
Dragon Sorcerer in One Piece

What would you do when you end up in a world full of adventure and great stories? What would you do when you obtain a power of 12 talismans from Jackie Chan Adventures? It's a new adventure for our main character David and he will witness stories he knew and interact with. Note: I grew up watching Jackie Chan Adventure and One Piece. This is fanfiction and the cover picture isn't mine but it looks awesome so I post it. Please support the original work of One Piece and Jackie Chan Adventure. Give me tips and advice on how to improve stories and world-building. Thank you

ElJonson · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Monkey and Meteor

'Shit, shit, shit. I have to do something.' David thought as Thunder Demon drained the power of Storm Titan devil fruit to recharge. Thankfully, the demon wasn't draining from the Earth devil fruit but David was starting to lose the strength buff from the Titan fruit.

To escape, David used the teleportation of Moon Demon to escape but because the demon was holding David, he ends up teleporting both of them 20 yards away from where they were. Next, David used the power of Sky Demon and super speed to slice the arm that was holding him but the moment there is a cut or sign of damage, it heals instantly with a small spark of lighting. Finally, David used the power of the monkey talisman to turn Thunder Demon into a dog, this plan actually worked as the hand that was holding him turned into a paw and a large blue demon instantly turned into a golden retriever.

"Oh, aren't you a cute little doggo, maybe I should keep you instead of absorbing your power." Taking a few steps back, David spoke after he recovered from the energy drain and caught a breath. Unfortunately, before he could think of the next move, the dog who was just sitting until now, started to have yellow glowing eyes. Just as David realized what was going on, the dog opened his mouth and fired powerful lighting, strong enough to wipe out everything within its path. Luckily, the lighting blast didn't hit David as it redirected its course to Gideon where still in the original location. Still, the power scale of the lighting was fearsome as it wiped out everything similar to Enel's Thunder Dragon attack.

"Holy crap, how much power did you freaking drain from me?" David said with shock in his voice as he didn't expect that much power from the energy drain in a short period of time (At max, the demon was holding him for 3 minutes). Realizing the demon (dog) still possessed his powers, David decided to stop playing around and finish the fight.

David used gravity manipulation to levitate the demon, at the same time use the Earth devil fruit's power to trap the demon with rocks in the area. When David was done, the demon was trapped inside of 500 tons of giant boulder, no way to escape or make any effective lighting attack as David enforced it with powerful gravity to condense it.

Certain that Thunder Demon can't escape, David used the rooster talisman to send the boulder high up in the sky (About 15,000 meters above the ground) and using teleportation, David appeared next to the boulder. Before he dropped the demon from the sky, David used the monkey talisman to turn the Thunder Demon back into his original form, but because the demon is still inside of the heavily condensed boulder, his form might be disfigured as there isn't enough room. Finally, with gravity manipulation, he increased the weight of the boulder as it was going down, literally creating a small meteor to finish the demon once and for all.

"Well, I'm pretty far from the city so it should be fine. I think." With that, 15 seconds later, a huge explosion erupts below David's feet as a huge mushroom cloud starts to form. After giving some time, David descended from the sky as the dust started to clear as he saw the result of the artificial meteor impact. The impacted area was about 20 miles radius as everything living things were dead including giant cactus. In the middle of a crater, a familiar blue color arm can be found in the center. David approached the center and lifted the demon's arm using the levitation, he expected to find a buried body of the demon in whole but what he found was half of a body, missing right below the upper chest. The demon's face was a complete wreck as there is no sign of life within its eyes, David confirming his victory pulled out a Pan'ku box from his inventory.

'Maybe I went a little overboard with the attack. Then again he did try to steal my power to make it his own.' David thought as he presses the trigram of thunder (☳) on to demon's body, the box once again glow green and start to absorb the essence of the Thunder Demon. When it was done, the section of trigram opened and the demon orb popped out from the box. David grabbed the orb and absorbed the power of the Thunder Demon, but this time it took about 6 seconds to completely absorb the orb as David was resorbing large portions of Storm Titan's devil fruit powers.

"That took a lot longer than I thought. I got lucky since not only did I obtain the Thunder Demon's power but I regained my devil fruit power as well. I need to take the fight seriously from now on, no more fooling around or underestimating the enemy from now on." After promising to himself never to be off guard or play around in the fight, David retrieves the buried Gideon from the ground and teleports to Drug Peclo's ship using Shadow Khans' shadow.


Cecilia's POV

It only took 8 minutes to defeat all of my siblings, hire pirates and capture all of them. For my siblings, they decided to run away while I was distracted but thanks to Jaq (Silver hawk) and Gus (Tiger) I was able to track them down inside of the mansion. It turns out they went back into the mansion to grab the treasures and cash located in our father's study.

Father did all of his financial and trade business in that room so it was well known within a family that is where he stored his safe. I expected to find all three of them trying to open the safe, but I didn't expect to find another person among them when I entered the room. It was my father's first wife, Maren Varus, standing in front of the safe and moving the contents into a large bag next to her.

"You know what? I'm not even surprised about this. You are just as selfish as your children, Maren." I said with disgust as I approached them closely. While my siblings are busy with daylight thievery, Maren approached me with a high and mighty attitude just like how I remember when I was young.

"You forget yourself brat, it was me who allowed you to live in this house. If it wasn't for my generosity you would be nobody living in the street, who knows what you would become now? Be a thankful and good girl, just walk away, at least you can follow that order right? Maren ordered me as if she didn't understand the situation at all. It surprises me how she still functions with all that pride in her face and manages to walk around without falling face front.

"Maren, you just don't get it, do you? Your children made a serious crime by trying to assassinate me and the Marines. You will be lucky to live with your lives by the end of the month." I said to her with concerns but before I could say anything else she angrily talked back to me.

"And who's fault is that? You are supposed to die from the assassin's hand. All of this was a waste of good money and resources that I planned for the whole month." She rants and slammed her fist at the table while leering at me with hateful eyes. "Wait, how could you plan for all of this whole month when father died 6 days ago. What did you do?!" I realized the information Maren gave me was much bigger than I originally thought.

'She said whole months they plan for this, that means they could also plan for father's death.' I immediately commanded Jaq and Gus to surround them as other Marines entered the room. "Arrest these four and bring them to Instructor Zephyr. They have confessed their crimes to me and will be sentenced according to the law of the World Government." I order the Marines as my former family members start to realize that they have nowhere to run.

After long but short screams and tears in their face, they were tied up and escorted outside. I was about to follow them when I saw a strange object on the table. As I grabbed it from the table, a large explosion and a shockwave hit the mansion and shook the entire building.

"What is going on? Did they have a bomb?" I went outside to see what caused the explosion and what I saw was a huge white mushroom cloud in the distance as the ground once again started to shake violently. All I could think was one thing, 'What caused this catastrophic event?'

I think there was a misunderstanding on the last part of the previous chapter. I was putting the MC on the situation to remove his comfort zone just like one of the readers mention before.

This fanfiction is all about having fun and seeing where the story takes from place to place. I don't have the ultimate plan on how MC will become at the end of this story but one thing for sure, I won't make it boring because what is the point if I make him plain and interesting? Right?

Note: I just need one more review and rating to get official rating.

Thank you and stay safe.

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