
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 26: Return and Rewards

When Izumi and Saki finally fixed everything. The sun had already set.


"Damn, today was really tiring," said Izumi as he sat on a rock.

Saiki nodded.

'Does that mean you are going home right now?' he asked.

"No, I still need to hear your answer."


"If you want to join my group or not."

Saiki sat there thinking.

'Are going to be able to remove my powers?'

"The group may help remove it, but it can also help control your powers. But you're going to have to earn it. There is no free lunch in the multiverse." replied Izumi.

Saiki was thinking and looked hesitant. Izumi saw that and said,

"I will give you until tomorrow to give me an answer. Let's go home for now."

Saiki nodded and Izumi got up.

He raised his hand and removed the barrier around the volcano and they made their way down. As s they arrived at the foot of the mountain, they heard rapid footsteps approaching them.

"Guys!" shouted Aiura as she and Toritsuka ran towards Izumi and Saiki.

"Are you guys okay?" they asked as Aiura hugged Saiki.

"Where is my hug?" jokingly asked Izumi.

"Saiki is my soulmate so only he gets my hugs," she replied mischievously.

'Yare Yare, that's troublesome.'

They all laughed at the scene.

"But seriously, are you okay? we saw the fight and it looked really intense," said Toritsuka once they stopped laughing.

"How did you watch the fight? The barrier was not see-through." asked a confused Izumi.

" We watched it through my crystal ball" replied Aiura as she proudly held her crystal ball up for everyone to see.

"Oh" let out Izumi.

Silence reigned in the atmosphere until Izumi decided to break it.

"Now that this problem has been dealt with, I will soon return to my homeworld," said Izumi.

"When?" asked Toritsuka.

"I will return tomorrow. That's why I would like to ask you two something. Would you like to join my group? It is a group that deals with many missions such as dealing with servants of Outer Gods or other anomalies like the time rewind of this world. After each mission you will be rewarded with new abilities and objects." said Izumi.

Both Aiura and Toritsuka were silent as they pondered on his words. Seeing them, Izumi gave them the same time limit as Saiki.

"You can give me your answers tomorrow during lunchtime. First, it is better to go home and sleep. You have all worked hard." he said.

"Ok/sure" they both agreed and made their way home. He turned towards Saiki,

"I'll see you tomorrow at school also?"

Saiki nodded and teleported to his home.

Izumi was then left alone at the foot of the volcano. He looked at the sky thinking back at the fight with the monster. He stretched himself and looked at the sky,

'I can't wait to go home,' he thought before leaping into the sky and flying back to his apartment.

Once, he had arrived he packed his stuff. It's not like he had a lot of stuff. He only had his futon. The appliances were provided by the apartment. He also liquidated his bank account therefore he now had a lot of liquid assets that he can take back to his home. He then went to bed and slept like a baby.

The next day saw Izumi waking up from his slumber. He got ready ate his breakfast and went to school.

"Today is the last day and I will be able to go home," he told himself.

He then made his way to school. He figured that he would leave this world during lunchtime. He couldn't wait to go home. As he reached the school, he greeted Matsuzaki-sensei at the entrance and went to class.

As he entered the classroom, he saw his classmate Hairo doing push-ups this time. The latter had spotted Izumi entering the classroom.

"Oh! Good morning Miyamura. Would you like to join me in an exciting session of push-ups?"

"No, but thanks for asking. You have to remain strong to be able to do it alone," replied Izumi.

"You're right! I won't give up! OORRAAAAAA!" Hairo shouted and increased the speed of his push-up as his fiery aura increased.

Izumi went to his seat and relaxed until classes started. He greeted everyone as they entered the classroom.

Suddenly, he saw Aiura enter the class, but she didn't have her cheery aura. In fact, she had looked determined.

"Yo, Aiura," greeted Izumi.

"Sup," she replied.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she replied.

"Than have you come to an answer?" asked Izumi.

Aiura was quiet before she nodded.


"Good then, you can tell me during lunch on the rooftop," Izumi said before turning back to the front.

At that moment, Saiki had entered the class. When he saw Izumi he simply nodded towards Izumi before going to his seat without disturbance. Unfortunately, it seems being incognito is not his forte because as soon as he started going to his seat, he was hounded by his classmates. Soon, class started and Izumi listened to his last two classes of this world.

And it sucked. It was as if Time specifically slowed itself just to increase Izumi's agony as he drowned in his boredom.


The bell had finally rung and it was lunchtime. Izumi grabbed his lunch and went to the roof one last time. There he waited for the others to arrive. The first to come was Saiki. He had his lunch in his hands and sat in front of Izumi before starting to eat quietly. Next was Aiura who sat beside Saiki and also started to eat quietly. And last but not least was Toritsuka who sat beside Izumi. Soon they all started eating quietly. 10 minutes through lunch, Izumi asked his question,

"So what are your answers?"

The atmosphere was tense as none of them answered immediately. Suddenly, the voice of Toritsuka was heard,

"I'm sorry Miyamura-san, but I'm not going to join. I don't think I can handle the kind of missions. I just want to keep my powers like this and not fight."

Izumi nodded in response. He had figured after seeing him yesterday after the fight. He then turned towards Aiura,


"I will join. I want to help people and, if my ability can help, I will gladly join," she said as she pumped her fist.

Izumi smiled at her answer.

He was relieved that she joined because her power could be a huge help during missions. He, finally, turned towards Saiki.

"And you Saiki?"

'I will join.'


He turned towards Toritsuka,

"If you need anything or want to talk you can ask Aiura or Saiki to call me," Izumi said. The ghost whisperer nodded and gave a smile.

"Well then..." Izumi got up and looked at the three, "I guess it's time for me to go."

"Wait you haven't done anything for us to join," said Aiura.

"Don't worry, once I arrive at my homeworld, you will receive a message," reassured Izumi.

Izumi turned towards Saiki,

"Can you take care of everyone's memory about me?"

'Yes,' Saiki said as he gave a smile.

"So you can smile," Izumi said and Saiki returned to his usual deadpan.

Finally, he turned to Aiura. He went close to her and whispered to her ear,

"You can do it, girl. For someone like him, you have to be aggressive." Izumi advised with a grin and the girl matched his expression. Well, it's not like he was a love guru. He never had any relationship.

"You got it!" she replied with a thumbs up.

'Oi! I can hear,' Saiki telepathically said.

They both laughed at the retort. Izumi backed up from the group.

"Alright then. I will be going. Bye guys!" said Izumi.

"Bye/ Bye"


Izumi opened the system.

[Would you like to return to your homeworld?]


Izumi pressed Yes and disappeared in a flash of light. As soon as the light disappeared, he reappeared in his room, on his bed. He looked outside and saw it was still night and the clock displayed 10 pm. He sighed and lay in his bed.

"I'm back," he said out loud.

He opened the system once again and went to the invitation option

[Who do you wish to send an invitation to?

You have a limit of 2 people per world visited.]

Izumi typed Saiki Kusuo and Aiura Mikoto.

[Would you like to send invitations to Saiki Kusuo and AIura Mikoto?]


Izumi confirmed and sent the invitations.

[Please wait for the invited to accept the invitation and enter the group.

[Deadpan psychic has entered the chat]

[Gyaru fortune-teller has entered the chat]

[Kuroneko]: Oh new members!

[Kazuma]: Wait does that mean Izumi's back

[Izumi]: Yeah, I'm back.

[Korosensei]: Welcome back student Izumi

[Erza]: Welcome back Izumi.

[Tony]: Oh! the kid's back. How's the mission?

[Izumi]: It was fun and tiring. I would explain, but I think we should greet the new members.

[Kazuma]: Right, I see there are two new members. Are they from the same world?

[Izumi]: Yes. Why don't we let them introduce themselves?

[Gyaru fortune-teller]: What's this?

[Gyaru fortune-teller]: Oh! So that's how it works.

[Gyaru fortune-teller]: Hi guys! My name is Aiura Mikoto, but my friends call me Miki and I am 17 years old.

[Deadpan Psychic]: My name is Saiki Kusuo.

[Kuroneko]: Hi Miki. My name is Gokou Ruri, but my friends call me Kuroneko.

[Kazuma]: Hello Satou Kazuma here.

[Korosensei]: Hello there, my name is Korosensei.

[Erza]: Hello, my name is Erza Scarlet. It is a pleasure meeting you.

[Tony]: Hey there kids. My name is Tony Stark and I am a genius billionaire playboy and philanthropist at your service.

[Izumi]: And you know me, I am Miyamura Izumi.

[Gyaru fortune-teller]: Wait. I heard those names before. I remember hearing about Erza Scarlet and Tony Stark.

[Izumi]: Right, I forgot to mention that the other members of the group were characters from different mangas and movies.

[Gyaru fortune-teller]: WHAT?

[Deadpan psychic]: Eh?

Aiura who was in the middle of her class screamed out in confusion.

"Is there something wrong Aiura-san?" asked the teacher with a raised eyebrow.

The girl blushed in embarrassment,

"No nothing sensei. It was just a sneeze," she replied

"Well, I hope it won't happen again." the teacher said before turning back to the front.

Meanwhile, Saiki only raised an eyebrow in surprise.

'Yare Yare, what a surprise.'

Izumi smiled as he could imagine their reaction.

[Izumi]: Yeah, Tony is from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Ezra is from Fairy Tail. Kuroneko is from My Sister Can't Be This Cute. Kazuma is from Konosuba. Korosensei is from Assassination Classroom and I am from Horimiya with a mix of Highschool DxD.

[Deadpan psychic]: Then which one are we from?

[Izumi]: I don't know. Did any of you find anything Kuroneko, Korosensei? Maybe Tony?

[Korosensei]: Sorry let me check it out.

[Tony]: Sorry, didn't find anything.

[Kuroneko]: I DID!

[Gyaru fortune-teller]: Really? What is it? Before that let me change my name.

[Gyaru fortune-teller has changed username to Miki]

[Deadpan psychic has changed username to Saiki]

[Miki]: Okay, so what is it?

[Kuroneko]: I went on the internet and found this after typing your names.

[Kuroneko has sent The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.]

[Saiki]: That's my name.

[Miki]: Does that mean Saiki is the protagonist?

[Kuroneko]: Yeah.

[Izumi]: I suspected it, but now I am proven right.

[Miki]: Damn, that's so cool. Am I the love interest?

[Kuroneko]: I think so.

[Miki]: See Saiki, even the manga says that we are meant to be together.

[Saiki]: Yare Yare

[Kazuma]: Oi! Don't bring the lovey-dovey stuff here. Have some shame. Some people here are single!

[Kuroneko]: Shut up! It's not like you would ever get someone.

[Kazuma]: I am an isekai protagonist. I am bound to be famous and get a harem

Izumi could feel the smugness oozing out of this message.

[Izumi]: Kazuma, your fingers can't be considered as your harem.

[Kuroneko]: HAHAHA!

[Miki]: What a burn! You're gonna need ice for that.

[Tony]: Damn Izumi, that was brutal.

[Erza]: +1

[Korosensei]: HiHIHIHI!

[Saiki]: Ouch

[Kazuma]: Oi! just you wait! Before you know it, I will have girls asking for me left and right!

[Erza]: Anyway, what kind of reward did you get Izumi?

[Korosensei]: Right, I would also like to see

[Tony]: I also would like to see what kind of reward this system would give after completing a mission.

[Kuroneko]: Me too!

[Miki]: Show us Izumi!

[Kazuma]: Yeah

[Saiki]: You're like children during Christmas when it's not even about you.

[Kazuma]: You don't get it. System rewards are usually good.

[Izumi]: Alright. Alright. Let me get my rewards.

Izumi went to get his rewards and they popped up on a screen

[Congratulations Izumi, you have received 2000 points and Haki (beginner)]

[Congratulations Izumi, you have received Fragrach: Gouging Sword of the War God]

[Haki: It is a special ability to use one's own willpower to achieve many effects. There are three types of Haki: Observation Haki, Armament Haki and Conqueror Haki. Observation Haki grants a sixth sense of the world around them and limited precognitive ability. Once mastered, they may be able to predict a few seconds into the future. Armament Haki allows someone to coat themselves in an armour of willpower. They can also affect logia-type devil fruit. Once mastered, they may be able to emit their Armament Haki at a short distance without any medium. Finally, Conquerors Haki gives the ability to empower others' willpower with your own. Once mastered, it may even affect the surroundings and the weather.]

[Fragarach: Gouging Sword of the War God: Also know as Answerer That Which Comes Later Cuts First. It is a noble phantasm and a mystic code with the ultimate form of counterattack. It is the "Sword of Retrograde" and an indefeasible weapon of the gods, divinely protected by some malicious will, that works by using a conceptual curse to warp destiny and a divine trick that uses time as its blade. It warps causality to always strike the opponent in the heart with a needle-thin concentrated blast right before they unleash their ultimate attack. The condition for its use is that the opponent must use their strongest attack, and Fragarach must be used directly after the enemy's strike. This weapon has been modified to be used by the one rewarded and its descendant.]

Izumi's eyes bugged out when he saw his reward. The rest of the group had the same reaction.

[Kazuma]: WHAT THE FUCK! Haki and an op weapon!

[Kuroneko]: Wow, Izumi you're going to become overpowered really fast.

[Tony]: How is this possible? What kind of weapon can reverse causality? I call bullshit!

[Erza]: These rewards are really amazing.

[Korosensei]: That's true. It may have to do with the fact that he had to do the mission alone.


[Miki]: DIdn't we also help?

[Saiki]: That's right.

[Izumi]: You weren't in the group, to begin with when you helped that's why the system didn't recognize you.

[Izumi]: But you guys are right. These rewards are amazing. I'm going to have to train Haki to reach One Piece level. Also, Fragarach can help me when I am in a pinch against an opponent. Unfortunately, I can only use it after they launch their strongest attack.

[Kazuma]: Does it work on any attack or only noble phantasm? Since they are like the strongest attacks in Nasuverse.

[Izumi]: I think it can be used against any strongest attack.

[Kuroneko]: Damn

[Kazuma]: +1

[Erza]: +1

[Korosensei]: +1

[Tony]: +1

[Saiki]: +1

[Miki]: +1

Izumi checked the time and saw that it was getting really late.

[Izumi]: Welp guys, I'm going to leave since I have to go to school tomorrow. Saiki Bye!

[Erza]: Okay, sleep well

[Korosenei]: That's right school is good. Rest well.

[Kuroneko]: Me too. Bye

[Kazuma]: Well, I'm going to go on a quest before Aqua drains all the money in booze. Bye.

[Saiki]: Bye

[Miki]: Bye Izumichi!

[Tony]: Alright, goodnight kid.

Izumi closed the chat and went to his rewards.

[Would you like to receive your rewards?]


Izumi pressed yes.

[Choose which rewards you want to receive first]

[Haki, 2000 points or Fragarach: Gouging Sword of the War God]

Izumi clicked on the points first.

[You have retrieved 2000 points. Your balance is now 3400 points]

Izumi was happy when he saw his balance since it would help upgrade his powers. He then clicked on the weapon. A flash of light appeared and out came a lead ball. It was just a little smaller than a football ball, the European one, and it weigh about 5 kg. Izumi grinned like a kid on his birthday as he held the ball. He then used (Structural Analysis) on it. Once he did, he received a blueprint in his mind with all the information of it. Unfortunately, there was no history since it was the first of its kind, but he received the instruction on how to use it. It would be pretty embarrassing if he didn't know how to use such an awesome weapon. He then tried to project it. He concentrated then unleashed his spell.

[Judging the concept of creation]

[Hypothesizing the basic structure]

[Duplicating the composition material]

[Creating blueprint]

[Imitating the skill of its making]

[Simpathizing with the experience of its growth]

[Repoducing the accumulated years]

[Excelling every manufacturing process]

It took much more mana than it would when he projected his Murasame, but he was successful. In front of him laid two Fragarach. Izumi didn't want to use it right now since he wanted to sleep. He would try it later. Suddenly, he received a message.

[Would you like to bind Fragarach: Gouging Sword of the War God to your soul?]


Izumi accepted it and the ball disappeared into his soul. Finally, he clicked on his final reward: Haki. As soon as he accepted it, he expected to hurt since all of his power upended in pain. Surprisingly, it was not painful. Izumi felt that his senses had expanded and he could feel everything in a one-meter diameter. That is if he concentrated on it.

'So this is what (Observation Haki) feel like. This is amazing. What about (Armament Haki)?'

He concentrated on his hand, but after thirty seconds, he could see the tip of his fingers turn metallic black.

'Seems like I have to train hard. Good thing I have patience and loads of willpower.' Izumi thought as he smirked.

'Well, time to go to bed and go to school tomorrow.'

Izumi changed his clothes and went to sleep.