
Dragon Chronicles

Cyrus Black, a young orphan finds out the truth of his heritage and vows to get stronger, with the help of a friend of his deceased father. the man trains him to be the strongest Dragon in order to avenge his parents death. but can he really succeed in doing something so many people had failed to do?

Uzumaki_Rikuto · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Six Bolts and the Hunters

Chapter 12


It had been approximately three years since Cyrus ended Ethan's evil schemes and he learned the truth about his family. Cyrus had been training heavily under Luna and Chris. His Fire would never be as powerful as his Lightning but it was certainly a power to be trifled with, especially if he combined it with his lightning. Just imagine if he used flames with his Dragon King Form.

Aside from his training he grew closer to his sister. He would often be seen hanging out with her, sometimes they would spar and sometimes they would go out and do something. Cyrus had to do everything in his power to protect her. His sister wasn't the only one he bonded with these past few years though.

He really became close with Naomi, he couldn't explain it. Being around her just made him feel happy. Naomi was there for him especially when he had nightmares she was there to comfort him and tell him everything was ok. The death of Theo still haunted him. It still made him mad because he had failed to save him. It wasn't until much later that Cyrus realized how much Naomi truly meant to him. He loved her.

Cyrus just wasn't sure how to act upon these feelings. He never felt this way before. Naomi was one of the most important people in the world to him, he didn't want to ruin his friendship with her. Should he tell her exactly how he felt or should he just try to get over her?


A sixteen year old Cyrus who was sitting in the roof to the house looked up to see Tiana who smiled down at him. "I was thinking of doing some training, you wanna join me?"

Cyrus smiled at his sister. "Sure, let's go Tia." He said utilizing her nickname

Tiana returned her brother's smile as he rose, moments later the siblings headed to a secluded place where they could train without worrying about damaging the city.

"Room for one more?" Naomi asked as Cyrus and Tiana landed on the ground.

"Sure." Tiana replied

Cyrus grinned. "Bring it on. Come at me with everything you've got."

Both girls got into a battle stance before charging at the King of the Lightning Dragons. Cyrus was eager for the challenge but deep down he could never hurt his sister or the girl he loved.

Being older helped Naomi a lot in the battle as she had trained with her mother a lot growing up, not only that she had trained with Cyrus when his mother helped him learn how to control his flames.

That coupled with the fact she was teaming up with Tiana they made quite the formidable team.

After about twenty-five minutes of sparring both girls laid on the ground breathing heavily.

"I give up, your way too strong Cy."

Cyrus smiled as he helped them up to they're feet. He could never truly hurt anyone of them even if he tried. Tiana was his little sister and Naomi is the girl he loves.

"Cmon, let's go grab something eat. My treat."


"I am pretty hungry. Ok, I'm down."


Cyrus and the others could be seen at a local food joint quietly enjoying they're meals. One particular time when Cyrus had went for his drink Tiana caught him eying Naomi however before the object of his affections could look his way he averted his eyes.

Tiana shook her head. It was obvious how Cyrus felt. It was actually pretty shocking that Naomi was unaware of his feelings for her.

The three dragons continued to eat they're meals however after about ten to fifteen minutes they finished eating, after paying for the food they headed back home.

When they got home Tiana announced that she was gonna take a shower which Cyrus and Noami joined Luna on the couch. She seemed to be watching the news.


Cyrus narrowed his eyes, at the same time Luna widened her eyes.


"Mrs. Luna?"

The older Dragon Sighed. "First, I told you it was ok to address me as Mom and Second I'm pretty sure I know whose behind all the death in this city recently."

Cyrus smiled awkwardly and laughed a little bit

"Really, Mom?" Asked Noami with surprise on her face.

Luna nods. "It has to be the work of the Evil Organization…..The Six Bolts."

"So it is a member of the Lightning Dragon Clan or rather several Clan members." Said Cyrus

"That's right, sweetie. They're M.O. is to burn a large Lightning bolt on they're victims. It's them."

"And they're targeting regular humans?"

"I don't think so, but they might be targeting Fire Dragons that had defected and wanted no part in Cade's war. I can't be the only one who thought of the idea of getting away from Cade."

Cyrus nods. "There's something I don't understand though."

"What's that?"

"We'll, if they're members of my clan then why would they do all these horrible things?"

Luna sighs. "Well, not all Lightning Dragons are like you Cy, while I'm sure a good portion of them would look past they're hatred of Fire Dragons some just don't care. The Six Bolts for example, they don't care if the Dragons are innocent."

Cyrus frowned. "Why are they so willing to take innocent lives?"

"I assume most of them suffered at the hands of Fire Dragons and want all Fire Dragons to suffer, they've been enemies of the Lightning and Fire Dragons since ancient times. They haven't really been active until now."

"How come I haven't heard about them before now?" Cyrus asked with a frown

"Like I said they haven't been active recently. The last time they were active I believe was in the 1920's, back then your father had fought against some of them and came out of the battle victorious obviously. They were powerful enough to give him a challenge. If he didn't go all out he'd probably would've lost that battle."

"Why? Lightning Dragons can't harm other Lightning Dragons."

"Maybe. Lightning doesn't affect a member of the Lightning Dragon Clan after all." Said Lana

"Then how would he of been killed by this organization?"

"Dragon Arms."

Cyrus furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Dragon Arms are weapons made from Fire Dragon Scales and Lightning Dragons n Scales. They are used by the Dragon Hunters."

"I've heard of the Hunters. Theo told me about them when I was younger, told me to be wary around them if I ever came across them."

"He was right. You should be wary of them, they are your enemies through and through. Every member has access to a Dragon Arm or two. Dragon Arms can and will kill you."

Cyrus nods. He gathered as much from her earlier explanation. "So what is the point of the Hunters? I know they hunt Dragons but why? Some Dragons are innocent and never harm anyone and Lightning Dragons are a Force of good for the most part, every organization had a purpose, Draco's purpose is to rule over all mankind, I'm not sure what The Six Bolts purpose is but I'm sure it isn't pretty."

"You're right, Cy. From what I gather the Six Bolts purpose is to rid the world of Fire Dragons however they won't be pretty about it and they aren't afraid to harm the innocent either; Now regarding the hunters their purpose is to rid the world of all Dragons everywhere. They truly believe Dragons are the source of all the problems in the world however they aren't afraid to get their hands dirty either."

"I…have a lot of enemies huh?"

"Yeah, but you aren't alone." She said softly It's a smile. Naomi smiled as well.

"Yeah. It's a bit overwhelming having three different enemies but I got your back no matter what." Naomi said revealing the smile Cyrus loved so much. He had a bit of trouble hiding the blush on his face but he thought he managed to hide it well enough. Luna saw this and her smile only widened.

When Tiana returned Luna informed her of everything that they saw on the news and everything she explained to Cyrus regarding The Six Bolts and the Hunters.

"So The Six bolts have been around for a long time?" Tiana asked

Luna nods. "They've been around as long as the Hunters,"

"And how long is that?" Naomi wondered

"4,000 years."

Cyrus opened his moth with surprise. Tiana gasped while Naomi widened her eyes.

To be continued

Begging of the Six bolts Arc

Uzumaki_Rikutocreators' thoughts