
Dragon Ball Super Duper

An attempt at not only connecting the arcs of Dragon Ball Super together, but also explaining certain aspects, as well as adding new threaths and fixing story lines. From the spirit of the late Super Saiyan God, to the old guards of the Cold Force, to Super Saiyan God Kaioken, into a more sadistic time-morphing Goku Black, new additions will be made to the story. Any repeated sections from the anime or movies, I will try speed through. Feel free to add to the comments any ideas you may have and they might get added in the chapters.

WriterSaint · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Frieza the Destroyer Part 2

Piccolo gently changed Pan's diaper, by obliterating the dirty one and using his clothes beam to give her another. He had momentarily been put in charge of taking care of her, while Gohan and Videl trained. This only became more and more common, and with how troublesome Pan could be at times with random shows of power here and there. The most concerning fact was that she was born blonde. Videl mentioned how her mother was blonde, and how that may be why, however it was clearly the Super Saiyan genes in her. Since the ritual required five Super Saiyans to summon the Super Saiyan God, Pan was able to achieve the transformation still in the womb. Her potential was limitless. But she wasn't the only one affected by it. Piccolo looked out the window seeing Gohan and Videl fight.

Videl was fully motivated. She had always been a martial artist, and after the Super Saiyan God ritual and feeling so much power course through her, she knew she had to hone her skills. Plus, she had all the post labor weight to get rid off, and training with Gohan seemed like her best option. He had to greatly limit himself in the beggining, but over the months the restraints he put on himself began to loosen since Videl was quickly catching up. Even Gohan learned a few moves. He wasn't getting any stronger, honestly he was rapidly losing strenght for not facing any challenge but he was definitely more agile. Every time he trained with his father or even Piccolo it was more to raise his power instead of improving his martial arts. It was a nice change of pace.

Once Videl launched herself at Gohan to throw him, Gohan heard a ring. He received a call. During his distraction, Videl effortlessly grabbed his face with her legs, throwing him at the ground with a flip. Gohan commented.

"Augh. Ha ha. Maybe we should stop for now."

"Oh, already had enough? Come on Gohan, I'll be getting nowhere if we stop now."

"I feel like you already went far enough. I just got a call from work, I should probably head there."

"Oh, you're right.", As Videl nervously laughed. She got up, helping him stand, and saying.

"I'll go watch over Pan for a bit. You take your time. But when you're back..."

"I know, I know. Jeez, you really are a battle maniac."

Gohan headed off for work. He was a biology teacher at the university in Satan City. He got lucky there was the need for a teacher, or at least he got a rich and famous father-in-law, which allowed him to land the job. He was finally using his smarts to help people, instead of his muscle. He felt happy about it but he also felt like something was missing.

Meanwhile Vegeta kept training with Whis. Goku had joined as well after hearing about what Vegeta was doing, and was for the time being fighting against Beerus in his Super Saiyan God form. Vegeta on the other was still uncapable of reaching that level.

He was now screaming as much as he could in his Super Saiyan 2 form, trying to reach the next step. Whis tried to cheer him on:

"Go Vegeta! Go Vegeta!", But it was to no avail.

Vegeta stopped powering up and recovered his breath. He clenched his fist as he growled.

"I don't get it. Why can't I get Super Saiyan 3? Kakarot said he had to draw strenght from deep inside to reach it, why can't I replicate that?"

"You're definitely trying hard enough. Maybe you're just not in the right condition."

"More training, huh? Fine, what's next? Carrying heavy weights through a falling bridge, survive a barrage of your ki blasts?"

"No, you missed my point. I mean, Goku reached Super Saiyan 3 when he was dead, and Gotenks did the same as a fusion. Maybe it's something that would require a limitless body to achieve, no living, or non fused Saiyan may be able to achieve it."

"Then how am I meant to achieve the pinnacle of Saiyan power? You said I had to reach Super Saiyan 3 to attain Super Saiyan God!"

"Maybe I was wrong. Try powering up again, but this time we'll do something different."

Vegeta did as he was told transforming back into Super Saiyan 2 and reaching his full power. He asked:

"What now?"

"Cut it. Sever that connection to your Saiyan lineage."

"What is that even supposed to mean?", Vegeta stopped once again. He grabbed a bottle of water Whis provided him. "We're getting nowhere like this. I'll just continue training my body and mind like usual. I don't need a God transformation to reach that idiot. I'll just do it my own way."

"A mortal can't just enter the realm of Gods without accepting it first. You've almost reached your mortal limit.", Vegeta stared back at Whis.

"A Saiyan knows no limits!", Whis sighed.

"Fine. Let's go train elsewhere."

Goku kept trading blows with Beerus. He had already been more used to the Super Saiyan God's transformation, being able to withdraw more power, but just like Vegeta, he could already feel a ceiling being hit. Beerus mocked him:

"What's wrong Goku? Feeling tired already?"

"I just still can't believe how much you were holding back in our last fight. How did you get this powerful?", Beerus was caught off-guard by the question. He gave a vague answer.

"Hard work and lots of training. Now stop losing your focus and land a hit."

"You really are awesome!", Goku went in for another punch.

"Ah, I knew you were capable of praise."

Goku and Beerus kept sparring as Vegeta looked at them annoyed. He was going to get stronger than Goku, he was sure of it. Just as sure as Frieza was about regaining his force.


Frieza walked idly across Frut's ship, observing the soldiers, sensing their battle powers. He hated to give reason to Goku, but sensing power levels instead of reading them off a scouter, was much more practical. They were unbalanced.Those who were willing to serve Frieza as his lord were as weak as children, while others were nearly as powerful as his own first form. It was ludicrous. Where did he find all these new soldiers?

"Tournaments.", Frut told Frieza as he walked past him.


"I thought you were probably wondering how I got these men. They were from the tournaments I entered myself in certain battle-driven planets I've visited. Respect and strength are good ways to hire men."

"I prefer fear and despair personally."

"That's why I hate you so. You killed all the strong willed who tried to challenge you, and accepted all the weak who thought they had no other chance. There was no respect in your forces."

"Is that so? Sorbet, come here.", Sorbet looked back, or at least his body did, since Ginyu was the mind inside it. He moved towards Frieza. "What is it, my only lord?"

Frieza had a snarky smile, while Frut was mad. As he was about to speak, a soldier comes in to tell them.

"We've just collected all our forces. Would you like to head straight to Earth?", Frut grunted at Frieza before looking back at the soldier.


"Also, a galactic patrolman seems to have caught wind of us. Should we deal with him?", Frieza chuckled.

"Are you having trouble dealing with the pathetic galactic patrols? Those idiots who think they're big because they locked a goat several eons ago?"

"They're a measly police force of the universe. We simply ignore them."

"Oh oh oh, you really mistify me, bodyguard. During my rule, they never even dared approach me. They were afraid of me. I suppose being spied is what respect grants you?", Frut was getting furious, but he had more important matters to attend to.

"Sorbet you..." Frut realized Sorbet was now working for Frieza. He corrected himself. "I'll go ready a strategy, and inform everyone. You stay put Frieza."

The previous galactic emperor wasn't too glad about it, but at least he caught him off guard, which is more than Ginyu could say for himself. They had been there for a couple months already, and yet he hadn't found any good opportunities to change body with Frut. Frieza complained.

"There he goes with strategy. I say we head to the planet and overwhelm them with our numbers. What are soldiers if not sacrificial pawns?"

"They're nothing, sir.", Ginyu agreed.


The galactic patrolman's ship flew away at lightspeed, and inside it was Jaco. He had to inform someone of Frieza's ressurection, and he knew exactly who to tell it to. His long time friend, Bulma's sister.

Jaco reaches Earth, and talks with Bulma's sister who directs him towards Bulma herself. He heads to Capsule Corp where Gohan and Videl have gone to show Pan to their friends. Jaco warns them of Frieza's ressurection and how he was coming back. Videl even asks :

"How strong is this Frieza?", Jaco answered.

"He was the mightiest emperor of all the galaxy, and he...he always fled from me. Yes! That's why I never caught him.", Gohan was surprised.

"Really Jaco? You're that strong? I could have really used your help on Namek as a kid."

"Well, I was busy. I'm a busy patrolman who works to eliminate the greatest evils of the galaxy, after all.", Videl asked.

"Then why didn't you eliminate Frieza?", Jaco begins pannicking. He looked at his wrist, as if there was a watch there.

"Well, looks like my time is up. If you guys really think you can handle Frieza, go ahead. I'll leave you to it.", Jaco heads for his shipz entering it and tries to leave, but Bulma catches him before he can, forcing him to stay to help defeat Frieza and his forces.

Not many days passed, when they could sense it. The presence of Frieza in a nearby space ship, but especially, Frut. They were all caught off guard by his tremendous power. A tough battle was about to commence.