
Dragon Chronicles

Cyrus Black, a young orphan finds out the truth of his heritage and vows to get stronger, with the help of a friend of his deceased father. the man trains him to be the strongest Dragon in order to avenge his parents death. but can he really succeed in doing something so many people had failed to do?

Uzumaki_Rikuto · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Cyrus Meets Cade

Chapter 4


"Cyrie?" Tiana, the daughter of Theo looked at the young dragon prince with worry in her eyes. Tiana was a three year old girl with short brown hair and amber eyes, being only three years old her vocabulary wasnt all that great and instead of Cyrus she called him Cyrie.

Theo thought it was the cutest thing in the world.

"You k?"

Cyrus came out of his thoughts and smiled at her brightly. "Of course I am, hey after were done here let's go play out back."

Tiana smiled. "K!"

Theo smiled at the scene. Cyrus forged a bond with Tiana almost immediately after meeting the young dragon. Suddenly the smile left his face. Cyrus did well to put on a brave face, but he knew the boy was suffering inside. Just yesterday he had been told the truth of his heritage and how his parents died.

'I guess I'll give him time to process.' Theo thought as he closed his eyes. 'I wonder what path the boy will take... '

After ten or fifteen minutes Tiana got up in a hurry and ran out the patio door. Cyrus scratched his head before following after her.

The kids played for hours until it looked like Tiana was getting sleepy, Cyrus suggested going inside to get some sleep for the night. Tiana pouted saying she wasnt tired, but one look from Cyrus and she sighed and followed him inside.

After Tiana went into her room Cyrus walked into his own room. Cyrus stared at his ceiling and appeared to he deep in thought. He had thoughts about his parents and how they had risked their lives for him, for their own son they made the ultimate sacrifice. Cyrus never met them, but he respected them both. They fought not only for him but others around them. The raven closed his eyes. In that moment he made a decision and a promise to himself. He would get stronger under the tutelage of Theo and no matter what he would stop the fire dragons and help those hurt by them. Cyrus fell asleep with that solemn promise to himself.


Theo noticed a change in Cyrus these last few days, he would catch him training on his own, he looked like he had a sense of purpose.

The leader of the Lightning Dragon Clan took a step outside and onto the patio. He watched as he trained using the hand to hand combat training and lightning abilities together. Theo was always impressed by how strong hes become in the span of 1 year. Theo had no doubt that Cyrus would surpass him one day. He just hope he didnt suffer anymore than he already had. He knew Cade had to be stopped, but there was still not one member of the royal family left.



"Cyrus are you ok?"

The ravenette frowned before nodding. "I'm the son of heroes...they died protecting me...I'm proud to be their son." Cyrus had a genuine smile from ear to ear. "It makes me mad that I never could meet them, but the thought of Cade taking away more families makes me even more angry. I want to get stronger Theo."

Theo could see the determination in the boy's eyes which caused him to grin. "Let's begin your training then. I'll warn you though, the training up till now will be nothing compared to the training you'll receive from now on."

Cyrus nodded. "Do your worst."

Theo chuckled


Cyrus's training was brutal, Theo showed no mercy in regards to his training. He would have him do 800 pushup's, 800 pullups and make him run around the house about 100 times. And this was just the morning training. For the afternoon training he would do 500 punches on a tree and 600 kicks...500 punches using both fists and 600 kicks on both feet. But the training paid off, if one were to face off against him you would be able to tell he was the son of the former Lightning Dragon King. Cyrus trained each and every day and eventually six years passed.


A twelve year old Cyrus yawned, a blank look on his face as he walked in town. Just moments ago he finished his afternoon training and now he had to run some errands for Theo. He said something about grabbing some Milk as they had ran out. It wasnt like Cyrus minded much, it was nice to get out every once in awhile. Cyrus was about to enter the local super center when his eyes narrowed before he jumped back, evading a flame empowered kick aimed at his head. Cyrus glared at a man with brown hair and brown eyes. He was clearly a member of the Fire Dragon Clan.

The Dragon grinned. "I've always wanted to meet you, Dragon Prince!"

Cyrus's gaze hardened, sensing a powerful Core near his home. The power...it was unlike anything he ever felt before. It was Cade. This scared the hell out of him. Theo was a really powerful Dragon, but he wasn't stronger than the King of Flames.

Cyrus bit his lip. Cade was a monster without any remorse. He would kill Theo and Tiana without a second thought.

"Thinking about others!" The man launched a volley of flame bullets from his index fingers imitating a gun.

"Do you really think that's a luxury you have?!"

Cyrus expertly dodged each and every attack before dishing out his own attack. Cyrus's face looked dead serious as his eyes turned blue and the pupils turned into slits The man widened his eyes.

"This power..." Even a grunt like him could tell how powerful his Core was becoming. The man gasped as Cyrus vanished from his sight. He screamed as he received an attack from behind.


Cade laughed evilly as he looked at Theo and his daughter who was hiding behind him.

"Your gonna die today Theo." Cade said. "Just like Allen and Katie did."

The current leader of the Lightning Dragon Clan glared at Cade. There was pure hatred in his eyes.

"Oh, angry are you?"


Theo widened his eyes as in a flash Cyrus arrived and landed a quick punch to Cade's face. As the punch landed Cyrus had sent lightning outwards, a lightning blast shot outwards and carved up Cade's skin and the landscape around them.

Theo couldn't help but feel proud of the boy, he had come so far and gotten so strong.

"Cy, an attack like that is nothing to the Fire Dragon King." Theo said, they all watched as Cade got up and grinned.

"You certainly take after them." Cade said. "Your parents, I mean. That was quite the attack boy."

Cyrus glared at him before running right at Cade.

Theo widened his eyes. "Cyrus, No!"

He went to intervene but was prevented from doing so as multiple Fire Dragon Clan members surrounded him.


Cyrus and Cade engaged in a fist fight. Both dragon warriors evading all of the attacks expertly. Cyrus increased the speed of his punches and seeing no opening in his attacks he jumped up, his hand glowing blue Cade didnt even have time to react as the bolt of lightning struck him, he cried out in pain as the lightning tore up his skin and spilled his royal blood. Cyrus watched as Cade's wounds slowly healed and evil laughter escaped his lips.


Theo glanced from side to side evaded and countered all of the attacks sent his way. Theo didn't even look winded, neither did he show any signs of being tired. Members of Cade's faction laid on the ground unresponsive. Tiana floated in the sky as she watched the fight, not wanting to get in her father's way she had immediately took to the air. Theo grunted as he received a punch to his face, he didnt flinch as he glared at his enemy sending him soaring with a single punch. Theo looked at his enemies, there were at least 10 of Cade's men left. He saw the battle between his student and Cade was still in progress. Cyrus was doing fairly well against the Dragon King. Cyrus was strong and all but he couldn't possibly win this fight.

Cade laughed. "Your amusing kid."

Suddenly it began to get really hot. Cade's body was glowing an orange color. Cyrus

gasped as Cade appeared behind him

. "Your quite strong kid, but your not quite at my level." He whispered in his ear before swinging his arm. Cyrus screamed in pure agony as Cade's arm burned through his torso like a knife through butter. Cade was emotionless as both halves of his body hit the ground.

"You...bastard." Cyrus coughed and continue to scream in pain.


Theo charged Cade, having dealt with his enemies.

"You know anger isnt a good look on you Theo." Cade grinned

Theo and Cade vanished and traded fists as they became a blur. Cade sent a volley of flaming spears at him but he evaded and sent a lightning strike right above him. Cade was fast enough to jump out of the way, but the attack did tear his right arm off. Theo had a very serious look on his face as he landed a series of punches, he knee'd him in the face drawing blood. Cade's arm was already starting to grow back.

"Tiana, gather Cyrus and get out of here!" Theo ordered. He knew he couldnt win this fight, but if they could get out of this alive it would be worth it. Theo's skin began to turn into blue scales and his eyes turned into slits.


Tiana landed beside Cyrus, Theo and Cade's battle sending vibrations and wind gusts from their strikes.

"What are you doing?!" Screamed Cyrus already in the phase of healing, his body was reattached now, just barely and the skin was starting to reform.

Theo evaded a few fire blasts before kicking Cade away. "Look after Tiana, Son. I love you both...Now go!!"

Tiana and Cyrus had tears in their eyes



"Look after your sister!"

Tiana shut her eyes before picking Cyrus up. She attempted to take to the skies above but gasped as the enemies from before started rising, grins on they're faces. They started to close in on the two children, but halted their movements when they heard their leaders deep and commanding voice.

To be continued