
A New Start

Chapter 29

A New Start

Next day

I woke up in a bad mood.

I quickly completed my morning rituals and got outside. There I found, Goku, Oolong, Yamcha, and Puar bunking in Oolong's capsule while Bulma was in her home capsule. This made me a little better knowing that Bulma and Yamcha are not sleeping together... yet.

I quickly woke up Goku and asked him to come outside for sparring for some stress relief.

While Goku completed his morning schedule, I did some stretches and kata to get the blood flowing. I also put half of the T-Rex that chichi killed yesterday on fire for both Goku and me. Once Goku came out, we started sparring.

I was a little rough on him due to my bad mood. We made enough noises that Yamcha got up and found us sparring. He also asked to spar which I gladly agreed. And so I got to take out some of my frustrations on Yamcha and Goku simultaneously. I have got to say that they really gave me a run for the money by tag-teaming. Yamcha was particularly vicious for copying his Wolf Fang Fist but it made the spar all the more interesting.

Once, Goku got tired, I started trouncing Yamcha easily enough. I have to admit that it put me in a better mood. Meanwhile, Goku woke up the others.

Once we were done, I asked Goku to keep an eye on the food while I went to the bath.

After scrubbing myself clean, I quickly prepared the meat with spices. The smell was so good that Yamcha also joined in. The others obviously didn't want to do anything with it. They ate the normal crap food from Bulma's stores that she filled up the day before yesterday on Pleasant Mountain.

While we were eating dinner, I found out that Bulma gave Goku, the dragon radar to search for the dragon balls as he wanted to search for the dragon ball that grandpa gave him.

I also decided to give Goku his refrigerator and warehouse capsule. He wouldn't need the House capsule seeing as he would be staying with Roshi so I decided to give him that in the future when he would tour the world.

Once we were done with breakfast, we were ready to go.

"Alright, let's go," Yamcha said and threw a capsule which became a plane. The plane even had machine guns! How cool is that!

Seeing as Bulma never lost her capsule bag, she also took out a plane which was an even newer model than what Yamcha had.

Seeing as neither Oolong nor me, knew how to fly a plane, Bulma and Yamcha had to be separated as only they knew how to fly a plane. That gave butterflies in my stomach. I was already cockblocking Yamcha. And I decided to do that often while I would be staying with them.

"We are not going to fit in," I commented after a few seconds. Even without me, it would have been a close call seeing as both planes could only fit 2 people each. No wonder the plane crashed in canon. From what I remember, instead of 2, the plane was carrying 3 people's worth of weight.

"What should we do?" Oolong asked.

"I have got an idea. Goku can take either Oolong or Puar on Nimbus, while I and the others can fly in the plane" I suggested.

"It's a great idea. Let's do this" Bulma said excitedly.

And we did though there were some problems we encountered.

Puar got scared of flying at height without any protection. So, we bullied Oolong into agreeing by giving him the option of flying with Goku on Nimbus or staying there alone in a desert where any monster could happen upon him. Oolong couldn't agree with the first option fast enough.

I also got a plan to keep Bulma away from Yamcha at least during the trip. While we were bullying Oolong, I got on the plane with Bulma while Puar went with Yamcha.

Still, Oolong couldn't hold Goku for much time and Goku couldn't fly Nimbus faster with him. So Oolong was tied to Goku while he followed the plane.

While flying, I convinced Bulma into teaching me to fly a plane for a small favor that she already owed me.

Initially, she wanted no favors to be there between us for me taking her wish. Obviously, I disagreed. I pointed out that she got her wish of having a boyfriend, in the form of Yamcha. But she didn't want to have any favors owed to me.

Soon, we started fighting over it.

After a while, we negotiated the price of the wish that I took from her to be of a normal favor. With her housing me and taking care of all my needs like schooling, clothing, and food for a large and a small favor, I was left with only 1 normal favor. Teaching me how to fly a plane was just a bonus.

It took a better part of the afternoon to get to West City. We had to make a few stops so that we could stretch our legs and eat lunch. Between Yamcha, me, and Goku, we destroyed the T-Rex easily enough.

I could have used my time efficiently by reading the magic book but I didn't want to explain the existence of the book. In the craziness of the last night, the whole group had forgotten about the wish and I didn't felt like reminding them. Moreover, I felt like I would have enough time to go through the book in the future.

We only got to the West city in the early evening.

The whole group sans Bulma was wide-eyed after seeing the city for the first time, even me. I have to say, West city was really big and futuristic. The vehicles were sleek and could fly. The roads were in top-notch condition. The buildings were more like skyscrapers.

And the best part: There was no pollution.

While the greenery was low, the air wasn't polluted. I learned from Bulma that vehicles and other contraptions use clean energy nowadays. The people haven't used fossil fuel ever since her father started his company. She wanted to know where I learned about pollution as that was decades ago as her father's inventions replaced the machinery that ran on fossil fuel.

I just told her that the books from which I studied were old-fashioned. Thankfully, she believed me without any suspicion. We also exchanged the seats giving control of the plane to Bulma again as I didn't know where her house was.

In no time we reached her home. The Capsule Corps was recognizable even from the height due to its unique color (yellow). The whole thing was situated in a few blocks' worths of land.

"So where should I park the plane?" I heard Yamcha asking from the mike.

"Keep flying straight… a little more… There… Park it on the roof" Bulma guided the plane.

"A-Are you sure, we are allowed to park here," Yamcha asked nervously and I could understand his nervousness. The house of Bulma's wasn't small. It was more like a mansion situated between Capsule grounds.

"What are you talking about…? Of course, we are allowed. This is my house after all" Bulma bragged taking me out of my depressing thoughts.

Yamcha's lost control over the plane for a little while after hearing that. Thankfully, nothing happened.

Soon, we were floating above the parking area.

I was wrong.

Her house alone covered at least a block. While the grounds covered half a dozen blocks worth of land.

God! I never felt the difference in the power of money between us, more than at that time. For a second, I even felt like a loser. I shook my head at that thought. While I didn't have money, I still could live easily with all the capsules that I managed to win from Bulma. Moreover, I was not interested in the money but the power one could wield from it.

"I knew you were rich but I didn't know you were this rich, Bulma" I commented simply as she landed the plane.

"Of course I am rich" Bulma bragged proudly.

Yamcha quickly parked the plane after us and I quickly got out.

The whole group was astonished at her wealth and made some appropriate comments. Bulma ate attention like a baby puffing her chest out at every turn.

Bulma led us through the building telling us all about the rooms and what facilities are where, while we trailed behind her.

One thing, I noticed was that Bulma's family didn't employ any human. I saw so many robots that I felt like I went to Star Wars for a second. There were robots for cleaning the house, cleaning the garden, cooking, laundry, and so many other things.

No wonder, we were Bulma's first friends. According to what I remember from our talks in the last few days, she didn't get along with the girls in her school as they were all jealous of her looks and wealth. I disagreed with her at that time. I know most won't put up with her attitude and I didn't fail to mention that much to her charging.

But looking around, I couldn't help but agree with her reasoning, at least a little bit. After seeing Bulma's wealth I know people would have definitely tried to suck up to her but the combination of her attitude and their jealousness over her looks and wealth would have driven them away.

The first human I encountered was Bulma's mom.

"Oh, Bulma! You came back. We were so worried when you went away 3 weeks ago" She said hugging Bulma who became embarrassed and tried to shake her off.

I was only partially aware of her talking to Bulma. I was just lost by her looks.

God! Was she sexy?

While Bulma can be considered cute, her mom was sexiness reincarnate.

With a thin frame, big boobs, and blonde hair, she was a total milf material. I was in love on the spot. With her classic ditzy personality, I am sure she wouldn't mind anything from me. Bulma's father sure chose a perfect material.

I shook my head of depraved thoughts when she asked who were Bulma's friend.

Before Bulma could say anything.

"Hello, ma'am. My name is Baali. It is a pleasure to meet such a beautiful lady" I said with a bow and kissed her on the back of her hand.

"Oh my! What a polite young man" She said giggling at my greetings.

One by one everyone introduced themselves. At Yamcha's introduction and his status as Bulma's boyfriend, she was quite surprised and even complimented Yamcha. That lead to Bulma screaming at her to stop flirting with her boyfriend.

"It is very good to meet Bulma's friends and boyfriend," She said with amusement when she saw Yamcha flushed with embarrassment.

After that, Bulma started dragging us away from her.

I wanted to spend more time with her but reluctantly followed Bulma.

"Bye Mrs. Brief. It was good to meet you" I said to which she enthusiastically waved her hands

I was really disappointed with going away but couldn't do anything. I decided to spend more time with her in the future. It's not like she is going somewhere. There will be many opportunities to spend time with her seeing as we both would be living in the same house.

Bulma showed her mansion for a few more minutes before taking us to our lodgings.

And what lodgings were they!

My room was quite bigger than my room in the capsule house.

Seeing as it was quite late and Goku wouldn't be able to reach Roshi's house in time, he also decided to stay with us for a night. So, I had to share the room. I couldn't even ask him to move to another room considering this might be the last night we could spend together before going away for a year. Even, I was a little sentimental. He might have been a pain in the ass but he still grew on me.

Once, the lodging was decided, I quickly went to the bathroom. A hot bath sounds wonderful at the end of the day.

While I rested for the whole day, resting in the hot bath is something else. I spent about 2 hours just resting in the hot bath. I don't even know when I fell asleep. It was good that I didn't drown. That would have been an embarrassing way to go.

'Speaking of dying, I wonder what would happen to my soul when I die' I mused. After all, I wasn't native to this reality.

In the end, I couldn't think of anything so I put that question on the back burner.

When I got out of the bath, I felt like a new man.

I didn't found Goku in the room but shrugged the worry. I was too relaxed to care.

There was one good surprise though. A set of clothes were on the bed. On looking closer, I found that they were my clothes.

'Aha! I remember now. I gave that robot both of my sets of clothes to wash' I thought back to when Bulma told me about the robot.

I have to respect their efficiency. In a couple of hours, the clothes were washed. dried, and ironed. Hell, they looked brand new.

I felt unusually lazy so I just laid there feeling content after wearing them. I don't know how long I just laid there and fell asleep.

I was jolted awake when Bulma barreled into the room with the whole group and Goku with them.

"Baali! This house is huge. There is this garden and they have so many animals. We would never go hungry" Goku exclaimed.

Bulma bonked his head "How many times I have told you, they are not food. If you want food, you just press this button" She said showing us the remote that called the robot that catered food services.

I watched in fascination as a robot came and asked for the order.

We all ordered our favorite food.

When Bulma ordered a pizza, my mouth watered. I totally forgot about the pizza in the last decade. Suddenly, I was horrified that I hadn't eaten a pizza in a decade. So, I canceled my previous order and ordered a pizza of every type.

The wait after that was almost torturous.

The prize after that torture was almost worth the torture.

After eating a large dinner, even by my standards, I waved off the invitation of exploring the mansion and let the sleep claim me. After all, tomorrow would be an exhausting day by my plan and I would need the energy.


And done at last!

It took me a whole day to write and edit this chapter even with half of the chapter already written.

So how did you like the wish and subsequent derailment from the canon?

I have noticed that people always go to Roshi's island for training when they already know his training methods. It doesn't make sense to me when he already knows the training method.

The next chapters will be of his training in the whole year before coming to participate in the tournament.

I will also stop writing the days and times from the next chapter. It already served its purpose.

Also, I opened a pat-re-on account recently. If anyone would like to donate, they could go there and donate. The donation would never be a factor in updating any of my stories. The ID is the same: Hit1903.


Power levels (At the end of the chapter):

Bulma, Panchy, Oolong, Puar: ~04

Goku: 43.5; Oozaru Form: Height and Power x10 (435)

Baali: 50; Oozaru Form: Height and Power x10 (500) Kong Fist: 60 (20% increase)

Yamcha: 34; Wolf Fang Fist: 39 (15% increase)

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