
Dragon Chronicles

Cyrus Black, a young orphan finds out the truth of his heritage and vows to get stronger, with the help of a friend of his deceased father. the man trains him to be the strongest Dragon in order to avenge his parents death. but can he really succeed in doing something so many people had failed to do?

Uzumaki_Rikuto · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Tragedy and Cyrus’s Decision

Chapter 5


"Let them watch as their precious father is killed right before their eyes, but dont let them escape!" Cade roared

"Yes, Sire!"


Theo and Cade continued to fight, but Cade was gradually increasing his speed and this wasnt a good thing. Cade grinned before opening his mouth and breathing fire, creating a swirling vortex of flames.

Theo glared at him and did the same, but his breath attack was that of a lightning Dragon. He did his best to overpower Cade but in the end the flames swallowed him.

'Tiana...Cyrus...please forgive me... 'He thought before a scream escaped his lips and he was turned to ash.

Tiana and Cyrus's eyes were wide, tears streaming down their face Tiana's lips trembled as she looked at the pile of ash that used to her father. She felt so much rage and anger. Cyrus glared at Cade, anger in his eyes.

"What's the angry look for boy?" Cade laughed.

"Mad that I killed your daddy?"

Cyrus had never felt such anger and rage for one single person before. Cade's men got closer, with Theo dead there was no reason to keep them alive.

Cyrus winced, his body was still healing. His torso was attached to his body and most of the skin had grew back.

The green eyed child jumped out from Tiana's grip and took her in his arms. Immediately they vanished in a bolt of lightning.

Cade sighed.

"Should we go after them?"

"No. Let them be for now."

"As you wish sire."

In Cade's eyes the only person who could give him a real challenge was Cyrus and if he got stronger their battles would be even better.


Cyrus and Tiana appeared in front of the house that they called home for the majority of their life.

The son of the Dragon King winced as he got onto one knee, blood splattering onto the ground.


"Cy!" Tiana looked at him with worry in her eyes

"I'm fine." He said. "What about you, how are you doing?"

"Dont worry about me, I'm okay!" Exclaimed Tiana, tears in her eyes. "Worry more about yourself, idiot."

Cyrus didnt say anything as he wrapped an arm around her. He knew that Tiana was hurting. Her father had died and sacrificed himself for them. It's all my fault. He thought. He truly believed that. In his eyes if he were stronger he would have been able to prevent his death. Almost immediately Tiana began to cry. Cyrus rubbed her back and just hugged her as she cried. Tiana continued to do so for quite some time, but after awhile she stopped.

"What are we going to do now?" She asked as he sighed. What Cyrus really wanted to do was leave Detroit and get stronger.

"Your leaving Detroit arent you?" Tiana asked causing his eyes to widen.

"How did you...?"

Tiana laughed. "You think I didnt know? I know you better than that. You want to avenge daddy dont you?"

"Not only him, but my parents as well." Cyrus told her.

Tiana frowned. "Let...me come with you."

Cyrus shook his head. "I'm sorry, but I cant let you come with me, Tiana."

"Why not? Your just gonna leave me here?!"

Cyrus frowned. "I'm sorry, but you'll be safer this way. Cade will eventually come for me and if I stay he will attack and lots of innocent people will die. I hope one day you'll understand."

"But-" whatever Tiana was gonna say was cut off as he appeared behind her.

Tiana widened her eyes.

"I love you lil sis." He whispered before knocking her out, chopping her behind her neck.

Cyrus sighed. By this point he was healed and all of his skin was repaired, he was at full strength once again. The young Prince caught her before taking her in his arms and took to the skies heading towards the orphanage. He laid her on the ground softly and knocked on the entrance to the orphanage doors. Cyrus quickly jumped into the air and let his wings come to life behind his back and flew away.

Cyrus felt so much better knowing his sister would be looked after. He used to live in that orphanage, the caretakers were good people. He could focus on getting stronger without worry. Cyrus increased his speed as he headed out of Detroit without a clear destination in mind.


Cyrus sighed as he flew past a few restaurants. He was getting pretty hungry, it had been a few hours since he left Detroit and right now he was passing through the neighboring cities and towns. Cyrus stomach growled, the green eyed child frowned.

"Be quiet you. I'll get us something to eat okay?"

Again his stomach growled. It seemed his stomach wasnt gonna listen to him until he had food in his stomach.

"Well, I don't have any food so I cant eat out." Cyrus said. "Guess I have to hunt."

Memories flashed in Cyrus's eyes of him and Theo camping and learning how to hunt.

Cyrus felt pain everytime he thought of his father in all but blood. He sighed before landing near a forest

"Time to get some grub." He exclaimed and once he spotted a dear he grinned.


Cyrus could be seen practicing his moves on a tree, eventually that tree fell to the ground.

After eating Cyrus began training and started to practice his moves on the tree's within the forest. The Dragon Prince generated lightning in his fist and grinned as he punched a huge hole through a tree.

No matter what he was determined to get stronger. To avenge Theo's death. His parents deaths. To end Cade's reign of terror.


A few days later

Cyrus was still in the forest, this had been his training spot these past few days. But he wasnt training right now. The boy could be seen with his knees on the ground, his hands on his head, tears were streaming down his eyes as well. The Prince of Lightning looked to be in pain, his breathing was ragged.

"Please make it stop." Cyrus closed his eyes, but all he saw was Theo dying over and over again. "Just make it stop already!" Cyrus eventually fell asleep tears still rolling down his face: his dreams were anything but pleasant. He didn't know it yet but he was showing the early signs of PTSD.


The Next day-the following morning

Cyrus had his fists clenched determination in his eyes. To him it didn't matter how much he suffered. Cade had to be stopped. Even so, it hurt. It hurt knowing he was helpless as he watched the man he saw as his father die right before his eyes.

'Look after Tiana, Son. I love you both!'

'Look after your sister!'

Cyrus's eyes turned into blue slits and he grew blue scales on his forearms. He had to get stronger. His promise to Theo...he would always look after Tiana, but in order to do so he had to get stronger. And stronger he would get. Cyrus reached into his pocket and pulled out a small picture of him, Theo and Tiana all of them were smiling. It was Cyrus's birthday and that day they had went to a carnival and that's where they took the photo. He sighed as he put the photo away, such happy times were over with. He had to focus on getting stronger. Cyrus continued to train, eventually he left that forest and continued his journey to get stronger and before he knew it a year had passed.


North Carolina

Cyrus was flying through North Carolina, he had finished his evening training, he had been staying in North Carolina for the past four months. Cyrus made sure his training was always intense and he never stayed in one place for too long. Thankfully he didnt have to hunt at the moment. A nice lady offered to let him stay. It was just her and her daughter. Apparently the father died in an accident just hours before she was born.

Cyrus liked the Evan's family, they were nice. They quickly became his friends. The young prince was heading to the Evan's residence at the moment. Cyrus flew past the numerous mountains that covered North Carolina before flying up towards a house on the mountainside. He quickly landed on the ground before knocking on the door.

A few moments later a woman with blond

hair and blue eyes opened the door and when she saw it was him she smiled from ear to ear.

"Welcome back, Cy." The woman said. "I hope you worked up an appetite, because I made food."

Cyrus smiled. "That would be nice Tanya, thank you." He said as she moved to the side so he could get inside.

Cyrus walked inside the house and looked around and he frowned. "Where's Anna?"

Tanya smiled. "She's in the shower." The blonde replied as he nodded taking a seat at the table in the dining room. Tanya grabbed some plates and sat them down on the table. She then put food on all three of the plates.

"She'll be done any-"

Cyrus's ears twitched as he heard a door opening followed by footsteps ccoming down the stairs and down came a girl around Cyrus age with brown-almost blonde hair and hazel eyes. When the girl saw him she smiled.


The Dragon prince returned her smile.

"Had a hard day training?"

Cyrus scratched his head.

"You could say that." He said. "I definitely worked up an appetite."

Anna took a seat beside Cyrus, Tanya took a seat across the two teenager's and they began to eat. Cyrus smiled as he took a few bites of the food. As always Tanya's food was great.

They all ate in silence before Cyrus spoke.

"I really should leave soon." Cyrus said

"More training? You were gone all day." Tanya said

"No, I mean the next town or no the next state over."

The mother and daughter duo looked surprised.

"You know of me being of the dragon race, but I never told you I was the Dragon prince did I?"

They widened their eyes having no idea they were in the presence of Royalty.

"If I dont leave my enemies will come." He said.

Tanya narrowed her eyes.

"Cade and his organization, Draco huh?"

Cyrus nods.

"When will you leave?" Anna asked

"In the next week or so." He replied. "I'll be damned if I let those bastards take any more lives."

They saw unimaginable pain in his eyes. He didnt talk about himself or his past much, but they could tell he had suffered a lot.

"Why haven't you went to a hospital? They can get you help for your PTSD." Tanya said

Not long after he began to stay with them they discovered he had PTSD, he would wake up screaming and when they found him he would be holding his head and muttering something to himself with tears rolling down his face.

Cyrus sighed. "Because my health is irrelevant, all that matters is taking down Draco."

'He's holding a lot on his shoulders isnt he?' Tanya thought. 'Cy...'

"I get it." Tanya said. "But if you ever need a place to stay, my place is always open."

Cyrus smiled at her, grateful for her hospitality.

"Thank you."

Tanya returned the smile and went to eating her meal. Anna looked worried, but went back to her food. She knew talking about the past was painful for Cyrus.

And so they finished their meal in silence.


To be continued