean that the monster was stopped. The creature simply started to fly again and opened its humongous maw. Izumi could see the multiple rows of fangs covering the inside of its mouth. A bubbling liquid was shot out from its maw towards Saiki. The latter had dodged the attack and saw the ball of liquid landing on a tree trunk. The place where the liquid impacted started to sizzle and bubble before the tree fell to the ground leaving a green and black goo.

"How many powers does this thing have!?" shouted Izumi getting exasperated at the different tricks the creature seemed to pull. He then turned towards Saiki,

'Saiki, can you keep it in place for a minute?' he asked. Saiki looked towards the monster then back to Izumi,

'One minute.' he replied before going towards the monster. When Izumi attacked the monster, he realized why it couldn't copy Dark Matter. The real ability of Dark Matter is the ability to create a matter out of the world of science. The keyword is "create". Creating something didn't hurt the monster, it was simply the by-product of the ability that was used to hurt it. In this case, it was the dark Matter that was already created and Izumi was using it to harm the monster. That's the theory Izumi was going with and that's what he was going to experiment with. He focused on the monster who was being held in place by Saiki's barrier. He then concentrated and used his power. The next moment, a spike of Dark Matter appeared from within the monster and pierced its leg. It roared in pain, but Izumi didn't let up. Another appeared from its arm, a third appeared from its stomach, another appeared from his face. And so from its chest, thighs, foot, back, shoulder, everywhere, Izumi could think of, he made Dark Matter spikes appear from within the monster's body. He didn't stop there. Since Dark Matter was as small as an elementary particle, Izumi created small particles and made them explode with its blood vessels, brain and heart. The monster didn't look like its original appearance. It now looked like an ugly porcupine.

"Saiki get back!" he shouted. Without question, he got out of the way.

Izumi then finished the final step. The spikes in the monster glowed before exploding completely obliterating in a 25 meters radius. Izumi had set the bomb to go as hot as 3000 degrees Celcius which is hotter than lava. Luckily, Saiki and Izumi had gone far from the explosion to not be affected. When the dust cleared, there was only a crater that was present which a large amount of ash in the atmosphere

'Is it dead?' asked Saiki who was behind a psionic barrier he had created.

"I'm not sure," replied Izumi who was waiting for the notification of the system.

He descended from the sky and approached the crater with Izumi right behind him. As soon as he landed, he heard the familiar sound of the system


[ Mission complete

Mission status:

Discover the cause of this world's time reversal: Complete

Find the anomaly and eliminate it:


Congratulations on completing your mission! Your reward will be waiting for you after your return to your homeworld. ]

Izumi who was on the verge of panic let out a huge sigh of relief.

"It's dead," said Izumi.

Hearing his answer, Saiki also let out a sigh.

"Now let's clean up this mess," said Izumi seeing the disaster in front of him. Lava was flowing everywhere, ashes were flying in the atmosphere, and carbon dioxide was polluting the air. Saiki nodded.

'Yes.' Izumi opened a hole in the barrier to let the smoke escape. With the help of Saiki, they were able to do it without any alert from the normal civilians. Izumi then used water magic to cool down the lava and earth magic to hurry it underground. He also used earth magic to cover the crater. Izumi used restoration magic on the trees to five them as they were before. After 30 minutes, The mountain was as good as it was before. Saiki couldn't simply use restoration on the whole mountain otherwise all the effort would be for naught.