
Dragon Reincarnation of a Villain

After dying to the same hero thirteen times in different worlds wouldn't you become tired of losing to the same person. Well this villain did, so on her fourteenth life she decided to go for a peaceful life, but that can be easier said than done.

thepowerful_merlin · Fantasy
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Chapter 3 - New Home

Waking up I notice my mama isn't next to me. She was standing outside of the nest looking into the distance. I'm not sure what she was looking at, but I was really hungry. I started to walk towards where mama was, but got distracted by the bones on the ground and started chewing them again. As I sat there chewing on the bones I noticed that the other eggs still haven't hatched. I guess I was the only egg that hatched.

As mama looked into the far distance she noticed another dragon flying up to our nest. She gets in a defensive position, but the other dragon stops in front of where she was sitting. Nothing really happens except them looking at each other. It appeared that they were communicating somehow, but I'm not sure how. The dragon flew away and my mama grabbed me by the skin of my neck and started flying. I wasn't sure what was going on, but it seemed as if we were running away from something. Was there another dragon coming to attack our nest? Or was it something else?

We flew in the same direction as the other dragon. It didn't take long for us to get some distance from our nest. I look back at the nest and it's in flames. The entire nest is burnt to the ground. It looked like it was human that burned our nest, because there were no signs of any dragon flying around over it.

We flew for about another hour or so before mama had to land. In that time of flying we flew about sixteen kilometers. As soon as mama landed she continued walking. We didn't make as much ground as we would have if we were flying, but she was also looking to feed me as well as rest her wings. She heard something in the distance and put me down. She walked towards it and snatched it with her mouth. The animal she caught was pretty big, but it wasn't too difficult for her to kill it. She brought it back to me and dropped it on the ground.

I was starving as I have not eaten at all yet today. I start chomping away at the animal. It looked like it was an elk, but with plants growing on its antlers. The elk meat was sweet, almost like berries. I ate an entire thigh of the beast while mama ate the rest.

After we had finished the elk she picked me up and started flying in the same direction as before. We flew for another hour and mama landed again and started walking. She is probably looking for a place to stay for the night, or maybe a new home. We soon found a cave big enough for her to fit in. It wasn't too big, just enough for her to curl up and sleep in.