
Dragon Ball Super Duper

An attempt at not only connecting the arcs of Dragon Ball Super together, but also explaining certain aspects, as well as adding new threaths and fixing story lines. From the spirit of the late Super Saiyan God, to the old guards of the Cold Force, to Super Saiyan God Kaioken, into a more sadistic time-morphing Goku Black, new additions will be made to the story. Any repeated sections from the anime or movies, I will try speed through. Feel free to add to the comments any ideas you may have and they might get added in the chapters.

WriterSaint · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Frieza the Destroyer - Part 1

A few months have passed. Pan has been born, Goku went back to his farmer job, and Vegeta stands atop a mountain of sand in the middle of the desert. Amidst the scorching heat with no food or water for two days. The only way for him to keep himself stable was by manipulating his ki, controlling it and swiftly moving it around his body. Vegeta knew the secret to greater power was no longer a stronger body, it was a better control of one's ki and this was him testing that. He tried to be alone for as long as possible, but it didn't take too long for company to arrive.

Bulma and Trunks appear beside him after walking a couple miles in turbans. Bulma starts complaining:

"You know, when you said to take a trip to the desert, I thought you meant as a vacation, not as a training spot.", Trunks was confused.

"Really, mom? Did you not expect this from dad?"

"I just had hope for once."

"He's always like this, especially after Goku got that God form.", Vegeta begins grunting.

"Why are you here? I told you to leave me here for a week."

"Well, someone wants to speak with you.", Whis walks up the sand dune. Vegeta is surprised.

"You? What are you doing here?"

"I was hoping to find a good student to train, one who seeks power and is jealous of another getting said power unnaturally."

"I'm not jealous of Kakarot."

"Hmm. Why is it that I don't believe it then?"

"The ancient saiyan chose him. He wanted a naive Saiyan who is too stupid to have pride on his race. Kakarot was the right option."

"Then why are you in the middle of the desert exherting yourself?", Vegeta grunts as Whis proceeds. "I relish your effort. In such a short time you've actually made progress in the right direction. I have to admit, I'm impressed, but if you continue alone, you'll soon reach a wall you alone can't surpass."

"What can you teach me that I don't already know?"

"I know how to achieve Super Saiyan God without a ritual."

Vegeta is convinced. He grabs Whis' shoulder and tells his wife.

"Bye babe. Don't expect me so soon.", She is flustered.

"Wait, what?!"

Whis leaves at speeds greater than light with Vegeta towards Beerus' planet. Midway through the voyage, Vegeta asks:

"Why are you doing this? Do you just want to be entertained?"

"A God of Destruction's assistant's only reason to be is to respond to their wishes and will, as well as fix any mistake or regret they may have. Honestly, I don't think I've ever seen him having so much fun as when he fought Goku. I want to replicate that joy."

"Then why not bring Kakarot?"

"Because he alone won't be able to entertain my Lord for too long. Goku, or Kakarot I suppose, will never be able to reach my Lord's full power, but you and him together, maybe."

"I don't need Kakarot to beat Beerus. I alone will make him kneel before me, like he did my father.", Whis looks disappointed at Vegeta.

"If you keep that mindset, than you will never even get close."

They both reach the planet. Vegeta looks around to get accostumed for a few moments. He looks at Whis:

"So, what kind of extreme training will I have to put up with to become a Super Saiyan God?"

"You will have to search deep into your Saiyan roots for power."

"Of course. Reach a Saiyan's unlimited potential."

"And rip those roots from the core."

Vegeta was lost for words. The most impossible task had just been set for him.

Meanwhile the new leader of the renewed Cold Force, Frut, scratched his head. He was an alien similar to Hatchiyak, with grey and dark blue colours instead of red and green, and a more defined face. He wore a cape like King Cold used to and was around the same size as him. He is seen grunting when the soldier Raspberry appears. The leader asked him.

"Did you find it?", The grunt bows down, embarassed.

"I'm sorry, sir, but New Namek seems to be undetectable."

"I can't believe it. We've searched the entire galaxy for it, how is it still hidden?"

"Maybe the Dragon Balls won't be necessary. The Destroyer hasn't appeared, maybe he doesn't care. Maybe..."

"I don't deal with maybes. Raspberry, do you think I want to ressurect that impudent brat? He's the last person I want to return. I still don't understand how Beerus could trust a conniving little shit like him. King Cold only trusted him because he was his own son."

"And you still abandoned him?", Raspberry said before realising how rude he was. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."

"It's fine. It is the truth. I used to be Cold's bodyguard. I left because Frieza wasn't even worth half of him. I returned when Frieza was gone, and now I'm forced to bring him back. I hate this.", A blue female alien, Berryblue, Frieza's adviser from the Broly movie, appears.

"We could always go for Earth. If we have some weaker men sneak around, maybe..."

"That would be a suicide mission. I'm not sending my men like that."

"What if we send some prisioners?", Frut looks at Beeryblue with a smile.

"Now you're talking my language. Fine. But if it fails, we're continuing our search for New Namek. Send the prisioners to King Cold's last coordinates. I've always been curious about what exactly happened, but never wanted to take the risk. This way we take care of two problems in one go.", He orders the soldier to do so, and sits back on his throne.

Amidst the mountains where Cold once landed, was a frog lamenting. Ginyu as a frog sat there, remembering his past as it circled around his head repeatedly. All he ever wanted was to have a body, be part of the Frieza Force, get his old life back. All he could do was a dance of shame and loneliness, until a light shone above him. A ship was landing there, his hope returned. He approaching the landing prisioners getting in front of one of them. He licked on the ground, forming some words. One of the prisioners, with a thin yellow body, read it.

"Change?", A beam of light erupted from the frog's mouth, as Ginyu's life force became one with the prisioner's body and vice versa. He was overjoyed. The other prisioner asked him.

"Is everything alright, mate?", Ginyu smiled. He couldn't be happier.

"Everything is more than alright. Don't you just want to dance?", The other prisioner ignored him, as they moved onward with their search.

It didn't take long to find the Dragon Balls, since they were all with the Pilaf gang. After stealing them from the party they started searching for months for a good place where no one would see Shenron and stop their wish, however they were out of luck. The prisioners steal the Dragon Balls and wish for Frieza to be back, who is in pieces and sent to a healing pod. He comes out of the pod in his final form, since that's the one he was in when he entered the pod in the first place. He seems pleased.

"It seems you've kept my force up and running and were even able to bring me back. Still, what took you so long? The force's first objective should be to bring their ruler back!"

"Out of the pod and already complaining? Have you learned nothing from Hell?"

"How dare you speak to me like that? I've been dangling on a tree, stuck in a cobweb, forced to watch teddybears and rabbits happily dance... Huagh... it just made me want to puke.", A soldier answers back.

"I mean after all the genocide you've caused it only makes sense.", Frieza was furious.

"How dare you!", Frieza points his finger at him, ready to shoot a Death Beam, however before he can, someone grabs his wrist. Frut reached him in a matter of instants. "Let go of me!"

"Then don't shoot my men, or attempt to blow the whole ship apart."

"Your me... Kaah!", Frut knees Frieza in the chest, forcing him to the ground.

"I suppose you wouldn't remember me. I'm Frut, your father's old bodyguard and the current leader of the Cold Force.", Frieza gets up, shocked. He remembers.

"My father's bodyguard? The only being stronger than him at his final form."

"What's the point of a bodyguard if he is weaker than the person he is trying to protect, right?"

"I forgot all about you."

"I made sure of it. Frieza, I'm afraid to say that you're no longer a leader. There may be a few soldiers in my troops who still pledge aleggiance to you, but a brat like you can never earn my respect. You killed several good men out of childish respite. That's resources we can't waste."

"So you wish to treat me as servant? I shall abide to no one!"

"Except for Beerus, right?", Frieza looks at him, realizing what he wants. He smiles and cackles.

"I see, so that's why. I'm here in case Beerus appears, as a way to keep everyone safe. You need me."

"Unfortunately, yes.", Frieza then thinks to himself.

'Then I can still turn this in my favor. He needs me, and yet I don't require him. Frut, your reign over my army will be over soon. But first...'

"I demand one thing. It only seems fair, since you brought me here for a favor."

"I brought you back from the living, remember? That's more than enough favors."

"I want revenge on the Saiyans."


"They killed my dear old dad. Don't you want revenge for that too?", Frut looks at Frieza.

"I've thought about it, but I didn't want to take any chances. Tell me, how much stronger were the Saiyans? Did Cold's final form prove to be that weak?"

Frieza died before his father, but he could still guess what happened.

"He didn't even get a chance to transform."

Frut ponders for a while. He isn't sure of Frieza's words. He wouldn't be surprised if he was sending him to his own death, still...

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. I saw him die with my own eyes. Please, let me avenge Cold. My father deserves it.", Frieza shows a desperate expression, but inside he only laughs. Frut answers.

"Fine. We'll collect all forces on other planets and then head for Earth. I want to be fully prepared."

"How long will that take?"

"A couple months at most."

"Now. I want those monkeys to die NOW!"

"You don't order anyone around anymore, Frieza. Go train or something, and if you kill any of my men, then I'll kill you on the spot. Remember that."

Frut leaves the room, as Frieza stays angry. He walks out of the room moments later, only to notice a light shine, followed by screaming. He goes around the corridor to take a look, noticing a soldier forcing down the dead prisioner that wished him back through a trash dispenser. The soldier salutes Frieza.

"Lord Frieza, it is so good to see you here. I've returned to serve you once more. I'm Ginyu."

"Ginyu? Have you switched bodies to this soldier?"

"Exactly, my lord."

"Splendid. I thought you had died on Namek."

"I was merely turned into a frog, unable to aid you further.", He begins crying. "I'm sorry, your Excellence. I couldn't be there to assist you when Planet Namek exploded. I could only watch from the monkey's spaceship."

"Forget about that. The force is no longer mine. I want it back."

"Of course, my lord. I will take over the leader's body and make it my own."

"Quick and effective, that's why you were always my most prized soldier. Let's get this force back, and end those monkey's race once and for all."