
Dragonball: Life simulator system(Hiatus)

Ankit_writing_9705 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Majin Freeza Force

"Did you detect the saiyans on that planet?

Also what's up with your face?"

Jeice received a soldier woth a Majin shape on his firehead who had been sent to scout the planet for the saiyans.

The soldier just looked at him and smirked without replying.

Before Jeice could discipline the soldier for his disrespect towards superiors he suddenly felt a massive pain his head and shouted out in pain.

After some time Jeice looked up and a Majin mark similar to the soldier appeared in his forehead.

The whole ship was then filled with sounds of pain and abruptly stopped when they had been enslaved.

The Majin mark was simply a godsend for the freeza force as each and everyone of them doubled and in some cases even multiplied their powers even more greatly.

Captain Ginyu, one of the lucky ones had his powers boosted from 100 000 to 300 000 while all most all his team members had power levels greater than his original battle power.

Even Guldo the weakest among them had reached 40 000 and could hold his breath for 10 seconds more.

At first freeza force had resisted Babidi magic but their inherent evil took over and surrendered.

Babidi's enslaving magic had the property that it could boost an individuals power level and the increase was directly proportional to how much evil they held in their heart.

Dabura the king of demons whom he had planned to enslave was equal in power to a full power super saiyan but when enhanced by his magic he could fight a super saiyan 2 Gohan on equal terms.

Even though Gohan wasn't able to give his all to the fight he still had the ability to transform people he spat upon to stone.

Unfortunately the power gained through Babidi's magic could not be given to Majin buu as he needed someone to protect him while Buu was revived.

If not for that persistent Supreme Kai he would have already released Majin buu from his seal.

Fortunately he found some evil troops hovering out in their spaceship. He wasted no time and sent them in droves to kill a few planets natives.

He was sure that the Supreme Kai would definitely prioritise to save those aliens than catching him and his actions proved him right.

Meanwhile at the tournament

The young blonde host was in tears!

He was currently hiding in a wreckage watching some aliens who showed out of nowhere fighting with the participants.

This had been the first time he was hosting such a big tournament but it had been a disaster after disaster.

First of all 2 of the participants(Alex left behind a clone) simply disappeared out the area of the tournament when no one was paying attention.

But compared to what followed this incident this was as trivial as it could get.

Some alien pods were reported to be dropped all over the world and to their horror aliens came out of them.

They began attacking and killing relentlessly not even showing a hint of hesitation as they butchered even the children and elderly.

The bodies of the dead could not even be found after the event settled down as the aliens shot beams that fried the corpses to Ashes.

The military arrived on the scenes of carnage and tried to fend against the aliens using tanks and missiles but all they did was nothing more than put a tiny scratch on them.

After it became clear to the military on the site that their weapons held no ground against them they tried to evacuate but none of them escaped alive even if they did live they were better off dead.

Each of the alien was a mighty force on their own and there were still hundreds of them.

In the tournament arena 5 pods had landed and out of the 5 pods the Ginyu force came out and struck a pose that scared the hell out of the blonde host.

What did he do to deserve this?

He even wondered if he had offended the gods!

Just as it seemed that all hope was lost some of the participants stepped forward to fight.

And fight they did!

After a short (it seemed like an eternity had passed for him) and intense fight during which it almost seemed that Earth was finished, some young teen participants with black hair managed to kill all the aliens but sadly except them everyone else at the area had died or were very close to death.

At the same time news came from across the world that the aliens all across the planet had been killed by a red silhouette.

Everyone wondered how the alien invaders had died after they burst with joy at the sudden demise of the aliens.

Even though Alex's clone was present at the scene the outcome still turned negative.

When Alex's clone first sensed the ki of the freeza force coming out of earth in pods he quickly used multiform technique at a suitable time when no one was paying much attention to him to create a hundred clones that he spread across the globe.

As his power level dwindled to 300 000 for each of his clones they flied at high speeds to the the place where the pods had landed.

They had been scattered all across the planet.

But the numbers were in thousands and he could only kill to the extent that to the humans found them to be hundreds.

It only took him an hour to completely eradicate the nearly 10 thousand of the freeza force.

They couldn't be called the freeza force at this point as Babidi had taken over their minds and instructed them in such a way so as to cause the maximum damage.

Babidi hadn't actually controlled all of them instead he controlled the leaders who gave a clear demand to kill mercilessly.

Freeza really had launched a hundred thousand foot soldiers of his freeza force into the persecution of the saiyans and these were just a fraction of them.

Alex shuddered to think what might happen if the elite of the freeza force landed on Earth.

Just as he thought about it 5 pods landed in front of him and the Ginyu forces emerged as he looked on.
