
Dragon world

Jackie is one of the five warriors. He had to fight the elemental dragon. Will he defeat the dragon? READ TO FIND OUT!!

charbarsmith · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Book

When they were heading back to the campground they heard a weird noise. They were very curious to find out what it was so they went looking for it. They followed the noise until they came to a old, wooden box. They opened the box very slowly. Inside, they found a book. Jackie picked it up and blew the dust off. He looked at the cover and read the title. It said, Book of spells...

He opened the book and read the first line. Jackie said, Uiq sol Uzen uylk dewrestica toot. Rose giggled but then she stopped quickly and tried to look serious. It was some kind of language that none of the knew.

That night Jackie felt some kind of energy flowing through his blood... The next day he felt like killing someone. He saw Rose and looked hungry... He had turned evil....

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