
Dragon ball super: Super Hero, The perfect hero!

In a different reality, Dr. Hedo made cell max. But this one have to absorb gamma 1 and gamma 2 to achieve perfection.

Isaias_Hill_1004 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

I will become the perfect hero!

[Outside of the red ribbon base]

Imperfect cell max: Making my way out of the base. I then saw my creator fly pass me in a small flying vehicle. Paying no mind to it, i just went through the glass that he crash through. flying way up into the sky i suddenly stopped.

Looking down i saw my creator standing next to gamma 1 and gamma 2, but also with the villains. My beak like mouth then smiled. "time to be the perfect hero!" I shouted excitedly. Landing in front of all of them, i then stand proud and said. "Come here my brothers! And become one with me!"

But all i got was a punch in the face. Skidding a little bit backwards i then saw my two brothers in there fighting stances. "What are you doing? We need to become one?" I said looking at both of them. But gamma 1 shouted angerly. "No we don't!" Then him and gamma 2 started to attack me.

Dodging and reflecting their blows i tried to persuade them both to become one with me. "We need to become one, so that the villains won't harm the world." Then gamma 2 shouted. "you're the real villain!" Raising my eyebrow in confusion i then said. "It looks like the villains did something to the both of you. I guess i have to do it by force then."

Releasing my full power i then started to pumble the both of them. Seeing them both laying on the ground now, i then hovered my tail over them. But before i could absorb them one of the villains kicked me away. Turning to the person i said. "Demon king piccolo. One of the villains that must be stopped."

Then me and piccolo charged at each other. When are fists connected a huge shock wave shook our surroundings. "You cannot stop justice!" I shouted to him. "Fuck your justice!" He shouted right back at me. Then we both vanished from everyone's sight.

Me and piccolo reappeared in the sky dodging and reflecting are blows. "You're stronger than what it says in the data?" i said while i dodged his punch. "I'm more stronger then i look." He responded. "well let's see if you are telling the truth."

Taking the fight seriously now i punched piccolo hard in the stomach. Seeing him stacker back in pain i kicked him away from me. When he was soaring backwards i reappeared above him with a strong kick in the stomach. When he hit the ground i saw him slowly got back up. "All villains are nothing but talk." I said proudly. "Time to meet the fist of justice!"

reappearing in front of piccolo, i then punched him in the face. But when i did piccolo didn't even flinch. Seeing piccolo skin turn orange and his muscles become more bulkier, he said. "You have no chance against me." Then he punch me hard to the ground. Feeling pain throughout my body i couldn't even move.

Seeing piccolo looking down at me with a glare he stretched out his hand and said. "It's over. Hah!"

Piccolo: After defeating cell max i power down from my transformation. "You did it piccolo!" gohan shouted coming up from behind me. facing him now i said. "I'm still surprised how strong he was." Seeing the others come up to us, krillin said. "I can't believe they made cell again. At least it's all over now." But when he said that, cell max burst out of the ground behind Gamma 1.

"No one can defeat justice!" He shouted out loud, then he attached his tail to gamma 1. Seeing gamma 1 get absorbed by cell max the ground begin to shake. "Gamma 1!" Shouted gamma 2. When the shaking stopped, cell max transformed. Right there standing in all his glory was cell max in his semi perfect form. "I will become the perfect hero!" He declared boldly.