
Dragon Reincarnation of a Villain

After dying to the same hero thirteen times in different worlds wouldn't you become tired of losing to the same person. Well this villain did, so on her fourteenth life she decided to go for a peaceful life, but that can be easier said than done.

thepowerful_merlin · Fantasy
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Chapter 5 - Hunting and Growing

I wait a couple of minutes before I decide to head out to make sure that the hunters were gone. I walk out of the cave trying to ignore my mother's corpse. I didn't want to look at my mother's corpse because I couldn't handle seeing her like that. When I exit the cave I hear wolves in the distance.

I'm hungry, I should get something to eat, but that is easier said than done since I don't really know how to hunt with this body. I go in search of whatever animal I can find, whether a rabbit or something else.

I search for about what seems to be an hour before I find a Jackalope. I see it in the distance eating grass and really just minding its own business. I get closer trying to stay as stealthy as possible. I get within a few meters before I…


I grab its neck with my teeth and crunch its neck. It felt weird breaking bones in my jaws. I always broke someone's bones in my previous lives using a tool or my hands. I lay it down and start munching away at it.

After I finish eating what I caught, I suddenly feel tired. So tired that I can barely stay awake to make it to a hollowed out tree trunk that just so happens to be nearby, probably from the jackalope I just killed. I guess they like a ton of leg room in their dens. I climb in and fall asleep almost instantly.

Awakening, I feel a bit weird. Almost as if I just grew, because the tree trunk is considerably tighter than I remember. I try to squeeze my way out when.


The trunk just rips out of the ground. I guess I'm three times my original size. I'm not sure why though. I guess it has to do with something I ate last night. I didn't do anything or eat anything out of the ordinary. Except the blue ribbon that came to me from my mother, but that's the only strange thing that happened. I'm still not sure what it was, but the voice which I can assume was my mother's told me that I am the only one that can save the dragons that she once ruled over.

I guess I should figure out what to do next. I wonder if I can use magic, but I don't know how I can tell. I guess I can try and focus on making magic flow through me, but I have to find a good place without any dangers around to concentrate fully. I don't want to go back to the cave I was at yesterday.

I continue on walking through the forest along the cliff face that our cave was in. I walk for about an hour and find a cave. It's hidden behind a large rock, so it was harder to find. I walk in and there doesn't appear to be anyone in this cave. There's a few openings in the walls that I can't fit through so I just stay in the main chamber.

I curl up into a circle, close my eyes and try to see magic flowing through me. It's quite difficult, but I really want to see if I can use magic or not. I try to visualize thin strands entering my body and circulating through me. Nothing seems to have happened.