
Dragon Reincarnation of a Villain

After dying to the same hero thirteen times in different worlds wouldn't you become tired of losing to the same person. Well this villain did, so on her fourteenth life she decided to go for a peaceful life, but that can be easier said than done.

thepowerful_merlin · Fantasy
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Chapter 4 - Alone

It has been a week since we left our nest and found this cave. It appears that she wants to make this our new home. She dug out the cave a little and started to bring rocks and large sticks for a nest.

Every night I can hear yelling and howling in the distance. It appears that people are hunting along with wolves. I get scared, but then I remember that my mama is there. She's always so calm and doesn't seem worried about the noises that are outside.

A few more nights of this pass when suddenly the yelling sounded like it was right outside of our cave. Mama pushed me into a crevice that she had left in case she needed to hide me. Shen then hunkered down to keep from being seen or noticed by the people that were out there.

The people came deeper into the cave and found mama. She got ready to fight, but they started throwing spears, shooting arrows, and shooting lightning. It wasn't doing much, but I could tell that she was in pain. She breathed fire at the attackers, but they had magical shields to protect them.

The attackers started shooting stronger magic at her. She swiped them with her front claws and got four people, but they had healing magic. They were definitely prepared to fight a dragon. They continued their barrage of magic when a man in what looked like heavy armor and a long sword came in.

He took his long sword and charged in. Mama swooped at him, but he dodged her attack. He jumped as she continued to swipe at him and brought his sword down.


The sound of metal hitting metal sounded throughout the cave. She had blocked his attack with her claws. He stepped back and went in for another charge attack. Mama was getting ready for her fire attack when.


The massive blade penetrated my mothers chest. Her head fell to the ground. I stared in horror as my mother lay dying on the floor. I couldn't move a muscle, but I was in a crevice that was hard to notice if you weren't looking for it.

I was standing there cowering when something happened. Ribbons… I saw what looked like thin blue ribbons flowing towards me. They came at me with tremendous speed. They started to enter my body through my chest. I followed the stream of blue ribbons with my eyes to where they were coming from. They were coming from my mother! She was looking at me with the one eye she could see from. I Looked at the men that were there and none of them seemed to notice the stream of blue ribbons.

I looked back at my mother when I suddenly heard a voice in my head.

"Go Adriel." The voice said, "Go, use this power to save the dragon race from the humans. You are the only one that can save us. Save the dragons I once ruled over."

I had no idea what it was talking about that I was to use some sort of power to save dragons? Just as the voice finished speaking the ribbons that were flowing into me stopped. And the man that killed my mother took his long sword and cleaved off my mothers head. The men were cheering as they took her head, most likely as their trophy. And with that they left, leaving my mothers corpse behind.