
Dragon Chronicles

Cyrus Black, a young orphan finds out the truth of his heritage and vows to get stronger, with the help of a friend of his deceased father. the man trains him to be the strongest Dragon in order to avenge his parents death. but can he really succeed in doing something so many people had failed to do?

Uzumaki_Rikuto · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

New Training begins

Chapter 11


Cyrus stared at Ethan with an unreadable look. 'If Cade was my father's brother….am I part of the Fire Dragon Clan?"

"I can see the confusion on your face, boy." Said Ethan. "Allow me to clear it up for you. Allen's father, your grandfather was a Fire Dragon."

'My Dad was apart of both clans then?' Thought Cyrus. 'So then…'

"That means a quarter Fire Dragon blood runs through your veins. You'd be able to use Flames if only there was someone who could teach you."

"No way." Cyrus said. "I'm not gonna be manipulated by you. This new information is certainly interesting to say the least. My number one enemy is my uncle, not sure I know how to feel about that right now but…."

Ethan widened his eyes as lightning flashed through the air and struck him, tearing apart his skin and eventually his body was reduced to a pile of ash.

Cyrus could sense some Fire Dragons nearby and sighed. 'I should take them out as well.' He thought before flying away, Ethan's ashes blowing away with the wind.

True to his word Cyrus proceeded to take out all of the Dragons who no doubt had an allegiance to Ethan. He took down close to Eighty Dragons that night.

It took him awhile, close to three hours as the Dragons weren't all together, they were spread out all across Miami. The clock had just turned 1:00 AM when he returned home.

"Welcome home Cy, how did it go?"

Cyrus frowned. "Well…how would you feel if I told you that I found out Cade was actually my fathers brother."

Chris widened his eyes.

"I'm kinda like your daughter then huh?"

Chris stared at him. "What do you mean?"

"She's your daughter right? She's apart of the clan then." Cyrus said

"Ohhh….well she is my daughter but not by blood." Chris said. "She's 100 percent a member of the Dragon Clan."

"I see…how's my sister?"

"She's healing. I think she'll be all healed up in the morning, though she's gonna need some clothes."

Cyrus nods. "I noticed that, don't worry about it. I'll grab her some clothes in the morning, we used to go shopping all the time."


"Thank you so much for looking after her. It really means a lot to me."

"Of course. Don't mention it."

After talking for a bit longer the two dragons headed to sleep, Cyrus took the couch so his sister could rest comfortably. He slept comfortably for about 8 or so hours before he heard a familiar voice next to him.


Opening his eyes he turned to the right to see Luna looking at him.

"What are you doing here? Don't you like your room?"

Cyrus sighed before getting up. "I have something to tell you, Mrs. Luna you might wanna sit down for this."

The brunette nods and sat down next to him. Cyrus told him of how he had found his sister and of how he had awakened as the Lightning Dragon King.

"Yes, when I woke up I could sense that about you." Said Luna smiling softly. "Why do I feel like there's more to the story?"

"Can't get anything pass you…we'll you're right. After getting my sister to safety I went after Ethan once more. He told me things. Disturbing things."

Luna frowned. "Disturbing how?"

"Well according to him my old man and Cade were brothers."

"What?!" Luna widened her eyes. How could such a thing be possible?!

"Apparently my grandfather was a FireDragon and my father had half the blood of a Fire Dragon meaning…." Cyrus trailed off

"Fire Dragon blood runs in your veins. Your a Quarter Fire Dragon."

Cyrus nods. "Is it ok if I ask you a question?"

"Of course Sweetie."

"I don't know how strong you are but I could really use your help. I don't know how to access my flames and your the only Fire Dragon I can trust aside from Naomi of course."

Luna smiled. "I can help you, I was nowhere Cade's level but I'm pretty powerful if I do say myself."

"I'm counting on you."

"I've never trained anyone before but I'll try my best. Promise."

Cyrus smiled



"Ethan is dead." Said Cyrus as addressed his men.


"Was it one of our own men?"

"Good riddance."

"What about the men that were loyal to Ethan and who did him in?"

"Silence." Cafe said his voice booming in the large room. When it finally got Quiet he opened his mouth once more. "It was the Dragon Prince or rather the Dragon King."

"Yeah. I felt it too."

"Me too."

"So did I."

"He's gotten strong."

"The boy has gotten rid of those who were loyal to Ethan, it doesn't get any easier from here. He'll continue to get strong, but don't worry so will we because what are we?!


"I don't think I heard you!"

"Members of Draco sir!"

Cade grinned. "Enjoy your moments of peace while you still can Nephew because your days are numbered."


Cyrus walked inside his room to see Tiana still asleep. He smiled as he placed some clothes on the dresser. He walked over her and planted a kiss on her forehead. "I love you baby sister. I'll see you later."

The young Dragon King exited the room and entered the living-room.

"Are you ready Cyrus."

"Yes. I'm ready."

"Ok. Follow me then."

After those words he followed after his latest instructor and began the journey of discovering how to use his flames. It would be very hard for him as he had never used his flames before but he was determined to get stronger no matter what, Cade had to be stopped and he just wasn't strong enough.

Cyrus trained very hard, not only his flames but he learned many advanced techniques from Chris. He was also trained him to be a leader and by the time he was sixteen he was so powerful Chris and Luna wondered who would win in a battle, Cyrus or Cade.

To be continued

The next chapter begins the next arc in the story

Uzumaki_Rikutocreators' thoughts