
Dragonball: Life simulator system(Hiatus)

Ankit_writing_9705 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

20th tenkaichi budokai

After four years the time had come for the world martial arts Raditz looked at the humans training by the side that they had found in the recent years and felt that they were sure to win till the quarter finals.

Their names were Nam, a young man whose village suffered from a drought time to time, Master Roshi from the turtle school, Ox-king who had been a disciple of master Roshi before becoming a bandit but now had given up on that path after attempting to rob the saiyan duo.

The first time the saiyan duo arrived on the island Master Roshi asked them to bring a beautiful girl if they wanted to be his disciple.

After that Alex launched a punch at the old man to make him reluctantly give up his demand.

At this point of time Raditz had adjusted to Earth's culture and found it hard to believe the kind of life he used to have before he came to Earth.

Such delicious food!

Where was it all his life?

He had to eat raw food most of the time with Vegeta and Nappa.

But he was astonished to try the Earthlings food after Alex's suggestion.

He even felt that comparing shit to the food he had to eat in the past was not an overstatement.

He turned to block a sudden attack by Alex and chatted with him while sparring, "What are your plans on the upcoming tournament ?"

"Kick Vegeta's ass and have some fun while doing it."


Very Good!

Here am I worrying my heart out for you and you are still in a mood to joke!

"How finely can you use your ki?"

Yes, after going to Master Roshi's island 'they' had finally learnt about the intricate applications of ki.

"There should be no problem beating Nappa."

Raditz recently had a huge change in strength after learning from master Roshi and Alex estimated that even Vegeta too would have a hard time beating him.

If talking about pure power levels Vegeta was indeed in the lead with 250 000 against Raditz's 75 000 but with Kaioken that he taught to him then a 4x kaioken would make him fight Vegeta with a bit of an advantage.

If you add up the other techniques of the dragon team that he taught him then it was possible that he may attain a victory over Vegeta.

Now you must be wondering if Raditz got to such a power level then how about Alex.

About Alex he had already reached 3 million power level 3 years ago.

Now that he had spent four years on planet Earth he had reached a bottleneck in 30 million battle power.

It wasn't that his body could not bear more strength rather any more energy would drastically affect planet Earth.

He planned to make a instant transmission trip to freeza base planets to make a breakthrough.

As for what he would do when he had reached his body's limit he was prepared to take a fruit from the tree of might to breakthrough that limiter.

But he didn't think it was that necessary as his current body after taking numerous vitality enhancing would still be able to bear atleast a super saiyan 2 level battle power.

He could also feel a tingly feeling in his back and could perform the Super saiyan transformation at any time.

He just had not transformed yet though.

It was just that he didn't want to breakthrough on planet Earth as his transformation might alert the freeza force soldiers that were scouting the planet.

Also his transformation would create more chaos on Earth than super saiyan 3 unless he controlled his ki perfectly in that state which was not possible for now.

It wasn't that he was afraid of them but that he wanted to use them as a grind stone for his comrades.

As for why they hadn't been discovered yet by the scouters the reason behind this was that all of them had comprehended how to hide their ki.

Even Nappa with his measly 10 000 battle power learnt it so they weren't in much danger until the world martial arts tournament began.

He planned to finish off Freeza after his allies reached a decent power level to fight freeza.

It didn't mean that he was going to ignore the freeza force soldiers close to their planet.

After a light spar they gathered together at the living room at Master Roshi's house .

Yes , they had been living with Master Roshi from the time they met him.

His house on the island had tranquility and a Television that could keep one informed about the world.

As they were saiyans who had a large appetite being close to the sea where there was a lot of fishes made them really satisfied everyday.

After a light supper everyone left the house and went to register themselves for the 20th world martial arts tournament.


Raditz punched Vegeta with a kaiokenx3.

Vegeta stood up after a while and began to mutter, how is this possible. Does the God hate me so much?

Author: No it's just that this is a shameless effort to reach 15 k words so that our novel can reach the list.

Vegeta: Die!

Author took out his immortal eraser and rubbed Vegeta out.
