
Dragon Chronicles

Cyrus Black, a young orphan finds out the truth of his heritage and vows to get stronger, with the help of a friend of his deceased father. the man trains him to be the strongest Dragon in order to avenge his parents death. but can he really succeed in doing something so many people had failed to do?

Uzumaki_Rikuto · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Chapter 10


"Luna has never been loyal to the Fire Dragons, she hates death and never enjoyed killing, but she did what she had to survive."

"I can understand that." Cyrus said. "How did you meet?"

"Actually I helped her escape from Cade."


"Yeah, apparently he caught wind of her defection and decided to take matters into his own hands."

"He tried to kill her?"

"Yeah it was a tough battle and we barely escaped with our lives."

Luna nods. "Cade is a very cruel man as I'm sure your aware."

Cyrus nods. "I am."

"If it wasn't for Chris I would've long since been dead."

"Let's not talk about him. Shall we go inside."

Cyrus and the others nodded and they all headed inside the house. If the Prince wasn't so surprised by the news he was just given he would've sensed a familiar Core and that of an evil Fire Dragon's Core.


Miami Beach-Unknown location

"I know you sense it." Said Ethan as he looked at Tiana. "Your brother is here."

The Daughter of Tiana smirked. "Your so dead, you know that right? Cy has always been protective over me, when he finds out you've kidnapped me and been torturing me he's gonna be pissed."

"That's the idea."

"He's gonna be so filled with rage that he's gonna leave himself wide open for attacks. He's gonna die."

"You don't know my brother." Tiana said. "Your underestimating him, you idiot."

"Say what you wanna say but both you and your brother are gonna die."

"What's your plan? You kill us and then what? You'll still have Cade to deal with and something tells me he's not the forgiving type." Tiana said. "Your not stronger than him., obviously. He is the Fire Dragon King."

Ethan grinned. "You'll just have to wait and find out won't you?"


Back on the mainland with Cyrus and the others

Chris was talking with his wife, telling her what he had been up to. Cyrus sat next to the almond-skinned Naomi whose eyes was glued to the tv.

"So…your the uh Prince, that must be interesting growing up as Royalty."

"Meh. I mean it was cool at first but I could get anything I wanted and as the prince I've lost so much important people in my life." Cyrus said . "I wouldn't wish that on anybody."

'He blames himself for all the people the clan has killed?' Thought Naomi with a shocked expression. She knew the Prince was a great guy and valued the life of innocents. He would do anything to keep innocent people safe.

Naomi couldn't say that she understood hime felt,she had both of her parents in her life who loved her so much, she had a great life.

"I'm sorry all those horrible things happened to you."

Cyrus nods.


North Carolina

"Damage report, now."

"Yes, Sire."

"We've lost 150 of our men."

"Does that include the o es who defected to Ethan's side?" Cade asked

"No, there's at least fifty of them out there now."

Cade narrowed his eyes. 'I have to kill those traitors. No matter what.'


"You can have this room, kiddo." Said Luna as Cyrus entered a small room with a dresser, bed and a tv.


Luna smiled. "Have a good night sweetie."

Cyrus nods as she left the room, the Prince laid down on the bed and when he felt like everyone was asleep he sighed before slipping outside the door.

'Damnit! Tiana what are you doing here in Miami?!'


It didn't take long for Cyrus to make to where he needed to be; an abandoned building with Miami Beach. Kicking the door down Cyrus ran to where he sensed his sister and what he saw chilled him to the bone.

Tiana lay on the ground unmoving with scorch marks all over her body, the wounds seemed to be healing slowly.

"It took you long enough, I was wondering when you'd find this place. I already had a month to have my way with her."

Cyrus glared at him.

'A month?! She's been suffering like this for a month?!'

"My apologies I never introduced myself did I?" Asked Ethan with a grin that was full of malice

Cyrus's glare intensified and something within the young Prince snapped. His eyes turned completely blue with lightning and lightning completely surrounded his body.

Ethan widened his eyes. "This power…incredible! It's getting even more powerful!"

Lightning crackled dangerously across the boy's body as his wings escaped from his back, the fangs in his mouth elongated, his hands sharpened into deadly claws, horns also grew from his head. Next his skin turned into blue scales, his entire body even his face. Cyrus's pupils turned into slits and his iris's turned electric blue. Behind him a scaled tail swished as he continued to glare at the enemy. Finally a floating crown made entirely of lightning hovered in the air right above his head.

Cyrus had awakened as the next Lightning Dragon King.


Inside a dark room it was impossible to see the two beings that were in the room, the room was lit with a torch or two but the light didn't expose the two beings in the room.

"What are your plans?" Asked Voice 1. "The boy has awakened his power."

"Nothing for now. Remember he doesn't know about us yet. Best to keep it that way." Said Voice 2


"Hardly, but if he's anything like his old man then it's gonna be a bitch taking him down."

Laughter echoed throughout the room

"The Six Bolts will rule the world one day…we just have to plan carefully."

"Yes sir."


Ethan was no match for an awakened Dragon King and was sporting several injuries that could only be the cause of lightning.

"Runt…" Ethan held his gut in pain as he had received a deadly punch there. "You know…there's so much you don't know….you don't even know the truth of your-"

Cyrus allowed a powerful bolt of lightning to extend from his finger tips sending him flying out of the building creating a hole that allowed air inside. He would've followed after him but he heard his sister mumble something and sighed. As much as he was curious about Ethan and what he was going on about his sister had to come first

The New King of The Lightning Dragon's allowed himself to return to normal, his eyes reverting to their normal Enerald green eyes, his wing retracted into his back, his teeth returned to throttle normal size, the horns disappeared along with his tail. His scales disappeared revealing tanned skin.

Cyrus quickly made his way over to Tiana, she wasn't dead, obviously as she wasn't a pile of Ashes. Her injuries were healing slowly which caused him to smile knowing she'd be alright. Picking her up he headed to his latest place of residency.


When Cyrus returned Chris was there waiting for him. He wanted to smile as he sensed it when he awakened as the Dragon King but then he saw the girl in his arms.

"That's Tiana? What happened?"

Cyrus frowned. "She was kidnapped and tortured and if the holes in her clothes are any indication, she was probably tortured multiple times. Chris please look after her, the Dragon that did this is still out there." He said holding her out so he could grab her.It was a huge show of Trust, nothing in the world was more important than his sister and he was trusting him to look after her.

"Don't worry, Cy. I'll take care of her. Do what you have to do, but come back safely." Chris said as he took Tiana from Cyrus's arms.

"Right." Cyrus replied before taking to the sky and flying towards where he sensed Ethan. The raven haired boy could feel how much power he held now, it was amazing. He was the Dragon King! He knew that he would have to work hard to master this new power but for now he had to take out Ethan as he was the kind of guy that wouldn't hesitate to kill innocent people.

"I have to hurry!"


"Damnit!" Ethan grunted as he was kicked out of the sky, as he crashed to the ground Cyrus landed softly on the ground.

"Your not gonna hurt anyone ever again." Cyrus said as lightning Circulated through his entire body. Walking closer he was prepared to take him out

"Wait! Don't you wanna hear about the connection between Cade and your Father?"

Cyrus paused and look confused. What did he mean by that?

"Cade….and your Father Allen are brothers."

Cyrus just stared at Ethan with wide open eyes, like the whole world was crumbling apart. This new piece of news came as a complete shock.

"It…it can't be."

Ethan grinned

To be continued