
Dragon Ball Z: Self Insert

One second I am in my world and next, I was Goku's older brother. Getting thrown into Dragon ball world was a little disheartening but nothing I couldn't handle. Plus I get to have awesome superpowers. Could be considered as self-indulgent. Self Insert (SI) (Story is a bit dark in some chapters otherwise its pure adult comedy). Lemons will be there

Hit1903 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

The Sent Off and Preparation

Chapter 30

Next day:

I woke up the next day on a super comfy bed though I was a little annoyed by Goku who was sprawled on the bed, covering a lot of space compared to me. The guy was really carefree. It was good that the bed was gigantic (compared to our sizes); otherwise, I might have kicked him out in the night.

Ignoring his unconscious attempt to hold me, I went to the attached bathroom and did my morning rituals.

Today, I already decided to take a break from the exercises so I was taking my time. I also couldn't spar with Goku as he wanted to go to Roshi. By the time I was done with bathing, etc., Goku was awake too.

Before I could even speak, he ran past me to the bathroom. I chuckled at him holding his bowel movements. It was these little things that made me realize some of the changes in Goku due to me. The Goku from canon probably would have pissed somewhere else (probably in a flowerpot) while the current Goku knew some manners. I made sure of that. The extra time Gohan lived probably also instilled some types of manners in him.

I shook my head of the reminiscing and ordered a large breakfast by calling the robot; a dozen boiled eggs and a jug of milk, perfect for starting the day. On further thought, I ordered it once more as I was sure Goku would eat mine when he comes back.

And just as I predicted, Goku came in after getting ready and started eating my food. Thankfully, the robot came back soon after that with my second order. After that, I also ordered the robot to pack a lunch filled with meat for Goku.

Just as we finished eating breakfast, the robot came in with the packed lunch.

With the most important thing out of the way, we quickly got ready and exited the room. I already ordered one of the robots to inform everyone else about Goku's departure when the robot came to deliver Goku's lunch.

It didn't take much time to reach the mansion's ground.

Even if it was early morning, the whole gang came to say goodbye to him, even Bulma, though she was yawning like crazy. This speaks volumes about their friendship with him. I don't think Bulma would lose any sleep over some acquaintance. She definitely considers him a friend even when she just met us 10 days ago.

"We'll all come together and see you someday," Bulma said taking another yawn.

"Work hard and surpass Master Roshi, alright!" Yamcha said fist-bumping him.

"Take care and become strong. I don't want to win Tenkaichi Budokai without a proper fight" I said giving him a brotherly hug.

"Take care alright?" Oolong said offhandedly.

"You too Baali, Bulma, Puar, Yamcha, Oolong" Goku said

Once all was done, he called Nimbus and flew away.

"Bye," we all said to him.

"Bye-bye! See you all later" He waved and soon disappeared into the clouds.

"Man Goku would be a lot stronger after training with a great martial artist like Master Roshi" Yamcha mused out loud pumping his fist in an excited manner.

While he might be an idiot for losing Bulma in the future, he wasn't wrong now. Goku would at least be double in his strength by the next year by my knowledge of the canon.

Seeing as he would be doing some tough training, I wanted to start my training now but I couldn't as I need to do some things first.

'Well! No time like the present'

"Hey guys, I will be back in some time," I said taking my leave.

"Where are you going?" Bulma asked stopping me in my tracks.

"I just want to see the city" I lied "Wanna come?" I asked already knowing the answer

"No way! It is too early in the morning. I am going back to sleep" She said and walked away. Yamcha and the others too followed her example and went back to their rooms.

Seeing this I also decided to go. After all, the early bird gets the food and all that. But, instead of just walking around, I started jogging to get my body warm-up.

Once, I exited the mansion, I was awestruck. I didn't see the city properly when I came here yesterday. It really looks futuristic though its novelty started to wear off after a while.

After asking around, I finally found the address I was looking for.

It was a cow dairy situated on one corner of the city which supplied milk and other milk products to the nearby areas.

I asked Bulma last night about this. Apparently, people buy milk from nearby shops and malls, so only a few people supply milk directly. The one I found, supplied milk for people covering a tenth of the city area.

As for why I wanted to find it: Simple. I wanted to find it for training.

Now, I might have not gone to Master Roshi for the training but it doesn't mean I can't do his training on my own. After all, I already know what his training entails.

This way, I don't have to live in the wilderness away from the city to get stronger while suffering through Roshi's and others' antics. I can do it while living in the city with all the luxuries Bulma could afford. And trust me; there are very few things she can't afford.

My only regret is that I couldn't be in contact with Launch. Then again, her split personality would also create unnecessary drama and violence. And I already have a blonde bombshell in form of Panchy to ogle.

'Speaking of Panchy, I wonder if she would be interested in sunbathing with me' I thought with a giggle.

Anyway, I arranged with the owner of the dairy farm for delivering milk to his usual customers in the early morning without any vehicle. I had to be clear on this as I didn't want to get any complications when it was time for delivery.

He first laughed good-naturedly at me but agreed to a trial tomorrow when I remain stubborn and showed my speed and strength. I agreed to it as I knew he wouldn't just give me the responsibility without some hard proof.

If I pass the trial tomorrow and deliver the milk on time, he agreed to give quite a bit of money.

The next place I went to was the farmers living on the outskirts of the city. Similarly, I arranged with one of them for plowing his fields in exchange for some money.

I didn't arrange this with all the farmers as I knew that I wouldn't be able to do them at once after seeing the size of their farms. I was also surprised to learn that I only have a month left to plow the fields as they were just done with cutting all the crops. After a bit of digging, I learned that I wouldn't be able to plow the farms for about 2 months as they would be occupied with all the crops that would be growing.

For a second, I was worried that I made a mistake by refusing the offer of Master Roshi and that there was more to his training than shown in the canon.

Thankfully, I learned that the farmers would use the other quadrants of the farms in the meantime. This way, they won't be idle. Apparently, there are about 4-5 dozen farmers who have all the land outside the city. They have divided their farms into 4 parts and use a quadrant for 3 months after which they move to the next quadrant.

This knowledge made me realize that the farmers near the Roshi's house probably do this too. And if I do it fast enough, I might be able to plow all of their farms on my own after this month.

Once I was done with the farmers, I went to one of the construction sites in the city, where I arranged a part-time job with them for money.

They all decided to see how much work I could do before agreeing to a particular amount of money.

But I didn't stop at only them.

I went to the factories and other places where they would require hard labor. For example, I went to a demolishing company where instead of demolishing the building with the help of cranes or bombs, I would use my fists. Similarly, I went to a timber factory where instead of cutting wood from axes, I would use my hands.

Similarly, I worked out about every work that required machines or tools to be done with just my body.

Obviously, none of them believed me first. But, once I demonstrated my strength, they easily agreed. But even then, they insisted on the trial period to decide my wage.

While some might think I won't have the time seeing as Goku and Krillin were very busy with just the first 3 jobs in the canon, I don't think so. After all, I don't need to study and I could easily do them in the afternoons and evenings.

I chuckled at the irony. While Goku would be studying with Roshi, I would be training my ass off.

I was sure that this training method would be far superior to Master Roshi's.

There was just a teeny tiny problem. I didn't have enough time to practice my magic even if I wake up at 4 and go to sleep at 7.

'And I haven't even opened that book' I thought morosely.

I shook my head and looked at the schedule that I would be following for the foreseeable future.

04:00 am to 04:30 am: Waking up, Morning rituals, and traveling time to the Dairy farm

04:30 am to 06:30 am: Delivery of Milk and other products if possible

06:30 am to 07:00 am: Traveling time to outskirts of the city and an early breakfast

07:00 am to 9:30 am: Plowing fields

9:30 am to 10:00 am: Traveling time to the construction site and a late breakfast/ an early lunch

11:00 am to 01:00 pm: Working at the construction site

01:00 pm to 01:30 pm: Lunch and Travel time back to Bulma's mansion

01:00 pm to 02:00 pm: Rest

02:00 pm to 02:30 pm: Traveling time to the factories and some late afternoon Snacks

02:30 pm to 06:00 pm: Working in different factories

06:00 pm to 07:00 pm: Traveling time back to Bulma's mansion, Bathing, and Dinner.

'Well if I decrease my sleeping schedule, I could adjust some time to study my magic book' I thought and made the changes. While it would suck to have 7 hours of sleep instead of my usual 9, it would be fine after a while.

'I can forego 2 hours of sleeping in favor of learning magic' I decided

Now my schedule was something like this.

04:00 am to 04:30 am: Waking up, Morning rituals, and traveling time to the Dairy farm

04:30 am to 06:30 am: Delivery of Milk and other products if possible

06:30 am to 07:00 am: Traveling time to outskirts of the city and an early breakfast

07:00 am to 9:30 am: Plowing fields

9:30 am to 10:00 am: Traveling time to the construction site and a late breakfast/ an early lunch

11:00 am to 01:00 pm: Working at the construction site

01:00 pm to 01:30 pm: Lunch and Travel time back to Bulma's mansion

01:00 pm to 02:00 pm: Rest

02:00 pm to 02:30 pm: Traveling time to the factories and some late afternoon Snacks

02:30 pm to 06:00 pm: Working in different factories

06:00 pm to 07:00 pm: Traveling time back to Bulma's mansion, Bathing, and Dinner.

07:00 pm to 09:00 pm: Studying Magic

By the time, I was done with all of them; it was time for lunch. While it might not look like, the west city is really big. It took quite a lot of time covering all that distance even with jogging.

I literally ran back to the Capsule Corporation House. There, I ordered the lunch in a similar way to the morning (by ordering the robot). But this time, it was filled with meat, rice, juice, and salad.

'I could really get used to it' I mused as I ate my lunch. After all, I don't have to put any effort and waste time hunting for food. Instead, I could use that time to make myself powerful.

When I was full, I went to Bulma. It was half pain in the ass to find her even with the help of the Robots. In the end, I had to admit defeat and use my sensing ability to find her.

I sensed her Ki in the other wing of the mansion. Thankfully, she wasn't with Yamcha as I could sense him in his room with Puar and Oolong.

I followed her KI and found her in her room applying make-up.

"Hey, Bulma" I called her out after opening the door.

"Aaaaaahhh" Bulma screamed though she stopped when she saw me.

"What happened?" I asked with confusion.

"You don't barge in the other people's room like that" Bulma screamed at me.

'Ah' I realized that it had indeed been some time since I lived like a civilized human being. 'I probably have forgotten some other things too' I internally grimaced.

"My bad" I rubbed my head sheepishly "It won't happen again"

"Anyway, do you need something?" She asked turning back to the mirror and started applying make-up.

"Yeah! I have an idea. I was thinking if you can build something for me" I said.

"What do you need for me to build now?" She asked with an annoyed expression.

"I was thinking of some sort of device which would increase the gravity on me. The device should be small enough that I can attach it to me and do the other work normally. Is it possible?" I asked ignoring her annoyance directed any me.

"I have a date with Yamcha today and I don't have time for anything" Bulma declined.

"You don't have to do it today," I said ignoring a brief spike of jealousy towards Yamcha. "You won't even owe me any favors afterward. How about that?" I bribed her.

"Hmmm! I guess… Let's see… hmm… I will have to run some calculations. Why don't you check with me tomorrow? I should be done by then" She suggested.

"Sure. And don't forget, you have to upgrade my refrigerator too though you can go easy seeing as I wouldn't require it anytime soon" I said and exited the room before she could refuse.

Initially, I thought about going to her father as he made the first gravity chamber in canon. But it felt awkward asking the man when I have only met him once and not even properly at that.

After that, I went back to my allotted room.

Once I reached my room, I took out my magic book and started reading. After all, while I might not want to train my body, I have no problem reading a book. Moreover, I have been dying to read it for a while.

'And, I might only have free time today to read it as I would be busy from tomorrow onwards' I thought.

'Magic is a type of energy that is found in every sentient living being...'


Power levels (At the end of the chapter):

Bulma, Oolong, Puar: ~04

Goku: 43.5; Oozaru Form: Height and Power x10 (435)

Baali: 50; Oozaru Form: Height and Power x10 (500) Kong Fist: 60 (20% increase)

Yamcha: 34 Wolf Fang Fist: 39 (15% increase)

I opened a pat-re-on account recently. If anyone would like to donate, they could go there and donate. The donation would never be a factor in updating any of my stories. The ID is the same: Hit1903.

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