
Dragon Chronicles

Cyrus Black, a young orphan finds out the truth of his heritage and vows to get stronger, with the help of a friend of his deceased father. the man trains him to be the strongest Dragon in order to avenge his parents death. but can he really succeed in doing something so many people had failed to do?

Uzumaki_Rikuto · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Showdown in North Carolina

Chapter 6


A few days later- Location: Texas

A man with brown hair and golden eyes looked at his phone. At the moment he was in a facetime call with his leader.

"Your mission is to eliminate and subdue all the human's in North Carolina, do you understand Ryan?"

He nods.

"Yes Sire."

"Take 200-no 300 men with you. I'll send someone to take over your post."

"I could understand 200, but why 300?"

"My sources tell me that Cyrus Black is in North Carolina at the moment."


"Dont underestimate him. He injured me on multiple occasions during our battle 1 year ago."

Ryan looked shocked, his eyes widened. Someone was able to injure Cade, not once but multiple times?

"Look Ryan, your main mission is to get rid of Cyrus, because he will try and stop you, after you deal with him you can make North Carolina ours."


"I cant express this enough. Dont underestimate him. He wouldn't just stand around after all this time. Hes been training and focusing on getting stronger."

"Yes Sire. I'll head out immediately."

Cade nods before the call ended

Ryan sighed and walked towards the nearest window. Right now he was in a five story tall tower: the tower itself was a fiery red color and atop of it a flag with a red dragon with flames coming out of its mouth was shown swaying with the wind. This was Texas Draco HQ located in the Houston airport. The airport was a wreck. All the airplanes were reduced to rubble and all the structures around the airport was in rubble as well. The only stable structure was the Draco Tower. Ryan looked out the window to see his men waking back and forth.

No doubt they were bored.

It was an army of 6,000 men.

He sighed before opening the window and jumping down.



"300 of you line up." Ryan said. "Right now."

Not questioning their leader 300 men lined up, though it wasnt all men some of the Dragons were female.

"So here's the deal. In a few hours or so someone will come and take my post."

"But sir where are you going?"

"I was getting to that." He replied. "Anyway it seems Cade wants us to invade North Carolina and subdue the humans...but he also wants The Lightning Prince dealt with."

"Hes in North Carolina?"

Ryan nodded.

Some of the men grinned as if they were excited. The idiots. Ryan thought about telling them not to underestimate a Dragon who injured their King,but decided against it.

They'd learn. Even if it cost them their life.

Ryan knew that Cyrus had injured Cade many times and undoubtedly had gotten stronger since then but he couldnt be stronger than him. NRyan wasnt one to toot his own horn, but out of all the dragons he was the one closest to Cade's strength. He would finish this mission without fail.

And in 2 hours time he was relieved of his duty and with his men at his side they took to the skies.


An unnamed bar within Germany-

Cade took a sip of his scotch before a grin spread across his face.

'I hope you've gotten stronger little Prince. Ryan isnt stronger than me, but he isnt weaker than me by much.' Cade thought. He didnt expect Cyrus to win this battle, he had to focus on his plan to rule over the world for now

Cyrus had to die for that. He would deal with anyone that stood in the way of him and his plan for world domination. Cade took another sip of his scotch. Such fine liquor. 'Maybe I'll keep a few of these humans alive.'


Approximately 8 hours later

Ryan narrowed his eyes as he eyed the house above them. He didnt sense Cyrus inside, but he did sense the boy's Core a few miles away.

"What do you want to do sir?"

Ryan put his phone he had been looking at away. He was trying to see if where they were at right now was the right place.

"Kill those humans in the house." Ryan said. "Then spread out and get rid of the humans, but the majority of you stay with me."

All Draco members nodded as they all looked at the house and a few of them unleashed a breath attack.

flames were sent at the house and the house caught fire and exploded, two screams were heard as the residents were burned alive.

Ryan nodded at his men who nodded back and 150 of his men flew off to get rid of the human's.

Ryan knew Cyrus would return here soon. This was where he stayed and Cyrus was a member of the lightning Clan and they were known to be Protectors, not only to their own kind but the humans as well.


A few miles away

Cyrus's was about to coat a fist in lightning before he froze. Was he so into training he didnt sense the army of Dragon Core's by The Evan's Residence?

Cyrus immediately let his wings come to life behind his back before flying towards where the enemy was.

Whatever Cyrus expected, the scene before him wasnt it. The house was in flames, and he could pick up Tanya and Anna's s scent inside. They were burning alive.

"Ah, Dragon Prince. It's so nice to meet you." Ryan said

Cyrus glared at him, but suddenly he looked towards the house. A figure jumped out of the house holding someone.

It was Tanya carrying Anna but they were both charred beyond recognition.

How could she even move? Suddenly they both fell.


Tanya stopped moving, tears in her eyes. Emily wasnt moving either.

Cyrus reached his hand out and called out their names. It was becoming clear to him that they were dead. Anna was the first friend he ever had and when he was around Tanya, she was always so kind and sweet to him and treated him as she would Anna

Cyrus wondered if that's what it was like to have a mother. The raven-haired Dragon's eyes turned into slits and his skin turned into blue scales. Cyrus jumped in the sky before launching an attack, rage in his eyes. The grovel was torn up and In the center of the attack was Ryan and his men. Most of the 150 Fire Dragons were took out by that last attack, only

50 of them remained including Ryan.

Said Dragon sighed. "You didnt even let me introduce myself, are you really in such a rush to die? My name is Ryan, Cade's right hand man."

Cyrus widened his eyes. He recognized that name.

"Oh? You know of me do you kid?"

'Cyrus listen...Ryan is a very dangerous man, just as evil and not to mention just as strong as Cade. Hes been the Fire Dragon King's right hand for centuries. If you ever encounter him...run.'

Cyrus looked at Ryan and his men evenly.

'Sorry Theo...but I can't just simply run...even if it means death.' He thought

He knew that he couldnt act on emotions here. If he wanted to win here he had to be in the right mind. Cyrus landed on the ground and Ryan looked at him coldly.

"Men! I warned you! Dont underestimate the prince! You'll die if you do so."


Ryan sighed. "Just end it already, if were lucky I won't have to use my power."

"Of course."

"As you wish."

The remaining 50 warriors grinned before running at Cyrus just as he charged them.

The battle had officially begun. Cyrus was put on the defensive as he was forced to either block or evade all the punches, kicks and leg sweep's. Whether they be regular punches, kicks or they be empowered by Flames.

Cyrus narrowed his eyes

as a volley of flame bullet's were sent his way.

He jumped out of the way and evaded the flame bullets, he appeared behind one of the enemies and punched him directly in his back, however just as the punch connected a blast of lightning shot out of the dragon's back causing him to cough up blood. Cyrus evaded Ryan'a men as they chased after him.

It would take more than that to kill a dragon.

Cyrus evaded all of their attacks before floating in the air.

"We got him on the defensive!"

"Don't let up now!" Cyrus frowned. He hated killing and everytime he did it he felt like the worse scum alive.

But it seemed death was the only language they spoke. They would never back down nor would they surrender, even so Cyrus looked at them.

"I'll give you a warning, right here and right now, walk away. Just walk away."

They laughed.

"Have you lost your mind?"

"Like hell!"

"Why dont YOU run away little boy?!'"

'Right, to your mommy and daddy!"

"Oh right, I forgot. Didnt Cade kill your folks?"

Cyrus looked angry. "Last warning."

A few of them inhaled beginning their breath attack.

Cyrus sighed, his skin still had blue scales. Suddenly crackles of lightning appeared at different places over his body. Slowly he raised his hand which was glowing with electricity. He aimed down below and grunted unleashing his attack. A bolt of lightning striked them along with the other houses along the mountainside. As the lightning strike down not only did it expand, but both masculine and feminine screams were heard. The mountainside crashed down onto the ground to street level.

Cyrus was glad nobody else lived up on the mountainside, apparently people were scared to live so high up. He felt guilty about the property damage, but he couldnt hold back. Not against these assholes.

Cyrus couldnt see anything from the dust cloud that had formed from his attack: he was pretty sure his attack hit Ryan. Though he was sure Ryan survived. Actually he could feel his Core, still full of energy.

However he could also sensed that Ryan's men were no more, and as the smoke cleared Cyrus saw nothing, but burnt clothing and Ryan with his arms crosed.

"Hm. Impressive." Ryan said honestly impressed. He single handedly took out 50 strong draconic warriors all by himself not counting the others he just took out.

Cyrus looked directly at the ringleader of the Texas Draco HQ.

"Well, now." Ryan said. "You ready to die little prince?"

"The only one dying here today will be you." Cyrus's said. "Prepare yourself."


Four Months ago

Tiana had a sad look on her face as she looked at a framed photo of herself, her father and brother. Looking back she never expected something like this to happen.

"Cy." She said tears in her eyes. "Daddy..."

It hadn't even been a day since she was admitted in to the orphanage. It wasnt like she was angry with Cyrus, though she did feel lonely she understood his goal.

To avenge their dad and take down Draco. For that purpose she knew he wanted to get strong, she just wish he had took her with him. But she realized he couldnt fight his best if she was around. What if he ran into enemies? He wouldn't be able to guarantee her safety


She turned to look at a guy around her age with dark hair and blue eyes.

"You want to go to the movies? A few of The orphanage caretakers are coming with."

Tiana smiled. "I'd love to, Alex!"

The boy now known as Alex smiled. "What are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Tiana walked towards the door before opening it.


The Present

The ground before the two dragon's were evened out. The mountainside completely reduced to ash.

Ryan and Cyrus were engaging in fist to fist combat, Ryan's attack never reached Cyrus while the same was true for Ryan. With every punch wind was generated from their punches, that's just how powerful their attacks were.

Cyrus grunted as Ryan kicked him in the chest. It didnt really hurt, but it was enough to send him skidding back.

"Your good kid, but let's see how you deal with this!" Exclaimed Ryan as he gathered Flames from within and spewed it out creating a vortex of flames.

Cyrus tried using his own breath attack, but he was too late in executing it. He cried out in pain as the flames consumed him.

To be continued