
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 24: Kill Two Birds With One Stone

"The world is in danger? What do you mean?" Aiura asked.

"What we're all going to die?" said a panicked Toritsuka.

"If we don't do anything then people may die," replied Izumi completely serious.

"You're joking aren't you?" asked the girl as she let out a nervous smile. She observed Izumi's fave before continuing.

"Holy Shit! You are serious!"

"Saiki, did you know about this?" asked Toritsuka as he held Saiki's shoulder.


"Do you have proof of what you are saying? I can't just take your word as truth." asked the fortune teller worried.

Izumi thought about it and realized that he had no proof to show her. He racked his brain before a thought struck him. He turned towards Saiki.

"Hey Saiki, are you able to project someone's memory into someone else's mind?"

The boy nodded. Izumi clasped his hands together.

"Okay. I'm going to show you one example that I had dealt with, but don't ask questions until the end. Ok?" Izumi looked straight into the eyes of the ghost whisperer and the fortune teller.

They both nodded. Izumi turned his head to Saiki and nodded and the latter mimicked the movement. The otherworlder took a deep breath and opened his mind showing only the memories of his fight against The Other. He then felt Saiki enter his mind and do his work. After what seemed like an eternity, but in reality, was 2 minutes, Izumi finished showing his memories.

"Was that proof enough?" Izumi asked once the memory sharing was done. The group was silent as they gathered their thoughts. A whole minute passed by before someone spoke.

"So magic exist?" asked Toritsuka asked with a nervous smile.

Izumi gave him a deadpan look,

"Of all the things you could ask, that's what you go with?"

"What, it's a legitimate question?" cried Toritsuka. Aiura burst into laughter and Saiki let a small smile escape. Izumi was glad that the tense atmosphere was broken. Once the mood settle down, they got down to business.

"So what do you think?"

"So you're saying, something like that is going to enter Earth and destroy it or commit evil deeds. Right?" said Aiura. But Izumi shook his head.

"I don't think. I know that it came to earth and we must stop it before it's too late."

'So what do you need us to do?' asked Saiki.

Izumi turned towards him,

"After school, you are going to guide me towards the volcano."

Saiki nodded.

"Hold up! Time out!" said Toritsuka as he made a T with his hand. "What do you mean volcano? Last time I checked, there is no volcano in the area."

Saiki pointed at the mountain. It took a moment, but the purple-haired boy figured it out.

"Wait, that mountain is a volcano?"

"Yes, and apparently, it's going to explode soon and wipe out Japan if we don't do anything," replied Izumi.

"So what's the plan?" asked Aiura once again. Izumi took time to think before answering.

"Are you guys available after school?"

All three nodded.

"Good, then let's meet at Cafe Mami after school and I will bring a plan. Is that good?"



"Good," said Izumi. Once their discussion was finished, Aiura asked a question.

"So are you a psychic or a mage?"

"I am both. A psychic and a mage."

"How?" asked Toritsuka.

Saiki also had an eyebrow raised in confusion.

"What I used before was my psychic ability. I call it [Dark Matter] and it lets me create matter outside of the laws of science. In the memories that I showed you, that's magic."

"Both sound like magic to me," said Toritsuka.

Aiura had a frown and her eyebrows were Al scrunched up.

"What's wrong, Aiura?" asked Izumi

"There is something that's been bugging me. Why have we not heard of any of this? Even if you wipe out the memories of everyone, there is bound to have traced with the battle you had according to your memory."

Izumi chuckled and Saiki let out a slight smirk.

"I was wondering when someone would ask that?"

"What? What's going on Miyamura?"

"The battle never had traces is because it never happened."

"Eh?" let out the gyaru and the pervert.

"What do you mean. Does that mean those memories were fake?" asked Aiura perplexed.

Izumi shook his head,

"No, the battle did happen,"

"Now you're just contradicting yourself," replied Toritsuka.

Izumi raised his hand,

"Let me correct myself, the battle never happened in this world."

"W-What do you mean? You sound like you're saying there are different worlds." Aiura said as a nervous chuckle left her lips.

Izumi nodded with a mischievous smirk.

"Bingo! The battle against the Other happened in another dimension!" Izumi said as he pointed at her.

"Wait, what do you mean different worlds! As far as I'm concerned, there is only one," said Toritsuka looking extremely confused.

Aiura ignored him and turned towards Saiki.

"Did you know about this?"

Saiki nodded.

"He already knows because I already talked to him before." clarified Izumi.

"Then can you please give more details?"

"Let me introduce myself first."

Izumi got up and bowed in a gentleman style.

"My name is Miyamura Izumi and I am a dimensional traveller in a quest to defeat the servants of the Outer Gods."

"Outer..." started Aiura with wide eyes

"...Gods." said an equally amazed Toritsuka.

"But what are they?" he then asked.

Izumi almost facepalmed.

"Why did you sound so amazed when you didn't even know what they were," he asked.

"What are they?" asked Toritsuka ignoring the question.

Izumi sighed.

"Have you ever heard of Cthulhu?"

All three nodded.

"Yeah well, he and the other Outer Gods like him all real." bluntly stated Izumi.

"EEEEEHHHHH!" Aiura and Toritsuka shouted while Saiki rose both eyebrows. Izumi nodded.

"Now and then, they send their servants to other worlds to spread chaos and evil. I am part of a group that deals with them."

"So are you human or an alien?" asked Toritsuka.

"You can say that I am both. I am born human, but in your perspective, I can be an alien since I don't come from this world," replied Izumi with a thoughtful expression.

"Then can you show us Magic?" asked Aiura with stars in her eyes. The others nodded eagerly including Saiki since they have never seen magic.

"Sure." replied.

Izumi raised his hand with the palm up.

"Watch, first I'll show you elemental magic."

Above his palm, a small ball of fire appeared.


A ball small ball of dirt appeared and started rotating above the palm with the ball of fire.


A ball of blue liquid appeared next.


A small tornado manifested itself next and rotated with the other elements.


Next, a crackle was heard and a sizzling ball of electricity appeared.


Finally, a blue glowing ball appeared.

"And last, but not least, Mana. These are the elements I can control right now."

"Wow!" said in awe the spectators. Izumi then demonstrated his other feats of magic when suddenly the bell of the school rang and it was time to go back to class.

"Seems like lunchtime is finished and we have to go back to class," Izumi said as he got up and patted his pants. Saiki nodded.

"That's right let's go," she said cheerily.

"Alright, I'll see you later," said Toritsuka as he went to his class.

Soon the day ended with Language class and Science class.

"Oh my god, I thought the day would never end," said Aiura as she stretched herself.

She thought back at the conversation on the roof during lunchtime.

'Was it because of the Outer Gods? Is that what I saw in the crystal ball? Anyway, this is my chance to help the world with my powers' she thought as she pumped her first before taking her bag and heading towards cafe Mami.

Izumi entered the cafe when he saw Saiki already in a seat relishing on his coffee jelly. Letting out a chuckle at Saiki's obvious obsession with the sugary treat, he sat in a seat and ordered a piece of cake. Not a minute later, Aiura entered the shop with Toritsuka a few minutes behind. Once everyone was seated and ordered something, it was time to unveil the plan.

"Alright guys, this is what we are going to do. We are first going to the mountain to stop the eruption from happening."

"Yeah and how are we going to do that?" asked Toritsuka.

"An eruption happens when the pressure in the volcano becomes too high and it burst. Therefore, we are slowly going to let the pressure out of it."

"But what about the magma, that's going to come out?" asked Aiura.

"Saiki can take care of that," replied Izumi. Toritduka and Aiura turned towards Saiki.

'I can do it.'

"What about us?" asked the gyaru.

"You will try to find the Outer God servant with your ability while Toritsuka will scan the surroundings, with his ghost as I and Saiki are working on the volcano."

"Okay, but there is one thing missing," said Toritsuka completely serious.

Izumi raised an eyebrow,


"We need a new name."

"That's right!" Aiura said as she slapped the table. The other customers looked at her weirdly.

"Sorry." she apologized sheepishly.

"Let's call ourselves the psychikers!" said Toritsuka.

"Do we have to call ourselves something?" asked Izumi exasperated.

"Yes for the both of them!" agreed Aiura.

"Yes! Toritsuka cheered and held up his hand to her for a high five.

"Nope, you're still a creep and I don't want you to touch me." instantly denied the girl.

An invincible arrow pierced the boy's heart.

"We shall now declare ourselves as The Psychikers!" said Aiura like she just declared a new law.

Izumi turned towards Saiki in desperation, but the latter was too preoccupied with his third coffee jelly. Izumi sighed,

"Whatever. Let's go," he said and got up.

The others quickly finished their dessert and paid for them before leaving the cafe.

"Saiki, can you teleport multiple people?" asked Izumi.

'Yes. Don't worry I will take you there.' replied Saiki.

They went somewhere no one would see them before Aiura, Toritsuka and Izumi put their hand on the long-haired psychic's shoulder. In the blink of an eye, they disappeared.

They soon reappeared in a clearing with trees surrounding it.

"Where are we?" asked the fortune teller

'We're on top of the volcano'

"What the fuck! Are you crazy! What are we doing on a live volcano!?" shouted Toritsuka as he was freaking out. Aiura smacked his head.

"Shut up! We wouldn't be here if they didn't know what they were doing," she said.

"Alright let's do this," Izumi said before slapping his cheeks to pump himself up. He turned to Saiki.

"Saiki, are there any people around the volcano?"

The boy closed his eyes and searched around using his telepathy.

'Yes, there are. Do you want me to make them clear the area?'

"Yes please."

Saiki closed his eyes and took off one of his limiters.

'EVACUATE THE MOUNTAIN.' Saiki suggested in the mind of everyone in the vicinity except the four of them.

After a few minutes, he reported,

'They're all gone. There is no one around the volcano anymore.'

"Good, my turn," replied Izumi before raising his hand.

Out of nowhere, black particles of Dark Matter appeared in huge quantities around them.

"Wow." said, in awe, Aiura and Toritsuka as they witnessed Izumi producing his Dark Matter. Just like the time when he spared with Saiki, he wanted to create a barrier to avoid unwanted witnesses and create a defence against anything. The only difference, this time, was that the black particles were covered in a blue hue indicating the infusion of mana in the matter.

'You can never be over-prepared for anything.' thought Izumi so he went all out on the barrier.

Soon there was enough Dark Matter to cover the whole mountain. Izumi then gathered them to form the dome before placing it over the mountain. The others had their mouths open as they witnessed the spectacle except for Saiki who had already seen it. Finally, Izumi turned it invisible so that no one can see it even by accident.

"Eh, where did it go?" asked Aiura.

"Hm, Hm." nodded Toritsuka in agreement.

"I just made it invisible so that no one can see it. From the outside, it would look like no one is here. Besides, Saiki already turned the satellites in space to avoid detection." replied Izumi with a shrug.

"Wait, you can do that?" asked Toritsuka to Saiki.

'It's not a problem,' he replied telepathically.

"Alright, now that the preparations are done. Let's get to it. Toritsuka, talk to the ghost. Aiuru, get your crystal ball ready. Saiki, you know what to do." ordered Izumi.

"Yes!/Yes sir!"


Izumi concentrated and produced Dark Matter that he then coalesced into a huge drill cone of about 20 meters diameter and 20 meters in height.

"Alright everyone, I'm starting!" warned Izumi. The cone then started to rotate on itself until it was rotating at high-speed. Izumi then lowered it to the ground. As soon as the tip of the drill touches the earth, the ground started to tremble.

'Saiki, watch with your X-ray vision where the drill goes. As soon as it touches the magma, warn me.'


The cone continued to drill into the ground until the group couldn't see it anymore, except for Saiki who was using his X-Ray vision. Izumi concentrated on the cone. He could've used magic, but he didn't have enough proficiency in earth magic to carefully release the pressure of the volcano without any mistake. He would only use it to adjust the holes he would make. As the drill continued to make its way, there was no sign of magma. The whole time there was only the noise of the co e drilling into the volcano.

After about 10 minutes, Saiki's warning came.

'Watch out, you're about to hit a magma chamber.'

"Okay, are there any other magma chambers?"

'No, but this chamber is a really big one.'

Izumi sighed in relief

"That's good. Otherwise, it would have been more complicated. Let's leave it for now,"

"Why?" asked Aiura who was standing next to Saiki.

"Because I need to drill more holes to easily relieve the pressure," answered Izumi.

And so The latter made six more drills and started to make the tunnels through the mountain from different areas. After twenty minutes, the tunnels were made and the 7 drills were resting just in front of the magma chamber.

Izumi let out a deep breath and turned towards Saiki.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

Saiki nodded.

Izumi then turned towards Aiura.

"I advise you to hold on because it's going to be hectic. In the meantime, continue to find the servant."

"I'm trying but I don't know why it's taking longer than usual to find."

"It doesn't matter since the fate of Japan and the world rest upon us."

Izumi took a deep breath and took control of the drill cones. He then made them breach the magma chambers. As soon as the first drill penetrated the room,

"Wait!" shouted Aiura. But it was too late.

At the same time, Izumi heard the first notification from the system in a long time.

[Warning! Anomaly detected!]

"Of fuck!" Izumi let out.