
Dragon Chronicles

Cyrus Black, a young orphan finds out the truth of his heritage and vows to get stronger, with the help of a friend of his deceased father. the man trains him to be the strongest Dragon in order to avenge his parents death. but can he really succeed in doing something so many people had failed to do?

Uzumaki_Rikuto · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Journey To Miami

Chapter 9


Cyrus sighed as he placed Chris on his bed within the hotel they had been to earlier. His wound was already starting to heal however he remained unconscious. He wished the older Dragon didn't do that, he could've got out of the way on time but he also understood that Chris did what he did because he cared for him and was loyal to the prince of Lightning.

'Thank you Chris.' Thought Cyrus smiling softly. He had no idea what the future had in store for him but he would do everything he could so the world could be a peaceful place.

Time passed: the young hero grew stronger and as time went on he was trained by Chris who refined his combat skills and taught him advanced dragon techniques. He also was taught how to be a true leader and if the battle with Draco's HQ was anything to go by he would make a fine leader indeed.


"You bastard! Why don't you let me go?! Your not even trying to lure my brother!"

Ethan chuckled. "It's only been a month, young one. Have patience."

"Fuck you."

"Such a foul mouth. I can fix that."

Tiana shut her mouth and her face paled. 'Is he gonna torture me again?'

"I can guess what's going through your head, I'd love to torture you but unfortunately I have something to do, so that'll have to wait."

Ethan walked away from her and exited what looked like a garage, opening a door he disappeared behind it closing the exit to the garage.

Tiana sighed. Ethan was a ruthless guy and he often took pleasure in torturing her. She wondered if he was gonna lure her brother here why didn't he do it yet?

'Cy….please help me. I don't know how much more of this I can take.' Thought Tiana with tears in her eyes


Cyrus was flying high in the air, above the clouds with Chris. Turning to his mentor he opened his mouth to speak. "Where are we going Chris?"

The older Dragon smiled. "Well, I'm taking you to meet a friend of Mine, she's offered to put us up for awhile."

'Humans?' Cyrus thought with a frown thinking back to Anna and Hanna. He didn't know how he felt about brining humans into his life again. He lost a mother and his friend because he was so stupid. He was naive to think his enemies wouldn't kill them.

"I can tell you have something on your mind, Cy." Said Chris.

Cyrus sighed. "Are we going to be staying with humans?"

Chris looked at his student sadly. He probably thought they would be staying with humans and that had to bring back memories he'd rather forget.

"No. They're Dragons."

Cyrus nods. "Good."

'That seemed to calm him down. For now, I wonder how he'll react when he meets them, actually he might sense it when we arrive.' Chris thought as they flew through the skies of Ohio. after thirty minutes of flying the two Dragons arrived in Florida.

"Almost there." Chris said

"Where are we going exactly?"

"Do you trust me?"

Cyrus stared at him and rose a brow. "You took a hit for me, I think at this point I have to trust you."

"No matter what, promise you won't freak when we get there."

Cyrus was curious about his mentor's choice of words but nodded anyway. 'I can sense Dragons in the direction we're going. Does he plan for us to kill them? I can sense that they're Fire Dragon Clan Members.' He thought. 'Whatever, I'll figure it out eventually.'

After another hour they finally arrived at least Cyrus assumed they did as Chris stopped flying.

"We're here."

Cyrus stared at Chris as he began to descend from his place in the sky above the clouds, he scratched his head before following after his mentor. After a minute or two he joined Chris who stared down at the city they had just arrived in. Miami, Florida. The young Prince stared down the city that was surrounded by water, The Atlantic Ocean being one of the bodies of water that surrounded Florida. The city was beautiful.

"Let's go."

Cyrus nods as they took flight once again. 'We're heading towards the enemy? Guess I should expect a battle then.' He thought

After about fifteen minutes Cyrus landed in front of a large house.

"The enemy is inside? Why don't we just blow up the house?"

Chris looked at his student. "Because." He began as the door opened revealing two females with brown hair and amber eyes. "They aren't our enemy."

"But they're Members of the Fire Dragon Clan."

"Do you realize how prejudice that makes you sound my boy?" Chris asked

"I don't mean to give off that kind of vibe Chris, but Fire Dragons Lie, steal, murder and are the source of all the problems in the world you can understand why I'd feel wary of these people."

Chris frowned.

The woman stared at him. "I've defected from Cade, Prince of Lightning." She said causing his eyes to widen. "I have no interest in his war or of his goal of world domination. I just want to live peacefully with my family."

Cyrus watched as the girl next to the woman hugged the woman, this girl who looked to be around his age, she might be older than him but he couldn't be sure. She looked a lot like the woman leading him to believe that the girl was the woman's offspring.

'They remind me of them.' Thought Cyrus as he purses his lips into a thin line. 'Of Anna and Hanna."

Chris looked between Cyrus and the mother-daughter duo and back to the Dragon Prince.

"I believe you." Cyrus said with a sigh. "Sorry. It's just Fire Dragon's took a lot from me….I…"

"It's ok. Don't worry about it Cyrus, it's nice to meet you. My names Luna." She said extending her hand out to him.

Cyrus morphed his face into a smile. "It's nice to meet you."

"And I'm Naomi." Said the girl offering her hand out for him after a moment Cyrus took her hand in his and shook it

"A pleasure."

"I want to thank you for looking after my dad." Naomi said as she looked at Chris and book to Cyrus


Naomi nods. "He told me of how you got him to safety after your battle with Draco in Texas."

Cyrus widened his eyes and turned to Chris who just rubbed the back of his head.

"This is your family?!"

"I can explain."

Cyrus crossed his arms. "Please do."

To be continued