
Dragon Ball Z: Self Insert

One second I am in my world and next, I was Goku's older brother. Getting thrown into Dragon ball world was a little disheartening but nothing I couldn't handle. Plus I get to have awesome superpowers. Could be considered as self-indulgent. Self Insert (SI) (Story is a bit dark in some chapters otherwise its pure adult comedy). Lemons will be there

Hit1903 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

A Well-Executed Plan

Chapter 30

A Well-Executed Plan

A Week later

It has been a little over a week since I started living in Bulma's house. And it has been a hectic week except for the first day.

While I knew that the training won't be easy, I didn't realize it would be so difficult. The very first day, I was spent even without any weights weighing me down. I didn't even have the energy to practice my magic when I came home. Instead, I was asleep in seconds after hitting the bed.

The same thing happened for the next couple of days too.

And just when I thought I had adapted and would be able to read my magic book that night, Bulma completed the gravitational device I asked from her.

It was in the shape of a belt that would exert extra gravity on the wearer. It could be worn so that the person could do his work normally. She already told me that she wouldn't be able to make the gravitation more than double on the 2nd day of my living there just as she promised. She gave the reason that the belt was small and made of simple material so it couldn't withstand more gravity.

I was a little disheartened that it won't be able to exert more than 2G but beggars can't be choosers. It was better to have a belt able to exert 2G than not have it at all.

Naturally, I wore it the second she presented it to me. My first reaction was to increase the gravity to 2G and be done with it. However, I knew if I did that, I wouldn't be able to do more than my first task.

So, with great reluctance, I turned the knob to 1.03 instead.

I didn't do that on a whim. It was a very thought out move.

Goku and I were about the same weight at around 40 kg. And I knew from the canon that he was able to do Master Roshi's training with 40 kg shells on him. Instead of 40 kg, we can also assume, he be in 2G gravity instead of G.

So, according to my calculation, I only needed to increase the gravity by 0.03 percent every day to easily surpass him as I had more than 350 days left.

Unfortunately, with some additional gravity weighing me down, I was again spent by the time I was done.

The same thing happened in the last couple of days too as I had to increase the gravity daily.

All in all, I didn't get any time to practice my magic other than the basic ones. Thankfully, I already read about it everything I needed to know. It was all very basic but even then, it was more than enough.

Apparently, KI is really different compared to Magic. I was very surprised to find that. I thought KI and Magic were the same things but with different applications.

The books proved me wrong on the first page too.

While KI is directly tied to the life force, Magic is directly tied to Willpower. The greater the willpower; the greater the magical potential.

Some people are actually born with the ability to use magic, but in one field only.

I already suspected of some people who came under this category. Take Fortune Teller Baba for example. She was definitely a prodigy at Divination magic. Similarly, Rabbit Boss had an affinity towards the Transfiguration magic but it was directed against another person instead of oneself. Then there was General Blue of the Red Ribbon Army who was definitely a prodigy of Telekinesis for a human. Unfortunately, he wasn't creative enough to use it properly.

But that doesn't mean other people can't use it. Roshi and Goku were able to use some degree of Telepathy due to their experience. Hell, Roshi could even do some basic hypnosis.

This let me understand that a person can easily do some basic magic with some experience.

But just like KI, it also needed to be trained.

There isn't some rule about unlocking magic. Everyone has that. But there are only a few who have great willpower to use it.

I also realized why fighters in the canon don't use magic that often. It is just not destructive enough. Instead, it has more diversity than KI.

It has more of a supporting role. No doubt, there are many techniques that are destructive but they are all grandmaster level techniques. I can't even do the basic techniques for now.

But there are some spells I could perform. I was easily able to perform them on my first day too.

The first was Telekinesis.

Now, some might say that it is not magic. But they would be totally wrong. Telekinesis and Telepathy both come under the magic. For now, I was only able to lift some pens and small things with my magic. And I couldn't even hold them for more than a minute before going out.

The second was Telepathy.

Again, I was shit at it. I couldn't exactly do the proper telepathy. I could just sense some emotions from people. So one could say that it was more like empathy. But with my sensing skill, it could be a little more useful. Unfortunately, I couldn't even differentiate between different emotions.

The third and my favorite was Magic Materialization.

It is an ability that allows the user to make an object from thin air. The user doesn't need to know the object's exact configuration. He just needs to visualize and will it. Of course, I am shit at it too. I could just make some needles which was the first step of mastering this spell.

I have made some progress in these spells this week since I adjust some of my time during the day to use them sparsely.

For example, I use my telepathy/empathy to sense what others are feeling. In the last week, I have come to recognize the different feel of their emotions. Similarly, I use Telekinesis to lift rocks and other things respectively while doing my jobs. This had let my Telekinesis be able to lift twice the amount of weight compared to before (It was still shit).

But even then, the progress isn't very much in those two spells.

Magic Materialization, on the other hand, has progressed much faster compared to those two. I guess the reason is that I have also used it more times than the other two spells combined.

There was one thing that I didn't realize before when I learned the spell. Once, I master the spell, I can make my creations permanent.

Let me spell it out to you again. The creation is permanent.

That spell is so broken, it is not even funny. Money and a lot of other things would become moot at that point. Even now, I can fool people by giving them money. The only problem is that they would disappear after some time.

'I can't wait to be able to make some weighted clothes' I thought excitedly. With some weighted clothes and this belt, I might be able to train under 3G soon.

Unfortunately, I tried making the clothes and was even successful but they disappeared after a few seconds. I have since realized that the heavier or the more complicated the object is, the harder it is to make them.

Suddenly, my surroundings jerked which brought me back to my present. I looked around to see that Bulma lost control of her plane a little bit when Yamcha's plane came too close to her.

"Bulma! Focus on flying the plane now. You can flirt with your boyfriend later. I don't want to die just because you couldn't control yourself" I reprimanded her.

I ignored her "Humph" and spoke in comm link "And Yamcha, same goes to you. If this happens again, you can expect our daily spar to be more brutal from tomorrow"

The ride after that was very smooth. Yamcha and I started sparring in the morning before I go to work. It was a recent thing, just after the day Bulma gave me my Gravity Belt. To make the spar more enjoyable, I started using it on 1.5 G. This put me around the same level as Yamcha.


"How much time more till we reach there?" I asked after 5 hours of the journey.

"We are already around the area where we met that perverted Hermit," She said back a little annoyed, no doubt thinking about how Roshi asked her to show him her panties.

It was Sunday today and a day off for most of my work except for Delivering Milk which I did in the morning before we started traveling to see Goku. Apparently, Bulma wanted to see how he was doing and I agreed. Yamcha also wanted to see the famous Martial Arts expert Muten Roshi.

So we decided to go on a trip. Unfortunately, we all couldn't fit in a single plane and not all of us knew how to fly a plane. So Bulma and I were in one plane while the others were in the other plane.

I was brought back to the present again when the airplane jerked again. The reprimands and threats were on the tip of my tongue when I looked around to see that we have arrived and landed on an island.

Unfortunately, the Kame house wasn't there.

"Are you sure, they live here?" Oolong asked Bulma snootily.

"Of course, I know. They live here. You can confirm with Baali" Bulma screamed back.

Still, Oolong wasn't fazed. Two weeks of that and he had already adapted to it. He merely looked in my direction which I confirmed with a nod

"Bulma is right. But they might have shifted somewhere close for the training. This isn't exactly a good place to train. It is very small" I added my two cents.

"Good idea Baali! Let's find them" Bulma said excitedly.

We quickly shuffled in our respective planes and flew off.

Half an hour later:

It took us about half an hour to find them. Initially, we all went in one direction but on my suggestion, Bulma and I went in one direction while the others went in the other direction. This way, we were able to cover more area.

Even then, it took us half an hour to locate them.

Seeing as I located them using my sensing skill, we landed near the kame house first after informing Yamcha and others on the comm.

With my sensing skill, I was easily able to locate all of the characters.

There was a person with Bulma's level of KI in the distinctive pink house.

'It was probably Launch' I mused.

Even with my interference, Goku probably reached Roshi around the same time he did in canon as a day we saved in traveling was spent in traveling to Bulma's house and back to Roshi's Kame House.

The other 3 KI were quite powerful.

One was around Yamcha's level. He was probably Krillin. I was familiar with the other 2 and knew they were of Goku of Roshi's KI. While Goku was only a little stronger than before, Muten Roshi was of the same level, around double of Goku.

I unconsciously walked in their direction without realizing it. Soon, they came into the view.

Roshi was teaching Goku and Krillin. But he wasn't teaching them martial arts. Instead, he was teaching them reading and writing. And judging by what Goku was saying, I don't think Roshi had anything other than porn to read.

I must have come under Goku's senses as he stopped reading out loud and turned towards us.

"Baali" He shouted excitedly and ran towards me. Unconsciously, a smile came upon my face. I won't admit it even under the pain of torture but I missed the little bastard a little bit.

We exchanged a bro hug.

"When did you come?" He asked excitedly.

"Just now" I replied.

Meanwhile, Bulma also met with Roshi.

"When did you moved here? We have been looking for you guys for the last 2 hours" Bulma said annoyingly.

"We needed to move to a bigger area for the training" Roshi replied.

Roshi being predictable, asked her to show her panties next. Instead of that, he got a slap to his face.

This generated a round of laughter.

"I know Master Roshi but who is he?" I asked once the laughter subsided.

"He is Krillin. He is my training partner" Goku explained.

"Hello! It is nice to meet you. Goku has told many things about you" Krillin greeted us with a bow.

"I see," I said. I just hoped he hadn't blabbed all of our abilities.

Before I could say anything more, the others arrived. I already sensed their arrival a few seconds ago so I wasn't surprised by it. But Goku was definitely surprised.

Goku was also quite excited to meet with Yamcha, Puar, and Oolong. He boisterously introduced the others to Krillin and Master Roshi.

Once all the introductions were over, Master Roshi came over to me.

"I thought you would come with Goku, Baali. But he told me that you refused my offer to become my disciple" He said indifferently.

"It was my first plan but I wanted to see and experience city life" I explained. "So how is Goku doing?" I asked to change the subject.

"He is very good in martial arts. But a little bad in the study department" He replied looking over Goku.

"Trust me, I know. Even Gohan had a very hard time keeping him still. I still think he got all the gray hairs from his antics" I said and we chuckled good-naturedly reminiscing about the same person.

"Though I do hope that you have more than smut as a reading material for him," I said after a few seconds with a smile, though the killing intent I generated definitely confused him.

"Y-Yes, yes, O-Of course. It was only at Krillin's insisting that we decided to read it" Roshi replied weakly while swiping the sweat suddenly forming on his foreheads.

I have to admit, he does good acting for a hermit. This guy could literally hand me my ass in 100 different ways without even trying but here he is acting like he is afraid of me.

"I see. I hope you do not let him bully you anymore" I intoned sarcastically letting him know that I didn't believe his lie. "Anyway, as an apology for not becoming your disciple, I brought a replacement. He is rough around the edges but his martial arts is good enough. I think he would do good with you" I said looking over Yamcha.

I internally smirked. This was not a spur of the moment type of thing. I got this idea while traveling here and refined the plan over the journey. I gave a pat on my back for coming with this brilliant plan.

If Yamcha succeeds in becoming Roshi's disciple, he won't be able to spend time with Bulma at all. This will definitely throw a wrench in their relationship.

"Oh!" Roshi looked over him too. "I do see some training in him. Very well, I will see if he can take my training or not" He replied offhandedly.

I was a little surprised he agreed to it this easily. I thought he would ask me to procure him some porn magazines but it looks like I won't need to do it.

"Great! Let me go and break the news with him" I replied and walked over to the group.

"Hey, Yamcha. Come over here for a second" I shouted.

He looked confused but did as I asked.

"Yo Baali!"

"Look, I know how much you wanted to be Master Roshi's student. S-" I started but he cut me off.

"How do you know about that?" He asked with some embarrassment.

"It was all you could talk in the last week" I looked at him with a deadpan "So anyway, I asked him about it and he has agreed to take you as a disciple. B-"

"WHAT? That is great. Thank You Baali. I thought you didn't like me but I was wrong. You are the best person in the world" Yamcha cut me off and swept me in a hug.

For a second, I was very surprised but I composed myself and extracted myself from the hug. "That's okay and all but he will test you on your work so don't slack off, okay," I said all the while internally smirking at the job well done.

"Don't worry Baali. I will work twice- no thrice as hard as others and become his best student" Yamcha said with a determined gaze.

"What happened?" Bulma asked as the others came over us.

"Baali convinced Master Roshi to let me train here as his student. Isn't this great?" Yamcha said excitedly before I could even speak up.

'That damn bastard. I did him a huge favor and this is how he repays me' I thought with frustration, anger, and most of all horror.

I could literally sense Bulma getting angry.

"Is that right?" She asked sweetly turning over me and looked at me like she wanted to kill me.

I started backing off.

"I-It w-was t-truthfully Master R-Roshi's idea. I-I was just t-the messenger" I stuttered out, throwing Master Roshi under the bus without a second thought.

Bulma looked indecisive for a moment "But you said you convinced Master Roshi" Yamcha butted in.

For a second, I was really tempted to kill the bastard and be done with it.

Before Bulma could understand what Yamcha said, I hightailed out of there.

I have to give some credit to Bulma. She started running after me after only a second of surprise.

10 minutes later, she was tired on the ground while I was some distance away from her in case she was faking it.

"Umm... Bulma, What happened" Yamcha asked cautiously coming over to her but I could see there was some confusion in his voice.

'Oh, you poor bastard' I thought with satisfaction as Bulma rounded on him and started laying him off. I being the self-centered bastard, stepped away and started enjoying the show, all the while hoping that she forget my part in this fiasco.


I fully enjoyed the fight between Yamcha and Bulma.

Bulma wanted him to give up on the apprenticeship and come with her back to the city. On the other hand, Yamcha wanted to learn from Master Roshi and win the 21st World's Martial Arts Tournament.

Unfortunately, for once Yamcha stepped his foot down.

Master Roshi, took a test of Yamcha in form of running speed. It was the same one he took from Goku and Krillin.

Yamcha completed the 100-meter dash in 11.3 seconds. After which, Master Roshi looked satisfied enough judging by his emotions.

Seeing as we were intruding on their training, Master Roshi asked us to rest in the house while he took his 3 students to train somewhere else.

Goku and Krillin wore their shells but he didn't give a shell to Yamcha. I guessed Yamcha was still in his trial period. Still, I was pretty sure that he would easily able to pass Master Roshi's tests. After all, in canon, he became his student just after meeting him in the 21st World's Martial Arts Tournament. So, I don't see why that can't happen here.

Bulma wanted to follow Yamcha to convince him to give up on the apprenticeship. But, couldn't keep up so she came back after a few hours.

While the future Z fighters trained with Master Roshi, I also decided to train as I didn't want to waste any time. I already wasted enough to travel here. So, I increased my personal gravity to 1.5 G and started doing some exercises.

By the time Bulma came back in a few hours, I was exhausted.

I laid there resting thinking of going in the house and meeting launch but Bulma came in with a thunderous expression mumbling about 'stupid jerks'.

"What happened?" I asked cautiously, not wanting to get her ire turn towards me.

"That jerk, Yamcha, doesn't want to come back" She screamed before mumbling "He and his stupid training"

I easily dodged the stone she kicked towards me and let her vent.

"C'mon Baali. We are leaving. If Yamcha wants to live in this backwater island, I am leaving him here" She said after she was done.

"Uh-okay, let's take Oolong and Puar and say goodbye to everyone else," I said.

"Very well, I will be waiting on the plane" She replied and turned back.

She didn't notice my satisfied smirk when she walked away. I also turned back and walked towards the house whistling happily.

Just as I was about to open the door, it slammed open. I narrowly dodged it and looked angrily in the direction to give him/her a piece of my mind. But before, I could do that, Oolong ran past me as if Devil was chasing him.

I didn't have to look further to confirm the truth. Blonde Launch was coming towards my direction with a gun in her hand. Not a second later, the bullets started flying around. I tried to dodge them and run away but was only partially successful.

I stopped when I could no longer feel Blonde Launch chasing me. Instead, she was chasing Oolong. I realized then that she was never chasing me. I was just in between her and Oolong.

'They will leave some bruises' I grimaced as I pulled out 3 bullets stuck on my shoulder and back.

"What happened?" I asked Puar who was just outside the door watching in amusement as Blonde Launch tried to fill Oolong with bullets.

"Oolong tried something perverted with Launch. But she accidentally sneezed and turned to this blonde lady" He said as if that explained everything. If I didn't have the canon knowledge, I would have been confused.

I shook my head.

"Anyway, Bulma and I are going back to the city. You wanna come?" I asked.

"Yamcha-Sama is not going?" He asked.

I shook my head "No! Bulma isn't exactly happy with him at the moment" I had to keep really hard control of my face so that my smile doesn't show.

"If Yamcha-Sama is not going, then I am staying here too," He said resolutely.

I nodded, already expecting this. Meanwhile, I looked around the Kame House.

Truthfully, it wasn't much, if one could ignore the distinctive pink paint.

The first floor consisted of the main room that served as a living room too. It had a TV set, a closet, a low table, and some crushed seatings. From the living room, there are doors, leading to the kitchen on the back, and to the toilet on the right. On the left side, there are stairs for the second floor, which contained a single bedroom.

All in all, it was good enough for 4 people if a few of them didn't have any problems sleeping in a futon in the living room. I guessed they were doing it now. But with the addition of Yamcha and Puar, they won't be able to sleep comfortably.

Suddenly, I got an idea and a devilish grin spread on my face.

I took out one of the capsules from my pouch and presented it to Puar.

"What is this?" He asked in confusion.

"This is Goku's apartment-style capsule, perfect for one person though it can easily hold 2 or 3 people. With your and Yamcha's addition, this house won't be able to hold you. So, you can use it for yourself and that lady. This way Master Roshi and Oolong won't be able to do anything perverted" I said the last part with a visible smirk.

Hearing this, Puar also let out a laugh.

"I will definitely use it. Thank You" He said.

I just waved him goodbye and walked away.

I looked for Oolong but couldn't find him and blonde Launch anywhere. I could also sense that Bulma was just on the breaking point. So, I decided to leave him here with the others. After all, I didn't want to live here, in the wilderness.

Soon, I reached there. Bulma didn't even ask about Oolong.

The next second, we were in the air, flying back home.

I knew the ride back home was about 5 hours long so I decided to rest and let sleep claim me. After all, training in 1.5G is no joke... at least for now.


If someone has an idea for a spell, you can suggest that in the comment section. I have one OP spell already in mind. I already know about the transformation spell so don't mention it.

I have an account on Pat-reon. If anyone would like to donate, they could go there and donate. The donation would never be a factor in updating any of my stories. The ID is the same: Hit1903.


Power levels (At the end of the chapter):

Bulma, Panchy, Oolong, Puar, Blue Launch: ~ 04

Blonde Launch: ~ 05

Goku: 44; Oozaru Form: Height and Power x10 (440)

Baali: 51; Oozaru Form: Height and Power x10 (510) Kong Fist: 61+ (20% increase)

Krillin: 35

Yamcha: 34.5; Wolf Fang Fist: 39.6 (15% increase)

Master Roshi: 86

I have edited the last chapter so I would recommend reading it again. I have also edited the power level a tiny bit.

Also, this story will be going on a hiatus for now. Till then, take care

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