
Dragon Chronicles

Cyrus Black, a young orphan finds out the truth of his heritage and vows to get stronger, with the help of a friend of his deceased father. the man trains him to be the strongest Dragon in order to avenge his parents death. but can he really succeed in doing something so many people had failed to do?

Uzumaki_Rikuto · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Draco HQ Showdown

Chapter 8


Cyrus and Chris found themselves in a nearby Hotel. He was told of what it took to be a leader. He knew he had a rough journey ahead of him and that it wouldn't be easy but he would try his best.

"You should get some rest Cyrus." Said Chris as he sat on his bed. "No telling when reinforcements will return."

Cyrus nods. "Yeah. Your probably right." The young Prince said as he placed the blanket on the bed over him. After a few minutes he closed his eyes.

Chris looked at Cyrus and smiled. 'He really does resemble his parents, not only in looks either.' He thought. 'Allen. Katie. You would be so proud.'


Colorado, Denver

"Have you completely lost your mind Ethan?!" Cade was enraged if the look in his face was anything to go off of. Bodies of the Fire Dragon Clan littered one of Denver's many streets.

Ethan was a tall man with dark brown hair and amber eyes. He was the one responsible for all of the death surrounding them.

"Your time as leader of our clan is over." Ethan said floating high in the sky. He launched an attack; a barrage of fire blasts creating a smokescreen that obscured him from view.

Cade roared. "Damn you, Ethan! You coward! I'll have your head for this transgression!" Not only did he have to worry about the fallout of Ryan's battle with Cyrus but now he had to deal with this damn traitor. 'I don't know how many Dragons are on his side. He can't be acting alone. I also can't afford to lose anymore Clansmen. Fuck.'

For once, Cade wasn't sure what to do. He hadn't felt like this since he first became leader of the Clan. There was just so many things he couldn't afford to do. He knew in the near future a huge battle between the Lightning and Fire Dragon Clans that would decide the fate of the entire world take place soon.

Cade had to do whatever it took to stop Ethan. Killing his own Clansmen didn't worry him as long as it wasn't too many of his men. The death of his men had to result in Ethan's death if it were possible at all.

"He's gonna die. Painfully." Said Cade with an evil great that spread across his face.


The following day Cyrus woke up to see Chris on his bed asleep from the previous night. He glanced at the clock and noticing it was only 8:30 he realized Chris might not be up for a few more hours. He sighed quietly before getting up realizing he was wasn't gonna get anymore sleep.

'I wonder if this hotel has a cafeteria.' Cyrus thought as he made his way towards the door and closed it behind him. He proceeded to pass the many rooms on the upper floor before heading down stairs and pass another set of rooms. Turning around a corner he finally entered the lobby and walked towards the counter where the receptionist smiled down at the young prince. Obviously she recognized him from the previous night.

"Your him." She said

Cyrus rose a brow. He was confused. Did she know him before he and Chris checked into the hotel?

"Your the Dragon Prince."

Cyrus made an 'o' with his mouth. "That's right. Ma'am I was wondering if this hotel had a cafeteria. I'm hungry."

The Receptionist smiled. "Of course. Follow me."

Cyrus returned the smile and followed after the Receptionist. "How did you know I'm the Prince?"

"Are you kidding? It's all over the news. You defeating Ryan and his men. People are calling you a hero!"

Cyrus frowned. 'Hero again huh?' I certainly don't feel like a hero.' He thought as he followed the receptionist into the hotel's cafeteria. Later on Chris woke up and got something to eat as well.

The older Dragon looked at the Dragon Prince and smiled. "You're gonna make an amazing king one day. Your parents would be so proud."

Cyrus smiled, he opened his mouth to speak but widened his eyes instead, closing his mouth he stared at his Fellow Dragon.

"They're here."

Chris nods. "Let's go kid."



The Dragons all met in the sky far away from Draco's Texas HQ.

"Your in charge, boss."

"We'll do whatever you ask of us your majesty."

"What are your orders, young lord?"

Cyrus frowned. "Well we know for certain that they know we're here but they probably won't charge in. They're being smart. We have to be smarter, catch them off guard…how many troops do we have?"

"Barely 3,000. There wasn't enough time to gather the entire clan." Spoke one of the Dragons.

"I see. Ok…here's what we'll do, I want 300 of you guys to attack Draco's HQ head on. Don't charge in. Use your breath attack. All 300, the rest of us will be waiting nearby."

"Yes sure."

"As you command."


Cyrus stood by Chris and the others as 300 Lightning Vortex's were sent spiraling at the enemy. The attacks combined displaying a huge flash show as it engulfed the entire airport in lightning, most of the Fire Dragons were reduced to ash along with the rubble in the airport, not even the tower remained.

"That cut down a lot of them your majesty." Said Chris as the Dragon Prince nods.

"There's still a good chunk of them left alive." Said Cyrus.

"Cmon." Chis patted his shoulder. "Let's join our brothers and sisters in battle."


As the smoke that was created from the epic attack cleared all 3,000 Lightning Dragons charged the remaining Fire Dragon Clan members.



A young girl with brown hair and green eyes struggled as she fought off a man with brown hair and amber eyes.

"Get off me."

"I don't think so."

"Why are you doing this?! I didn't do anything to you."

"I think you know why."

"I know your a dragon."

"At least you can sense Core's, at least your not total incompetent Tiana."

The Daughter of Theo glared at her attacker. "What I meant was why are you doing this? I'm as weak of a Dragon as there gets. What purpose could I serve to your master."

"Oh, you'll serve your purpose."

Tiana narrowed her eyes.

"And I wouldn't worry about Cade, he's preoccupied dealing with my men."

"Your men?"

"Yes. I betrayed him." Said Ethan smiling

Tiana widened her eyes. "What?! Then…what is it you plan to do? If Cade is your enemy then why attack me?"

Ethan chuckled. "While it may be true that Cade is my enemy, the Lightning Dragons will always be my enemy."


"I'm gonna use you to lure out your brother."

"What?!" Tiana had been hearing of Cyrus's recent exploits and wondered if he could defeat this guy before her.

"Then I'll kill him." Ethan said. "After I kill you in front of him."


Ethan grinned as he turned her around, pressing a hand against her throat, Tiana struggled to breath; her eyes however widened as she was punched really hard knocking her out.

"Take her." Ethan said as a few of his men approached him.

"Yes sir."


The battle between both Dragon Clans had been going on for quite awhile, the battle was in The Lightning Dragon's favor. The battle was almost over as well with them being a little over 50 Fire Dragons remaining

Cyrus widened his eyes as a barrage of Flaming bullets were sent at him, Chris seeing this pushed him out of the way taking the attack for him.

"Shit!" Cyrus cursed as his mentor went down. "All dragons air now!"


All Dragons including Cyrus rose to the air, however he had an unconscious and scorched Chris over his shoulder.

"Breath attack!"

The Lightning Dragons opened their mouths and began to initiate they're final attack, however the Fire Dragons were ready this time and unleaded a Fire Breath combination of they're own taking out at least two hundred Lightning Dragons.

"Go!" Cyrus exclaimed. "Finish them!"

After those words the Lightning Vortex flew from each Dragon's mouth and fired down bellow taking out the rest of the enemies.

Seeing the threat was over the Lightning Dragon looked at the injured Chris.

"Is he ok?"


"He's in no danger of dying." Cyrus said. "He'll heal."

"I know why he did it, but that was really reckless of him."

"Yeah. He was good friends with the Former King of Lightning."

Cyrus frowned. "I'll take him somewhere so he can heal, you guys get some rest."

"Yes sire."

To be continued