
Dragon Sorcerer in One Piece

What would you do when you end up in a world full of adventure and great stories? What would you do when you obtain a power of 12 talismans from Jackie Chan Adventures? It's a new adventure for our main character David and he will witness stories he knew and interact with. Note: I grew up watching Jackie Chan Adventure and One Piece. This is fanfiction and the cover picture isn't mine but it looks awesome so I post it. Please support the original work of One Piece and Jackie Chan Adventure. Give me tips and advice on how to improve stories and world-building. Thank you

ElJonson · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Son and Darkness

It took Big News Morgans a few days to provide me with the information on the current location of Whitebeard Pirates. To my surprise, the main ship, the Mobe Dick is not in the New World but in the Paradise where I wasn't familiar with. They are currently located in the region where it is cold and mostly winter 10 months a year. According to Morgans, it will take 3 weeks to sail there so David decided to travel there using talismans as it is much faster. Not to mention he's been using his ship as a mobile home to relax instead of transportation like other people. Before putting the ship and dismissing the Ninja Khans, David decided to purchase a few items in the shop for meeting the first Yonko.

It didn't take long for David to purchase a few items and put them in his inventory. The items are:

30 Barrels of 50 years old rum

One extra-large barrel of Dionysus's Joy (Alcohol with effect to heal and rejuvenate. Note: Drink can be what person wish it to be when consumed)

1 In-game painting brush (Allow to customize and change the shape of the item)

50 Superior healing potions

1 Mask of Revan (Just a normal metal mask)

Finishing with preparation, David dismisses his Ninja Khans and puts his ship into inventory. "Now, time to meet Great Whitebeard." With that, David flew toward the direction of where Whitebeard Pirates is.


3 Days Later,

Headquarter of Loan and Fortune (Location Unknown)

"This is unacceptable! Find out who this Hades is, or else I will collect your debt with your life!" Du Feld flipped his table as frustration and humiliation mixed into a rage, meanwhile, information brokers and others remained silent to avoid the wrath of the Emperor of Loan Shark.

For the past few days, Du Feld spent leverages and favors on people from both the Grand Line and Blue Seas to learn any information on Hades's home island, origin, family and possible allies. After 5 days of research and gathering information, the only thing he learned about Hades is that he first appeared in Water 7, Mock town and Port city of Urani. After crossing a few pieces of information, De Feld learned that there is a high possibility that Hades (David) fought Drug Peclo and defeated him. Except for recent activities, there was nothing he could learn about Hades or his allies.

"This is impossible. He couldn't have done this without any support or someone backing him. Who the hell is this kid?" After an hour of ranting and throwing objects in his office, Du Feld decided to make a contact with whom he considered a rival, Gild Tesoro aka Casino King.

"Du Feld, you old shark. Are you finally broke? HAHAHA." A loud voice came from Den Den Mushi as Du Feld tried his best not to smash the communicator snail.

"Shut your damn mouth Tesoro. I'm calling you because this also affects you. I'm sure you heard about Hades and his self-declaration as a King of the Underworld."

"Oh yea, I heard. You guys should have let me join your little club as an Emperor. I could have killed him and sent you the bill. I can't believe you guys gave up just like that, maybe I should have done the same if it was that easy. HAHAHA." Once again there was a loud laugh with a mix of smirk coming from Den Den Mushi.

"It isn't as simple as you think, he managed to kill Drug Peclo before forcing us to submit, this is your problem just as this is ours."

"What do you want me to do? Kill him for you? No, not without you paying a heavy price" The Laughter stopped as a serious tone came from the snail.

"That is why I'm calling you. This 'Hades' could be a bigger threat in the future and I suggest we form a partnership. After we solve this problem, we can go back to our little cold war. What do you say?" Du Feld asks as he hides his desperation, if this doesn't work he might have to pull every resource he has just to kill one person.

"Let's meet in person, I have this new ship I want to build and I could use investors just like you." Gild Tesoro said as he saw a potential opportunity to speed up his new flagship project, Gran Tesoro.


8 Days Later,

Winter Region in Paradise

David was 20 miles away from where Whitebeard Pirates is located. He decided to pull out his ship and sail as he didn't want to alarm the Whitebeard Pirates by suddenly appearing in their ship. Within 5 minutes, David's ship is fully operational as his Ninja Khans set full sail towards Moby Dick.

"Captain! There is a merchant ship approaching our location." One of the lookouts shouted as he saw the approaching vessel in the distance. Marco and 2 other division commanders heard the report but they didn't bother as Edward Newgate, Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates was sitting right in front of them. "The merchant ship is approaching the pirate ship? Now that is an interesting way to start a day. Do not attack the ship, I would like to meet the captain of the merchant ship." Whitebeard gave his order as a team of beautiful nurses care for his health and medical needs.

20 minutes later, the merchant ship dock next to the Moby Dick and only one person crosses to board the Whitebeard's ship. Every crew member of Whitebeard watched as a young man wearing black clothes with a captain's coat (Black) and a metal mask (Revan's mask) walked as he carried two barrels in both hands. No-one stopped him or approached the young man as they were following their father's order but prepared for any suspicious movement. Finally, the young man stopped 10 feet away from Whitebeard and put down two barrels beside him. Whitebeard is the first to ask the young man in front of him.

"Kid, you have the guts just by sailing near my ship. What is your name and what is your business here?" As Whitebeard asked his question there was complete silence in the ship.

"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Hades, King of the Underworld. I'm here not just to pay my respect to one of the Yonko but also want to form an alliance." David uses his other name as he wants to keep his real and second identity separate from the rest of the world.

Navy knows his real name, but there is no way they can connect him and Hades as the same person as Stussy's allegiance is no longer towards World Government and other Emperors of the Underworld can't reveal his identity as they will lose all the respect and power if the world learns about 17years old kid took over the Underworld empire. They will keep it to themself and try to contain it by any means necessary until one of them can kill David in the end.

"You, King of the Underworld? Don't make me laugh kid, I know those so-called emperors are a weak bunch but they are not that weak." Whitebeard spoke with a mocking tone as he knows they are a bunch of weasels and not much of fighters, well except for that crazy lion boy.

"I didn't come here to jest, you can confirm with your contact from the black market. For now, I brought a 50 years old rum which I'm sure you will enjoy and this barrel is specially made alcohol fitting only those who are worthy of enjoying life." Hades presents two barrels beside him to Whitebeard as he shows great interest in aged rum and a special brand of alcohol. Two of the Whitebeard pirates approach the barrels and open the content as two more come with giant sake dishes which they pour the rum into.

"I'm not concerned if it is poisoned or drugged, my son Marco can handle that for me but I expect you to drink with me. You have to earn your alliance, kid." Whitebeard grabs the sake dish as he watches Hades remove the lower part of the mask and grab his drink. Both men drank their rum without stopping to take a breath. Whitebeard finishes his first as Hades finishes his drink second later. "This isn't that bad, strong and fitting for sons of the seas. Kid, I will check you to see if you are indeed who you claim yourself to be, until then we will continue to drink." Whitebeard said as he orders his crew to refill the dish as one of them does the same for Hades.

"Well, if you want a more, old man, I have 29 more barrels in my ship," Hades said with a joyful tone as his Ninja Khans start to transport the barrels one by one. The drinking continued as Whitebeard ordered his crew to open the rest of the barrels and join the party as chefs brought food. In the end, the entire meeting turned into a festival as everyone enjoyed their drinks and food as Hades outdrank half of the crew members.

Whitebeard already knew about Hades and the incident with other Emperors as his contact informed him and his division commanders a few days ago. He just didn't expect to meet him this early and bold enough to come first. By the time most of the barrels emptied, it was late afternoon and cold winter wind was blowing. So few of the crew members lit the torch around the ship and brought blankets for everyone.

Hades, seeing the party slowing down, turned around to face the Whitebeard. "So do we have an alliance, old man? I'm sure by now you know I was telling you the truth." Hades said as he opened the special barrel next to him.

"Who are you calling old man, kid? I'm still in my prime." Whitebeard said as his crew members cheered for their captain.

"I'll take that as yes, how about it? One last drink from the special barrel? Hades pours his dish and offers the entire barrel to Whitebeard.

"I have to admit, kid. You drinking with me without showing a sign of fear or blood lust tells me you were telling me the truth. Not to mention you genuinely get along with my sons. Instead of an alliance, why don't you become my son?" Whitebeard asks Hades as he grabs the barrel and waits, while everyone stops what they were doing when they heard Whitebeard's question.

"Thanks but I have to decline. I still have places to go and troubles to cause, it is a very tempting offer but I have my reasons to be out there in the seas. After all, my calling is to see the world and live my dream of freedom." Hades gave his answer as he finished his drink.

There was a silence for a few moments as everyone froze and looked at their captain as Whitebeard put down the barrel. Suddenly, Whitebeard laughs out loud and smiles with an expression of happiness instead of anger or disappointment. "HAHAHAHAHA, are you sure you are not pirate material? You have the heart and soul of the freeman of the seas. I decided to reject your answer and take you as my son." Whitebeard declares his decision and finishes his drink in one shot.

"Wait, I said I will not be your son. I still have…" Hades protested but Whitebeard wasn't listening while Marco and Thatch came to Hades to cheer him up.

"Just give up, once pops make his decision nothing will change his mind," Marco said as he pats Hades's back.

"That is true, just accept the offer and move on. You don't have to be part of the crew as long as we all know you are part of our family. Not to mention you've been calling pops 'old man' this entire time so you kinda brought this upon yourself ." Thatch pointed out Hades's mistake as he offered a cup of ale to him.

"Fine, there is no point in arguing with him anyway. If that's the case then I have other items to offer since I'm one of your sons now." Hades drank his ale and left for a few minutes to come back with a large backpack in his right hand. Everyone watched quietly as Hades opened his backpack and pulled out devil fruit after devil fruit, making it a total of three.

First, he pulls out Sonar Sonar devil fruit which grants the user an ability to attack and sense using sonar.

The second fruit is Ancient Zoan: Cat Cat fruit model Saber Tooth Tiger

The third fruit he pulls out is a large purple color fruit with many small teardrop shape components with a swirl pattern.

"I already identify two of them, so I will give it to you old man, but I'm keeping this one with me until I know what it is." Hades grabs the third mysterious fruit and shows it to everyone and puts it back in his backpack.

While this is happening, one person among the crew froze as he finally found the devil fruit he was looking for after all those years. With a big evil smile, he slowly made a plan to murder and steal that devil fruit from his new brother as the party continues.

Ok, this one is a little longer than usual but I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

I will be publishing one chapter per week as the fall semester started this week.

Thank you and stay safe.

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