
Dragon Reincarnation of a Villain

After dying to the same hero thirteen times in different worlds wouldn't you become tired of losing to the same person. Well this villain did, so on her fourteenth life she decided to go for a peaceful life, but that can be easier said than done.

thepowerful_merlin · Fantasy
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Chapter 1 - The Beginning of a New Life

Being great has never been easy for me. I have always been very mediocre. I guess this is the end of my thirteenth life. Being the villain is always difficult. This is because the hero of the story is always super strong and has plot armor. I have read tons of fictional books in my free time to know that the main characters always get stronger than the main villain. I have died thirteen from the same hero that keeps reincarnating with me. I wish that I could be free from the same hero and start a peaceful new life in the next world, but that will take a ton of effort.

Right now I am floating in a dark abyss. Why is it taking longer to become reincarnated? I wish I knew. Feeling sad for myself isn't going to help, but right now there isn't much else to do.

Aaah. There it is. The light of the new world. The shining of a new life. I wonder what this new world is going to be like. Is it going to be magical, filled with wondrous beasts and humanoid creatures? Or is it going to be just a magicless world where there are only humans dominating the world that have tamed animals as pets. All this will be revealed when I am born.


The light blinds me. As I enter this new realm.

It's dark, where am I? It feels small and cramped… yet not too cramped… like… I fit perfectly into the thing I'm in.

I try to force my way through. It's difficult, but I'm able to crack it. I push harder and… I see… light! I feel a breeze on my face. Am I outside? Was I in an egg?

I crawl around. I appear to be in some sort of nest. I appear very small. Am I some sort of lizard? I feel scaly. I appear to have sharp claws. What kind of beast am I?

Am I a normal lizard, or am I more than that?

I feel cold on the outside, yet… I feel very hot on the inside. Examining my legs a bit more closely I realize that one of my front legs is red while the other is white. Is this normal?

I wander around, but I see no other signs of life in this nest I'm in. I suddenly feel very tired, so I go to the side of the nest and lay down. I fell asleep almost instantly.