
Dragon Chronicles

Cyrus Black, a young orphan finds out the truth of his heritage and vows to get stronger, with the help of a friend of his deceased father. the man trains him to be the strongest Dragon in order to avenge his parents death. but can he really succeed in doing something so many people had failed to do?

Uzumaki_Rikuto · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Enter Casey Williams and Conclusion!

Chapter 14


"Mom, food smells amazing as usual." Came the voice of a boy who was close to his teenage years but he obviously wasn't quite there yet.

"Thats very nice of you to say, thank you Casey." Said the adult between the two.

Casey smiled. His mother meant a lot to him, she was the only family he had left. Years ago his sister, Casey's Twin sister had died in a house fire.

"Mom are you ok?" Casey asked as he watched his mother set the food on the table. Tara Williams was a very strong woman but she was just that, a woman who had lost her daughter.

"I'm ok, sweetie." Tara said softly. "Cmon you have to be at school soon."

Casey nods.

Tara sat across from her son and watched as he began to eat. She knew it was all just a front, Casey missed his sister and she often saw him crying. He tried to keep it together but at the end of the day he was only an 11 year old boy.

'Yeah. An 11 year old boy with Dragon abilities.' Thought the woman running a hand through her brunette hair.

Tara had slept with a Fire Dragon years ago, the one night stand had left her pregnant, she thought about letting the father know but decided against it after realizing that the man she had slept with was pure evil as most Fire Dragons tended to be.

Growing up Casey honed the senses that came with being a Dragon to perfection which included sight, sense of smell and hearing. He also had a decent control over flames but not enough to be a threat against seasoned Dragons.

After finishing eating the mother-son duo went outside and got in the car and Tara drove him to school.


"Hey Case!" Came the voice of a young boy as said boy slung an arm around the young crossbred Dragon.

Casey glanced at him and chuckled. "Hey, what's up Henry."

"Nothing much man about to head to Mr. Forest's class you ready?"

Casey nods. "Where's Tessa?"

"She's in class." Henry said. "Let's go Case."


Casey followed after his best friend as they headed into class together.


Naomi evaded all Aaron's punches, elbow strikes and kicks while sending her own attacks. Both Dragons increased the speed of their attacks as they danced across the sky.

Cyrus and Tiana's eyes darted from right to left as they kept track of the battle going on.

"She's good." Tiana said as Cyrus nods.

"They're both about even."

"Yeah." Tiana agreed. "The energy of their cores are nearly the same. Do you think she can win?"

Cyrus smiled.

"Hey it's the Dragon King!"

"Is that one of his Allies? I can't make out the Dragon but I can tell it's a Fire Dragon fighting up there!"

"That's right! I can see Flames as well."

Cyrus looks down. "Get out of here! The Fire Dragon is an Ally , The Lightning Dragon isn't . I don't know what they'll do!" He said insinuating he didn't know if this Six Bolt member would attack ordinary humans.

"Yes your majesty!"

"Yes sir!"

"Cmon! Let's go guys! We'll be in the way here."


Aaron flew back evading a lightning empowered kick. He chuckled as he wiped blood from his lips.

"Your not bad." He said. "But if that's all you've got then Ive all but won this battle."

"You haven't seen all I'm capable of." Naomi said as her body danced with lightning more violently

Aaron laughed. "Now that's what I like to see!"


It was lunch time for the people of Allen Middle School and as usual Casey was eating with his two best friends Henry and Tessa.

Tessa was a kid with long black hair and brown eyes. She stared at her friend before a smile graced her lips. "You want to go to the arcade today?" She asked looking at Casey

"Yeah. I'd like that. I'll just have to ask my mom." Casey said

Tessa smiled

"I already told my dad about it so I'm good to go!" Exclaimed Henry. "My father said he'd give us a ride home if we need it."

Casey nods.

The three friends ate lunch in silence while making small talk and eventually lunch ended and they headed to their third period class.


"What are we going to do Ken? We have one at this school." Came the voice of a young woman with short brown hair and brown eyes.

"I'll tell you what we'll do Ava, listen we'll have to get the Dragon alone…."

"He's the brother of the girl that died in a few a few years back right?" Ava asked

"That's right." Ken said. "I wish we could kill him in a similar way to his sister but we can't just kill every student in this school."

"Why not?" Ava asked

"We have rules for a reason Ava." Ken said

"But it would be worth it if we get to kill this dragon wouldn't it?"

"It's not worth the risk, over a hundred perhaps two hundred or even three hundred students attend this school. We can't sacrifice innocent lives Ava."

Ava sighed. "Fine. We'll do things your way."

"Good. Now we'll have to create a situation so that we're alone with the boy."

Ava nods. "It shouldn't be that hard, I'm the principal and I can easily get him alone in my office."

"Do that then."

"I trust you know the consequences if he gets away." Ken said

Ava nods. "I know brother. We could lose him forever."

"Get to it and let me know before hand so I can join you."



Naomi grunted as Aaron landed a punch in the center of her chest. She could feel the lightning entering her, it was extremely painful, The Six Bolt member ran at her and did follow up attacks as he landed punch after punch, as she was sent flying he appeared behind her with his claws lengthened and swiped at her right arm.

The young fire Dragon screamed in pain as her body hit the ground and her screams continued. Meanwhile Cyrus was seething with rage and Naomi had to hold him back as she feared he might unleash all the power he had to end Aaron.

Aaron smiled before descending to the ground with the intention to stomp her however she jumped out of the way causing the Lightning Dragon to turn to his right as she stood up.


"I'm ok Cy! I can do this. Please believe in me!"


Slowly Naomi's arm grew back, she clenched her fist and smiled. "It's time to end this."

"Do you really think it'll be that easy?"

"Maybe. Maybe not." Naomi said. "I'm coming at you with everything I've got."

Aaron widened his eyes as Naomi flew towards him and landed a punch in the center of his chest. Suddenly her and Aaron were surrounded in a sphere of flames.


Cyrus looked at his sister. "I think she's okay." He said

Tiana glanced from her brother to Naomi, the flames disappeared to reveal nothing but charred clothing.

"It's over." Said Naomi

Cyrus shook his head. "It's not over until we take out the rest of the six bolts."

Naomi nods.

"For now we continue our training. They sent this guy for a reason. They're bound to send more. We have to be prepared for anything."


To be continued