
Dragon Chronicles

Cyrus Black, a young orphan finds out the truth of his heritage and vows to get stronger, with the help of a friend of his deceased father. the man trains him to be the strongest Dragon in order to avenge his parents death. but can he really succeed in doing something so many people had failed to do?

Uzumaki_Rikuto · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Chapter 13


"That's a really long time." Said Cyrus

"Yeah, they've been around since ancient times." Said Luna. "So if you encounter either the Hunters or the Six Bolts be very careful."

'If they're that old it's no wonder they're so strong!' Thought Tiana

'I've gotten so strong these past few years…I'll protect everyone no matter what.' Thought Cyrus with determination in his eyes

'No way will we let the Six Bolts have their way. We haven't even taken Cade down yet.' Thought Noami

"Where's Chris?" Tiana asked wondering why he wasn't here.

"He's getting Grocceries." Luna replied. "I'll tell him everything I just told you guys."

Tiana and Naomi nodded

"I have one more Question…Mom." Said Cyrus a smile forming on his face

"Ok." Said Luna also smiling. "What do you want to know?"

"Whose the leader of the Six Bolts? No doubt he or she must be pretty powerful, probably stronger than the rest of The Six Bolts."

Luna nods. "You're probably right, but the leader has never shown his face. I don't know anything about him, sorry Cy. Your father barely got out with his life when he faced them so I want you to promise me you'll be careful."

He stared at her and realized he said that because she was worried about him and didn't want anything bad to happy to him.

"I promise."


Not long after that they decided to head to sleep as it was getting pretty late, but Luna decided to stay up for her husband.


The Next Day

After breakfast Cyrus and Tiana went to train while Naomi said she was going to a friends house. None of them would've been prepared for the incident that would soon take place.


Naomi was flying towards the direction of her Friends house when she widened her eyes and moved out of the way, evading a kick to the face.

"Nice to meet your acquaintance young Fire Dragon." Said her attacker

Naomi narrowed her eyes. She could sense that this guy was a Lightning Dragon and he had a sword sheathed at his hip. Her eye's widened


The Dragon grinned. "That's right. I'm one of the Six Bolts! Aaron Wright, at your service. I've come…to take your life."

Naomi stared at him as she got into a defensive stance.

"My leader's orders were clear. He wants your kind dealt with. After I'm done here I'll go to where the Dragon King is and kill everyone there." Said Aaron with a grin

Naomi knew this Dragon was powerful, probably a lot more powerful with that Fire Dragon Arms sheathed at his hip but she figured he wouldn't use that on her because she was a Fire Dragon and that weapon wouldn't affect her. So he would use his lightning. "I won't let you, if you want to get to them you'll have to go through me."

Aaron chuckled. "Gladly." He said before flew at each other at full speed, they're fists smashed into one another causing wind to be generating from the force of the attack.

Naomi glared at him before throwing multiple punches at him however he blocked and dodged all of her attacks. Seeing her punches weren't having any effect she switched to kicks but he blocked those attacks as well.

Aaron grinned as his eyes glowed blue and his eyes turned into slits. "Now, it's my turn."

Naomi floating in the sky and prepared for the enemy's attack. "Bring it!"

"Very well."


Cyrus was in the middle of sparring with his sister when they both paused.

"Naomi, she's in a battle with a Dragon." Said Tiana

Cyrus nods. "Not just any dragon either, A Lightning Dragon. I can sense that much."

"The Six Bolts." Said Tiana with wide eyes

"Has to be." Said Cyrus. "Come on Tia, let's go."


'Naomi. Defeat your enemy!' Thought Cyrus as he and his sister flew in the direction in the battle. 'I know you can do it.'

The two dragons increased they're speed as they headed towards Naomi.


Naomi wiped blood from her lower lip as she glared at her enemy. Until now they had been pretty even.

"I'm not gonna hold my punches anymore, so…I hope you can keep up." Said Aaron as Naomi felt his Core getting stronger. More powerful.

Suddenly blue scales formed across his skin, his teeth lengthened into fangs and his fingers sharpened into claws, his already activated wings flapped behind him as his tail swished violently behind him. Lightning crackled dangerously about him as well.


'Cy. Tiana…' Thought the female dragon as she could sense them behind her.

"He's in Full Drive Mode." Said Tiana as Cyrus nods. A few years back he had decided to name the form that Dragons go into when they use their full power.

"Are we gonna help her?" Cyrus turned to his younger sister and sighed.

"Let's just wait and see what she does. Noami isn't so weak that she needs to be saved Every time there's an enemy."

Tiana wanted to help but understood what he meant. She also knew of Naomi's pride, she wouldn't readily accept help if she knew she stood a good chance against the enemy.

The siblings watched as Naomi entered Full Drive mode, Cyrus could tell right now that Naomi stood a pretty good chance against this enemy.

Naomi got into a battle stance with her claws extended and her fangs bared.

"Show me what you can do little girl!"

Both Dragons grinned before flying towards one another becoming a blur that only a trained Dragon could see.


New York City

Cade could be seen running at a group of humans as he reached the humans he allowed his claws to lengthen and he did horrible things to these humans. Some of these things consisted of tearing out their throats or ripping my their heart out. Using Fire he cut through some of the humans cutting them in two.

The Fire Dragon King stared at the grotesque scene before him. The site of the humans blood only caused him to grin. The last remaining human in the group gulped.

"P-Please spare me." The human said fearfully but these words only caused the King of Flames to grin to widen. The human turned around and began to run away.

"You can run, heh! But you can't hide!" Cade exclaimed as he appeared in front of the human

"AHHHHHHH!!!!" The human screamed as he was burnt into a crisp.


To be continued