

A boy who never had the chance to do anything thanks to his illness always spent his time in the hospital. The only thing that brought colour to his life were Marvel and DC comics. NOTE : THIS IS AN AU ( ALTERNATE UNIVERSE ) [This World is a Bridge between the DC and Marvel multiverse, all the possible information you know about the characters is totally useless since there is a possibility that it will never happen or it will happen differently] Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of it's character. I own my own elements and my OC(s). --- WARNING : English's not my Mother tongue So there will be grammar and paraphrasing mistakes Hope it'll be readble -- UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX

Xuefang1 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs


Derek used to look into the robot being surprised by what he saw.


Status: Newly Activated, Modified

Sentry 459

Description: Sentinel programmed to keep the humans under surveillance, more specifically the inhumans, monitoring the progress of civilization, by its creators the Kree wanted to use the human race and inhumans as their own personal army, but due to some mysteries it was severely damaged, with no other option it was deactivated to repair itself, at this moment it is trying to communicate with its creators without any success.

His thoughts about you is none.


-Self Repair

A sentinel can repair itself, depending on damage or being destroyed.

-Energy Beam

Sentinel 459 can fire a powerful energy beam from his eyes, specialised to damage beings of great power.

-Adaptoid Constitution

Due to the changes made by AIM it has the function of adapting to beings with powers to eliminate or stop them.

(This explains a lot of things, why the Inhumans are not here, I even think it was them who left the Sentinel in that state after getting the information from the Sentinel itself, that would explain why Steve said something was attracting the ship the day this all started, it was this damn robot reacting to the Terrigen) many thoughts began to appear in Derek's mind as he read the information from the Kree Sentinel 459.

"It's a Kree Sentinel" replied Thor

"I faced one millennia ago and it took me a little effort to destroy it" said Thor making his point as he landed with Johnny and Tony after destroying all the ships in the area.

"Guys, I suspect the gem isn't just to look cool" said Tony snapping Derek out of his thoughts and drawing the attention of the rest watching the gem on Tarleton's forehead glow.

"Now there's a new problem to take care of guys" said Steve.

Tony, Thor and Johnny shot into the sky heading towards Sentinel 459, Tony launched a Uni-Ray at full power from his chest at the Sentinel pushing him barely hurting him, the Sentinel being pushed grabbed a tower hitting Tony with it sending him flying.

"I already destroyed one of yours, you will be the second" declared Thor but the sentry responded with energy beams knocking him down and sending him towards a platform.

Thor being a great warrior spun and fell to his feet returning to action with a war cry

"AAAAHH" wrapped with lightning all over his body

Tony who had been sent to fly returned to action firing all the weapons he had.

Johnny took advantage of the fact that the sentry had not noticed him to shoot a nova flame barely hurting him without noticing the giant hand of the robot sending him flying into the sea.

Meanwhile Tarleton had made use of his greatly increased powers, controlling the remains of the adaptoids as if they were alive and managed to capture Cap's limbs by encasing him in a purple force field through the technology, Nat took out his guns shooting at Modok but the limbs got in the way or he used the Cap encased in the energy shield as a shield, both Nat and Derek and the rest noticed this.

Derek created kunais in the air of normal metal but between them of absorbing metal filled with mana or fire along with fireballs behind him, he shot everything as if they were machine guns, at the moment of firing them he created them again making them seem almost infinite.

Dante looking at Derek imitated him creating and shooting fire or magma at remarkable speed.

Derek stopped attacking, he looked at Kamala and Cassie, he walked over to them.

Derek : "Take this and help Tony and the rest against the Sentinel" having an idea of what they could do he bought four potions, being the same ones he used against Abomination, the warrior's potion and the Guardian's potion, attacking Modok again.

"Drink this will increase your strength, defence and energy regeneration" he shouted throwing them towards them.

They held them and smiled at him, they began to drink them as they finished them they felt the increase in their strength they felt more energetic, they clenched their fists and began to grow until they reached the same height as the Sentinel joining them Thor, Tony, Johnny who appeared at some point already recovered from that blow, Hulk and Jenny had jumped against Sentinel grabbing him hitting or tearing parts of the robot's body.

At some point Modok gathered all the destroyed ships together starting to join them, within seconds a large ship the same size as the Chimera was formed from the remains of the warships with what you could say appeared a large mechanical eye in front of the ship gathering energy pointing it at Nat, Dante and Derek

"Shit everyone behind me" commanded Derek manipulating all the metal around him, starting to form a shield, but a giant purple portal appeared in the sky.

"Don't forget about us, we'll be joining the party too" said Hank from the comms, as the Chimera came out of the portal firing all the weapons Derek had installed earlier while still approaching the enemy ship with its shields still active crashing into it and pushing it away

Hank : "Alright Inhumans it's time to take revenge for what AIM has done to us, I want everyone to aim your weapons or launch your powers into the portals that will appear"

Hank shouted to all the people inside the ship (this is for using my technology and experimenting on me) Hank thought looking at the enemy ship.

Next to him were Theo and Cerise concentrating like they had never done before as they synchronized their powers and minds.

One was looking at the ship and the other at the screen that showed everyone on the ships, synchronizing creating portals inside the ship and outside the ship in front of the enemy ship making it receive the attacks of powers or weapons from the people inside the ship.

Derek smiled as he watched the Chimera and the people in it throw everything they had at the enemy ship.

He looked back to Modok who was concentrating on protecting himself from Nat and Dante's attacks, he too joined in creating highly concentrated fire orbs and absorbing metal spears firing them, trying to distract him from Nat as he noticed the look she gave him he knew she had a plan.

In the face of all the attacks raining down on him from Derek and Dante he didn't notice that Nat moved to a blind spot.

He was concentrating, aiming only a pistol at the gem in the tiara that Modok wears on his head, he took a concentrated breath and pulled the trigger "Bam!" hitting the gem, although it didn't destroy it it made Modok scream horribly and Cap fell down, Derek shot a metal spider web at Steve's chest pulling him towards him.

"Are you alright" asked Derek seeing that he didn't get up and remained kneeling.

"He broke my wrist and my arm," replied Cap holding his arm.

Understanding Derek pulled out one of the high level options he had earned from the daily missions as a reward

Derek : "Drink it and you'll be good as new in no time".

Cap : "Thank you"

"You're welcome now drink it quick we're going to need all the help we can get" Derek replied seeing the Sentinel fall to his knees from Kamala and Cassie's blows, still he got up starting to repair himself as he shook off the Hulk and Jen.

Tony caught Jen in mid air and Thor caught the Hulk, Kamala and Cassie had to back away as a wave of energy expelled by the Sentinel pushed them a few feet despite their sizes.

"Stark if you touch anywhere you shouldn't I'll break your hands," said Jen with a smile.

"Never my lady" joked Tony nervously.

"Oh Goldilocks worry about the Hulk" joked the Hulk childishly as Thor's lips quivered at what the Hulk said, he landed on the ground as did Tony and they released the gamma beings into his arms.

Still in pain Modok stopped screaming and looked at them, without saying anything a portal opened behind him and went through him.

Derek wanted to stop him when he saw that the aura that covered him was almost red in its entirety implying how dangerous Tarleton was at this moment.

Everyone thought he was running away.

Another portal opened on the side of the Sentinel's head as his body and existence glowed in purple energy, he entered the head of Sentinel 459, lines like circuits began to appear on the robot until they covered him in his entirety, he stood up and looked into the Sentinel's eyes releasing purple energy.

"You attack Hulk friends, hurt friend, Hulk will crush you!" shouted Hulk in fury, jumping up and leaping into action, landing on Sentinel's face and beginning to punch his eye.

"Hulk no, come back" shouted Derek knowing how powerful the Sentinel's energy beams are but the Hulk did not listen and Modok who was now the Sentinel himself fired energy beams from his eyes hitting the Hulk squarely, knocking him off his feet, the Hulk who was sent flying by the energy beams landed on the cold metal floor unable to stand up because of the energy beams still attacking his body, he could only roar with fury and pain.

"Bruce" Jen was going to jump to help him but someone jumped before her and it was Derek, in the air he created a shield of more than three meters landing in the middle of the Hulk and the energy beam protecting him.

It made metal spikes come out of his feet sticking to the ground so he wouldn't be dragged.

The shield began to turn almost entirely purple, with no other choice, he manipulated the metal and created two metal heads in the shape of Dragons, they opened their mouths and shot out two breaths of fire, causing the energy beam to collide with the two breaths.

Modok noticing this increased the energy output of the beam almost covering the two fire breaths, seeing this Derek kept the shield in inventory looked at the Hulk out of the corner of his eye who had turned Banner unconscious, he puffed out his cheeks sucking in the air around him.

Everyone could see the air vibrating and being sucked into Derek's mouth, he roared releasing a large pillar of highly concentrated flame from his mouth.


The three breaths of the Fire Dragon and the energy beam collided with no winner, Kamala and Cassie still in their giant forms stood up soaking wet as they fell into the sea when they were pushed by the shockwave of energy it released, they saw Derek shielding the unconscious Buce Banner from the Sentinel's energy beams, they ran to help him.

Jen didn't stand still watching the crash, neither did the rest of the avengers, Jen reached Derek's side and picked up Bruce

"Thank you" she whispered softly being heard by Derek who kept firing his Dragon Roar.

Tony was firing energy bolts from his arms or Uni beams doing no apparent damage.

Thor was firing electric bolts from Mjolnir doing damage but the sentry was repairing itself at incredible speed.

Even Nat who had somehow managed to get to the Quinjet was firing all the weapons on the ship along with Cap helping her.

Dante in the hatch was firing everything he had in his arsenal.

Lucy from the ground along with all the synthezoids to adaptoids she controlled was firing from a distance at the Sentinel, while monitoring the world's communication satellites sending a live feed of the battle that was happening against AIM right now.

Two feet in military boots smashed into the Sentinel's face deflecting the energy beam as well as the three Dragon breaths.

Using [Fire Manipulation] he controlled the fire of his attack turning it into an orange sphere so as not to waste the energy and not to hurt anyone on his team.

Kamala then moved to his back wrapping her arms around the sentry's waist lifting him up and doing a Super Suplex, Kamala released him and stepped back.

"Let that teach you to mess with someone your own size" Cassie shouted.

Modok in the Sentinel stood up "I just wanted to control the terrigen.... Replace those with superpowers and fate turned against me... create something inhuman" said Modok to Kamala.

(Oh man if you knew that you didn't even have anything to do with the inhumans, I wonder how you would react) Derek thought listening to Modok tell Kamala that but she still didn't go along with what he said.

"This shouldn't be like this, we all deserve a chance," Kamala replied forcefully, ready to prove it to him with blows.

The Sentinel lunged at her, Kamala dodged it by making it pass by her left side, she stretched her arm backwards responding with a big fist at high speed.

Cassie being the third giant responded with a Superman Fist hitting him full in the face knocking him back.

Kamala this time stretched both her arms backwards extending them as far as possible returning them hitting the whole body of the Sentinel making her blows unpredictable.

Derek : "Who knew I would see one of the favourite attacks of an anime character here, it looks like Kamala used Niko Style as the basis for it, having her arms and fists polymerised, she stretches them out a long distance then brings them back"

Derek : "Thus striking her enemy and the moment her fist bounces off the enemy body she stretches them out again, making for strong and destructive but unpredictable blows, my girl is a genius"

Derek smiled proudly seeing the growth Kamala has experienced since he met her, an insecure girl who doubted herself at every turn but very bold and introverted, to what is now a woman who is going head to head against the one who has had the inhumans, her people as guinea pigs, prisoners as plague.

Kamala who was still beating the Sentinel said what she had been holding back all this time

Kamala : "We Inhumans are not harmful, nor destructive by nature, nor are we sick, the one who is sick is you"

She shouted the last, hitting the robot's face releasing all the frustration she had been holding back all this time.


Part of the robot's face was blown off by Kamala's fist, Cassie who was carrying her war gauntlet pointed at Tarleton

"Kamala get out of there" at Cassie's warning Kamala pulled away.

The next moment a large energy beam shot out of Cassie's war arm and shot through the Sentinel pushing him towards the bridge that connects San Francisco and the energy beam went through his chest falling on top of the bridge, the ARC reactors in Cassie's war arm shut down implying that the energy had been depleted the moment it went through the Sentinel's chest.

Even so, the Sentinel's body on the bridge lifted with effort, revealing the large hole in his chest that was slowly beginning to repair itself.

Derek used the orb of fire at his side firing a great embracing beam that blew off part of the Sentinel's arm making him barely able to stand, not to be outdone he unleashed all his power and mana, streams of fire shot out of his body snaking around him along with metal particles, Derek clapped his hands over his head

"Secret Art of the Metal Dragon: Sword of the Metal God"

A great light covered him rising into the sky drawing everyone's attention, the light began to take the shape of a sword when the light disappeared there was a giant metal sword wrapped in fire.

Derek had to re-activate Gigantism, Titanic Strength, Berserker and Physical Reinforcement because of how heavy the sword was, without hesitation he swung the giant sword, which reached towards the Sentinel controlled by Modok cutting it like paper as well as the bridge making the whole area tremble, from the still standing robot a line appeared in the middle growing and its body split in two, on the left side purple energy gathered and released, being Modok who fell into the water unconscious disappearing.

Kamala knowing it was Derek who swung the great sword smiled tenderly until she felt dizzy "There's no... no, no, no, no here we go again" Kamala fainted and her body returned to its original size.

Derek seeing this returned his arm to normal and with a burst of fire on his feet flew off grabbing Kamala and landing with the rest of the team being seen by almost everyone on the ground.

System: [Congratulations, thanks to being witnessed by everyone for your fire prowess you have earned the Title: Fire Hero: Fire attribute resistance and Fire attribute attack are increased by 40%.]


Hidden Mission (Complete)

You have stopped Tarleton (Modok) and Monica's plans by getting everyone to see the true colours of AIM, you will receive the following rewards.

Reward 1: Unknown metal.

Reward 2: New system feature has been unlocked.

Reward 3: 10 Levels

Reward 4: 30 Status Points

Reward 5: Dungeon Key of Beasts

Reward 6: $5,000,000


Up to here.