
Dragon world

Jackie is one of the five warriors. He had to fight the elemental dragon. Will he defeat the dragon? READ TO FIND OUT!!

charbarsmith · Fantasy
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Jackie and the other warriors had to survive in the wilderness. First, they were hungry so Jackie, Rose and Jace went hunting and Charlie and Michael, the warrior of lightning, gathered wood to make a fire. The hunters saw a lake and decided to go spear fishing. Jackie got out his sword and stepped in the water. He stood in the water still and silently. He saw some fish, and it came closer and closer. Finally Jackie could reach it. He then stabbed it. It was a pretty big fish, about 2 or 3 feet long. He brought it to the fire, which was pretty little. First he skinned the fish then he put it over the fire. About 25 minutes later the fish was cooked. Jackie cut the fish in 5 equal pieces for the 5 warriors. All the warriors had a nice, tasty meal next to the warm fire. They had a big day ahead of them. They were planning to go back to the castle so all the warriors would have their swords. It was dangerous because all the cracks that Jackie made were still there. But they said wanted to risk it and Jackie said he would help. So all of them went to sleep. The next day everyone got up except Jackie got up and headed to the castle. They went in and jumped over some of the cracks and then there was one more. It was the biggest. Jace looked down and saw the dead guards and knights. *Gulp*. 3....2...1....JUMP! They jumped and..... They all fell in! Jackie was still at the campground sleeping. JACKIE!!! JACKIE HELP!!!! Screamed all the warriors. But Jackie didn't hear them. They Screamed louder and louder. JACKIE!!! HELP!! Jackie woke up to their screaming but he barley heard them. He knew it was coming from the castle so he went there. He got there and saw them. He had a plan. He jumped over all the cracks and didn't fall. Then he got the swords and threw them down the crack. He told them to stick to swords into the crack's walls and use them as stairs they did what he told them to do and got out of the crack. Jace was last and he picked up the sword as he went up. They had there swords and they went back to the campground. Like for part 4!!