

A boy who never had the chance to do anything thanks to his illness always spent his time in the hospital. The only thing that brought colour to his life were Marvel and DC comics. NOTE : THIS IS AN AU ( ALTERNATE UNIVERSE ) [This World is a Bridge between the DC and Marvel multiverse, all the possible information you know about the characters is totally useless since there is a possibility that it will never happen or it will happen differently] Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of it's character. I own my own elements and my OC(s). --- WARNING : English's not my Mother tongue So there will be grammar and paraphrasing mistakes Hope it'll be readble -- UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX

Xuefang1 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs


Tony took off against Modok who deployed a supposedly impenetrable shield of light.

Tony : "Come on George, you know you're killing innocent people for your delusions!" said Tony flying towards him firing energy bolts but none of his attacks did anything against the shield surrounding Modok except for the mechanical arms and thrusters.

Modok countered by firing a purple energy beam from his forehead which Tony easily dodged except for the rockets aimed at him, manifesting an energy shield that covered his body resisted the missile blasts.

"Alright I've got his pattern now it's time to take a chance" Tony said quietly.

Iron Man's thrusters ignited with more intensity and at incredible speed he flew against Modok who kept his distance from Tony, throwing purple energy bolts at him or using his mechanical limbs trying to push him away, a part of the back on Tony's armour lifted up helping him to move more easily in the air improving his aerial movements.

Getting underneath Modok he attacked his thrusters with all his might, the shoulders rose up firing small rockets aimed at the thrusters, part of the arm arm armour rose up firing lethal lasers and managed to explode one of Tarleton's thrusters.

Tony's hands were also busy firing the strongest energy beams he could from them, at this Modok controlled the limbs wanting to hit Tony but when they were about to touch him grey metallic webs stuck to them pulling them away from harming him.

Modok and Tony looked at the interrupter who saved Tony.

"You get out of my way" shouted Modok.

Tony smiled looking at George getting out of his depth, knowing he could no longer stay under Tarleton he fired a Uniray from his chest damaging the larger central thruster under Tarleton's mechanized chair, causing him to fall to the ground, he used two limbs to stay upright from his chair now that he could barely fly.

Derek : "You should have used Adamantium in the thrusters too so you wouldn't have been knocked out of the clouds so easily."

"This is nothing but a waste of effort kid" replied Modok as the gem on his head glowed, the limbs instead of being surrounded by purple energy began to be surrounded by purple lines as if they were circuits.

"That gem boosts his powers and increases his control over them" thought Derek out loud being heard by Modok who smiled

Tarleton : "Bingo Genius and not only that"

He said mockingly and the floor where he was standing also glowed with purple energy, rising up and levitating parts of the ground surrounded by purple energy flying towards Derek who dodged and threw fireballs making them explode.

"Now telekinesis" Derek snorted.

Tony being the only one not occupied by the AIM robots appearing through the portals flew at Modok but a ship glowed purple and started shooting at him distracting him, it took Tony a few seconds to destroy the ship.

Modok looked at everything with a grin as his guns pointed at Derek he fired a large beam of purple energy from his forehead hitting Tony who didn't wait for it he was sent flying and crashed into a ship.

"AAggr... that hurt" Tony complained trying to get up.

Modok began to float with the central thruster barely working thanks to Tony, as the limbs were not busy keeping him upright he enlarged them causing them to open up starting to spin like propellers

"Now I'll get rid of one of the biggest pests" said Modok maniacally.

"Great, there were better ways to use the technology and adamantium in those limbs, you used them to make a giant blender" scoffed Derek yet he was fully focused waiting for any attack to come at him, having the full attention of Modok who swung the large propeller he jumped dodging by an inch watching the weapon spin, when he hit the ground he used physical reinforcement only on his legs and Raging Fire increasing his speed explosively.

Modok followed him firing his weapons and swinging the two giant propellers.

Derek took advantage of his full attention giving him time to get as far away from the avengers as he could

Derek : "Damn it I'm moving as fast as a sports car and yet this idiot can keep up with me with his one damaged thruster" complained Derek dodging and rolling or shooting webbing to pull himself along dodging or using the synthezoids and adaptoids in his path to avoid the weapons fire Modok was throwing at him.

He also watched as Steve used two shields to fight back by throwing his Protoadamantium shield at an Adaptoid then throwing the one he made bouncing off the first shield releasing the stored energy and destroying the robot.

Nat shot at every Synthezoid that came his way or threw himself on top of one, putting it in a necklock and twisting at the waist in a 180 degree turn causing the robot to hit the ground.

Tony was back in action as he destroyed the ships or drones in his path with Thor and Johnny, Kamala, Cassie and Dante were doing the same, Cassie and Dante made a perfect team against adaptoids or synthezoids being Dante who stood out for his increased control of his elements creating a volcanic explosion under a group of synthezoids.

He could also see the Hulk and Jen enjoying crushing robots into scrap metal, being Jen who could finally release the frustration she had kept all this time locked up in the Baxter Building and Lucy for her part destroyed or controlled the adaptoids she could while recording and transmitting everything that happened to everyone.

Derek for his part managed to see and dodge thanks to the advantages of Sixth Sense and Flexible.

Dodging a cut Derek managed to see an energy core on the back of Modok's suit, knowing what he had to do he pulled out Sky Piercer with Nauntote's appearance covering it with absorbing metal and surrounding it with fire.

He tightened his grip on Nigonho throwing it towards the core hitting it squarely but without penetrating it only leaving a small crack, Sky Piercer in his right hand was thrown at the instant that Nigonho fell to the ground hitting the same place now doing a noticeable damage to the metal covering the core.

'Those were the two attacks thrown with all my strength and it barely hurt him, that damn core is not made of adamantium but the metal is very resistant, I'll have to get closer' thought Derek as he saw how the two propellers moved at the same time preventing him from jumping as he had enlarged them, moving his back back calculating the cuts he twisted his legs but he didn't wait for the propellers to stop spinning and now they joined together spinning as if they were a drill.

"Die" shouted Modok in jubilation about to pierce Derek.

Derek looked patiently

Derek : "In your dreams bitch"

He shouted deactivating Gigantisism decreasing the size of his body and the giant drill threading his body feeling the wind swirling in his face from the speed they were spinning.

He rolled on the ground taking distance he got up and activated the new function he gained from the system upgrade or rather the new inventory option, it allows him to call any weapon, object or thing Derek has thrown or pulled out to his inventory.

Making use of the new function he took the two spears out of the inventory again, activated Spear Ki on Nigonho while with Sky Piercer he covered her with fire making the tip spin like a drill turned into fire and threw them towards Modok's face, all that in seconds thanks to battle concentration.

At the same time he used [muscle control] on the legs and [Raging Fire] leaving the footprints of the feet on the cold metal, Moving at great speed he reached Tarleton's back and saw the core in his back.

He transformed his arms into metal absorbing drills wrapped in fire giving him great penetrating power and began to drill into the energy core making the metal give way little by little with a quick look he knew why he was telling him to pierce the metal, the core was covered in Secondary Adamantium, knowing what it was he ordered the system to save every drop of Secondary Adamantium.

"Get off me you filthy Inhuman" shouted Modok in fury moving his limbs towards Derek, but before he could do anything metal chains and hand wrapped around Modok's body with a mental command thanks to the manipulation of metal and mana.

"Damn I think the people behind you, they have too much power to give you True Adamantium and Secondary Adamantium you big head" joked Derek trying to get information out of him, but this time Modok didn't say anything just watching him madly.



This was heard when the metal that covered the core broke and fell to the side disappearing magically, leaving a terrigen core visible.

"You crazy hypocrite, you dare to use the thing that started all this on your back" said Derek annoyed.

"I was the one who made it up kid... I was the one who warned you about what would happen and you didn't listen," replied Modok struggling in his suit.

"That may be, but you're wrong about one thing you didn't make it up by yourself, that crazy Monica helped you too" replied Derek pulling the terrigen core off Modok's back little by little.

Tarleton : "Now there's only me left, she's gone after what she did to me" wanting to push harder Derek asked still pulling on the core and looking at Lucy out of the corner of his eye "Oh and what did she do to you?"

"She dared to use the dirty...dirty...dirty...dirty...blood of Steve Rogers on me.... So I had to get rid of her" replied Modok madly with tears streaming down his face wiping away what little sanity he had left as Derek ripped out the terrigen core and put it in the inventory.

Modok fell to the ground as if his ropes had been cut.

He climbed off Modok's back at the same time as the Avengers on the ground and Lucy with a small group of syntezoids with blue lines like circuits surrounding their chests showing that they are under his control.

"So, did we win?" asked Cassie.

"I think..." Derek tried to answer.

Modok or Tarleton started to laugh like crazy "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... Win, no you guys didn't win"

Derek turned around looking at Tarleton, the purple energy started to envelop him and the whole suit increasing in intensity the thruster that shouldn't work due to lack of energy started to work making him float.

Derek used [Observe] on him seeing how the ability Technomancy was leveling up like crazy, first it was level 3 and then it jumped to level 6 until it reached level 9 just like the aura that covered him, managing to see how little by little small red flashes were emanating from the aura.

"Now everyone attack, with everything you've got" shouted the Cap having a bad feeling, they all launched themselves against Modok but a great release of purple energy in a shockwave stopped them sending him flying a few meters.

Modok in the air looked at everyone on the ground

Tarleton : "You guys will never understand, that's why I have to get rid of you any way I can" answering his wish a giant body emerged from the depths of the bay or rather where the A-DAY happened.

"What the fuck is that" Nat asked wanting to know what they all wanted.

Derek looked into the robot being surprised by what he saw.

So far.