
Dragon Reincarnation of a Villain

After dying to the same hero thirteen times in different worlds wouldn't you become tired of losing to the same person. Well this villain did, so on her fourteenth life she decided to go for a peaceful life, but that can be easier said than done.

thepowerful_merlin · Fantasy
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Chapter 2 - Mama Dragon


I wake up to a loud noise and tons of wind. there is a shadow over me. I look up and see another dragon. It has what appears to be a small animal carcass.

The dragon looks at the one empty eggshell I left and looks at the other eggs. (there about five eggs including mine)

It drops the animal carcass and waits for me to go to it. I'm terrified by the sight of this magnificent creature before me. The dragon was red all over and had horns on its head as if it were wearing a tiara. The dragon had large spikes going all the way down its back to the end of its tail and what looked like razor sharp claws. This dragon seemed to be my mother.

In my other lives I have never been this close to a dragon before, so this was one of the scariest moments I remember from my other thirteen lives. I am shaking as if I had been in an ice cube for hours. You could see that I was shaking.

As she sat there I built up the courage to go to the carcass. It appears to be a rabbit. I reach the carcass and chomp into it's flesh. It's about a quarter of my size, as I am about the size of a medium sized dog, with what appeared to be antlers, this was definitely a Jackalope. The meat was somewhat warm, probably from my mother's mouth, and was tender.

It was delectable! I devour the meat of the Jackalope in a matter of minutes, because I am still a baby, and start chewing on a femur.

As I'm chewing on the bone of the Jackalope my mama lays down around me and the other eggs. She lay in such a way that her body surrounds the entire nest. She lay there watching me chew on what was left of the Jackalope. I look at her face as I'm chewing and see that she looks quite sad about something.

Was it my papa who was nowhere to be seen, or was it the other eggs that have yet to hatch?

I couldn't tell why she was upset. There wasn't much I could do, so I went up to her and tried to comfort her, but as I did, I tripped and shot an icicle out of my mouth and pierced her leg. She flinched as she felt a little pain, but didn't do more.

I didn't realize that I could shoot icicles from my mouth. I guess dragons are born with the ability to breathe an element as soon as they are born. I thought it was strange that I would be able to do this, because I figured that if I had powers like that I would have to mature a little more in order to do that, but I guess not.

I rose up from tripping and finished my short journey to my mother. She was very warm and comforting. I guess I got over my fear of her from when she landed in the nest. I lay down next to her and slowly fell asleep. As I did she moved her head to lay next to me and fell asleep.