
Dragonball: Life simulator system(Hiatus)

Ankit_writing_9705 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Earth once again

Nappa looked at the saiyans splitting away and sighed with emotion.

After reaching Earth Vegeta and Alex agreed to split for four years for their preparation for the upcoming world's martial art tournament or tenkaichi budokai.

Although he had volunteered to become Vegeta's subordinate after seeing him demonstrate his power against the freeza force it didn't mean that he wanted to be alone with him for four years.

Alas! He already made his mistake and there was no medicine in the world for regret.

Alex looked at Raditz and asked about his plans to which the latter promptly responded that he would like to travel with him.

It almost made him guilty of fooling him again with the inscription but not all of it was false.

A good part of the inscription had indeed come out of Bardock's mouth and he had just altered and complemented it so that it looked believable.

As for how he ensured that they would run into the cave it wasn't much difficult he just had to catch a alien animal of the power level expected from a 3 years old saiyan and drop it in the cave.

They reached the cave and ignored the confused animal when they saw the inscription.

If they paid more attention they would know that the animal seemed to be out of place with its surroundings.

But fortunately for him all his team turned out to be unreliable at that moment.

The reason why he would come to Earth was due to a lot of reasons that would be explored in the coming future.

While Alex was indulging in his wild fantasies they had entered the city.

Raditz then nudged his friend to break his friend out from his dream world, "Do you want to search for the saiyans or train for the tournament."

Alex looked in front of him and found a poster of a popular dojo admitting students with an entrance exam and affordable fee.

"What do you think about going to a dojo Raditz."

"I think it's a waste of time."

"Don't be such a wet blanket. Alright let me enquire them about potential subordinates."

And so began their adventure which lasted for four years till the 20th world martial arts tournament.

Meanwhile on Vegeta's side

At a clearing in a forest

"Nappa! Although we don't have a scouter we still have the recovery chamber and enough supplies so it will suffice for 2 years. Train to be worthy of being called my subordinate."

"After two years pass we will take a break and spend the one years time searching for our race. The other year will be spent training the martial arts that we found in the loot."

Although he did not deem it as a priority he still wanted to verify Bardock claims.

While Vegeta suspected the source of Alex's confidence in that last technique he used to defeat him and so had resolved to train until he was so strong that no technique or trick could possibly harm him.

Although they had destroyed all scouters they had on them without exception he already knew that his power level had exceeded 100 000.

Even if he faced Captain Ginyu from the Ginyu force he would be able to beat him with his oozaru form.

The only thing that held him back was his martial arts technique to which he planned to devote his last year.

As for why he did it last the real reason was that he still believed his powerlevel to be higher than Alex. it was just that he wanted to have a preliminary understanding of them.

When the time comes even Freeza will be defeated by him. As he was destined to be a super saiyan.


4 years later the tournament ended and Alex became the winner of the tournament but he was still confused as he didn't find any trace of Vegeta or Nappa in the tournament.

Suddenly Earth got attacked by the freeza force and a epic battle started.

When they finally found them with the Ginyu force he asked them about it.

Vegeta (Ginyu): He just kept saying that he had become a super saiyan so I changed bodies with him.

Alex looking towards Ginyu: So you must be Vegeta

Ginyu: Nope! I am Nappa.

Alex: I see then Nappa must be Vegeta

Nappa: Croak! Croak!

Alex looked at a toad at his side and burst into laughter.
