
Dragon ball super: Super Hero, The perfect hero!

In a different reality, Dr. Hedo made cell max. But this one have to absorb gamma 1 and gamma 2 to achieve perfection.

Isaias_Hill_1004 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

The activation of imperfect cell max.

[Inside the new red ribbon bass]

Dr. Hedo: Making my way down to the place that held cell max. I saw the commander about to release cell max. "What are you doing commander?!" I shouted out to him. "Releasing cell max!" He shouted right back at me.

Pulling the brakes on the moving vehicle on the railway. I then jumped out and roll down behind the commander. Standing back up i shouted. "What are you doing you fool?! Gamma 1 and 2 are still fighting up there!"

Seeing the commander pull out a gun he said threateningly. "You're the fool that put Hero components in them! Now the plan is falling apart! So you are no longer needed!" Bang! Bang! Bang!

[4 minutes later]

Imperfect cell max: feeling the water drain from the metal ball i was in. I then pushed open the circular hatch. Taking my first steps in to the outside world, i then saw my creator down below the stairs shivering in fear.

Teleporting in front of my creator, he then fell down on his behind. "He-do." I said looking down at him. But before i was about to help my creator back up. I then felt familiar ki signatures above the red ribbon bass. "Must stop the villains, And become perfect."

Ignoring my scared creator now, i then took off in to the air and flew up words. "Need to protect the world. For justice." I said to myself, heading to the ki signatures.