

DRAUGR in harry potter https://discord.gg/TXRenRsfev The overlords of Skyrim crypts and underground dungeons. He was released from the soul-binding curse. Released from the restraints. But Death had other plans. Reincarnated? or Transmigrated? No He was again cursed, bound to live a dying life. Just now in Potterverse.

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Death of the undead


He is a poor soul, while coward and insecurities are mortal aspects of humans, He was infected with the undying.

Daedric prince Molar Bag and the previous Death had tortured the man for a long time, just for their amusement.

Now the responsibility to right the wrongs is upon me as I wield the authority over his future.

I sent a summon for the creature, as a human was he not anymore.




{POV Dovahkin}

I am the Dovahkin, the last one in the history of Tamriel.

It is said that I possess the soul of a Dragon. I am able to talk in Dragontongue, conjure spells that even the Archmage of Winterhold can not conjure. My Assassin skills are to the level where they can not even compare to that of the Dark Brotherhood, I am a better Thief than any of the Thief guild members of Riften, I am a better marksman than any elf, a better smith than any blacksmith, and my weapon proficiency is on par to the best there is.

I am the leader of the Dark Brotherhood, the thane of numerous Skyrim cities, the people respect me and some even dare call me the second coming of Talos.

I initially wanted to join the Stormcloaks in the civil war, but when my friend, Jarl Balgruuf joined the side of the Imperials and by extension the fucking Elves, I was disappointed. But I held my friendship with the Jarl of Whiterun in high regard, for which I changed sides, without any hand in the death of Ulfric.

I am the Archmage of the college of mages in Winterhold, vanquisher of Vampires, Dragon slayer, a better fighter than any of the Companions, and much more.

The Blades, an ancient organization that was loyal only to the emperor called me, I helped them. After the end of the second era which marked the dawn of the era of Tiber Septim, the emperors were only Dragonborn, until the events of Oblivion. So they saw me with respect or longing. When they asked me to slay Paarthurnax though which I refused. The old Dragon had helped me and shared his knowledge of Thu'um with me. Also, his thinking inspired me.

"To be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?"

Today I am in a dungeon, Saarthal, for the reward and thrill of it. I have no aim or quest here but sometimes it is fun to explore. I had met tens of Draugr here and turned them into what they were, a pile of bones.

I am at the end of this underground journey- I could feel it. There I saw two caskets lying in the middle of the great hall, probably full of gold and swords. I opened one, and it was as expected, the reward for my ever-expanding fortune.

Then I opened the second one, heavy it was than the other one, but I had once trained with full inventory so it was easy.

It was a DRaugr, not a normal one but a Draugr Death Overlord- the strongest undead ever. It is said that he alone can even kill the strongest of dragons. It stood up and wielded its weapon, a short sword and it came to me that it was more proficient in magic than in arms. This could be problematic, I had only elvish glass armor with me, as my wife thought it looked cooler than the Dragon-bone one, Heh women.

Strangely he did not move after standing up. I took this moment to attack him with all I had, ending the human betrayer, who knows how old. He had bones so he should not have facial expressions, but when I ended him it was a look of relief.

I came out of the depth and fast-traveled to white-run, where my wife the huntress and I had our humble adobe.

Fucking elves. Can,t even make good arms. Should have chosen Ulfric side in the civil war. Balgruff you owe me one for this.


I was summoned as Death greeted me with a smile, to end my misery for good, or so I hope.

The years have not been kind to me. I have lost whatever made me a human, all my memories, and all my relations. What is left with me is unknown to even myself, for I hope it dies with this undying.

"So I was to live till 38 and then judged for my sins, but some entity, incomprehensible to the minds of the living, played with my life for his amusement?"


"I am not angry for what has happened, for I reckon if I could change anything in the past, I ask what will happen to me now?

"As you have been wronged by Death, you will be compensated by Death. I will reinstate your soul in the fountain of reincarnation but the mark on your soul will persist, for eons, for the mark of the Draugr is unique in the omniverse.

As for your reincarnation, you will be reinstated in a loving household, where you will live your life as you would want. At the end of that life, you would be given a choice, A life-changing choice.

It would be either to live as mortals do, birth life death and repeat or to fight for something bigger than yourself. Whatever you may choose would not be judged, as there is no one to judge."

"So what now, what are we waiting for?

"You need to be given skills, talents whatever you may call them for you to take the next step in your miserable life. I am not insulting you but I can't help but look at you with pity, and anger for my Death predecessor.

"Ah/ You do not need to do that. I have long forgiven whoever made me like this. And even if I held a grudge, who should I blame? The dead Dragon priests who I joined for my hunger for power? or entities that my mind cannot even fathom? If free will is just an illusion, I can not help but hold, myself for what transpired upon me. I just hope whatever is not in for me, be good otherwise what can I do?




So the man is broken.

He has no memories of 600 years ago, and what was in the first chapter was shown to him like a movie by Death, of you were confused about that.

1047 words, looking good.

STEVIOL_GLYcreators' thoughts