
Dragon Ball Super Duper

An attempt at not only connecting the arcs of Dragon Ball Super together, but also explaining certain aspects, as well as adding new threaths and fixing story lines. From the spirit of the late Super Saiyan God, to the old guards of the Cold Force, to Super Saiyan God Kaioken, into a more sadistic time-morphing Goku Black, new additions will be made to the story. Any repeated sections from the anime or movies, I will try speed through. Feel free to add to the comments any ideas you may have and they might get added in the chapters.

WriterSaint · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Frieza the Destroyer - Part 3

Frut's ship landed in the middle.of the moutainscape. Sensing the power within the ship, many Z fighters showed up ready to defend Earth. Gohan, Videl, Piccolo, Krilin and Master Roshi all took battle stances, while Jaco hid behind a rock.

Frut walked out of the ship, followed by Frieza in his pod. Gohan gritted his teeth:

"Frieza. You've come back for revenge?", Frieza tried to speak, but Frut stretched his hand in front of him signaling him not to answer. Frut asked Frieza.

"Which one of them was the perpretator? Who killed King Cold?", Frieza answered.

"None of them. I don't even see the monkey who humilliated me in Namek.", Frieza growled, shouting at the Z fighters. "Don't tell me you let Goku die before I could have my revenge. I hope his death was at least slow and painful.", Gohan answered.

"My dad is still alive."

"Dad?", Frieza was delighted by the answer, walking forward. "Yes, I remember you. You also battled me with your filthy monkey hands. It looks like you're all grown up. I wonder if Goku will come if his dear child is tortured enough. Let's se...", Frut, once again, stopped Frieza's advancements. Frieza was angry. "I don't care if you're my father's bodyguard or whatnot, I will not stand idly and let you interrupt me."

"Just shut up.", Frut charged an energy blast in his hand, while handling his scouter with the other. The air shook, as what looked like gravity waves condensed the energy in his hand before firing. The one targeted was Piccolo, who tried to stop the blast with his hands, however its strength was higher than expected. Instead of it blowing up though, Piccolo was pushed back by the ball, towards the nearby city. If he didn't find a way to interrupt the blast's trajectory it would blow up the city and all the people within it. His muscles bulked up as Piccolo used all his strenght to divert it, being able to do it, right before crashing into a skyscraper.

Frut smiled smuggingly.

"I aimed at your strongest fighter, and he was barely capable of diverting a single blast. If you have anyone else more capable, like, let's say, this Goku I've heard of, I'd advise to bring him here. Otherwise, you will all face extermination.", Krillin smiled while shaking. Seeing Frieza in person again, was more traumatic than he expected. He pointed at Gohan

"Piccolo wasn't our strongest fighter. He's right here, right Gohan?", Unfortunately Gohan wasn't too confident himself. He had been training with Videl, but he also supressed his power heavily to do so. He hadn't become a Super Saiyan in a while. But he could probably still transform into it easily... or so he hoped.

"Yeah, Krillin. Let's show them what we're made of.", Piccolo landed besides them, right before they all charged towards Frut.

Frieza shouted.

"Troops! Kill them!", A small part of their forces, the ones still abiding by Frieza's rule charged forward to face the Z fighters, stopping them even if just for a few moments. Gohan was easily handling a few troops, when he saw Videl fighting as well.

"You think you will be fine? You haven't really been part of any fights with us."

"Oh come on, you could trust your wife a bit. This actually reminds me of those 100 to 1 fights my dad would sometimes put me in. It's kind of fun."

Frieza watched with some annoyance, as Frut looked back at the rest of his troops.

"So, for the non-suicidal soldiers, let's follow our plan, okay?"

"Yes, lord Frut.", Frut smiled as he readied to slaughter the fighters.

Meanwhile Bulma got in contact with Vegeta. She had convinced Whis to let her speak to him by offering him food. She asked her husband:

"So, how long until you stay there?"

"Until I get and master Super Saiyan God. Just wait. This isn't the first time I've left to train."

"I was hoping you wouldn't make that a habit.", Bulma sighed. "Look, I just wanted to tell you that Frieza is back.", Vegeta was shocked.

"WHAT!??", Goku who was training from afar, teleported there, curious.

"What's going on? I heard screaming from here. Oh, hey Bulma."

"Hey Goku.", Vegeta was fuming.

"What do you mean Frieza's back? Was he ressurected?", Goku was confused.

"Frieza is back? How? Wait!", Goku put his fingers on his forehead in a panic, but then relaxed. "Phew, New Namek is still intact. I was scared he had destroyed that place.", Bulma agreed.

"That's a relief. Then he must have come to Earth without us noticing, probably after they went missing at my party... Look, the point here is, he is back. Vegeta always talks about how he ruined his life. So I was wondering if you guys would want to come."

"Did he get stronger?", Goku asked, Bulma shook her head.

"From what Gohan told me, Frieza's the same but apparently he brought someone much more powerful than him. I'm pretty sure he can handle it, but still..."

"We'll go right away.", Beerus appears walking behind them.

"Now, hold on, Goku, I'm not done sparring with you.", Whis agrees.

"And Vegeta, we haven't finished your training.", Vegeta tries to argue.

"But...", Bulma is able to argue.

"I've got a strawberry sundae with me.", Beerus licks his lips.

"We need to go to Earth immediatelly. It's an urgent matter."

"Of course, Lord Beerus. It'll take around 20 minutes to get there.", Vegeta isn't satisfied.

"That's too long. By then, either Kakarot's brat or the Namekian will have killed him. Kakarot, can't you teleport us there?"

"Well, we're pretty far away. I would need to lock on to some really powerful ki to use Instant Transmission, but if they're in the middle of a fight..."

"I'll wait."


The Z fighters were about to get rid of all the Frieza followers, when suddenly a barrage of ki blasts were shot at them. Frut's plan was beggining, with the soldiers all pointing their wrist shooters at the fighters and firing fiercely. Gohan got in front of Videl, blocking and diverting the blasts, as the rest of the fighters did the same until one of them was strong enough to blow Gohan back. Amidst the firing, was Frut himself shooting ki blasts powerful enough to do serious damage, if he chose his targets carefully, he would be able to get rid of all the defenders of Earth without having to get close. Gohan got back on his feet though, and powered up. With some struggle, he transformed into Super Saiyan. Frieza was furious.

"That... Golden hair, green eyes... it's just like...", Frut finished his sentence.

"A Super Saiyan, huh? So he was hiding some power. Still, for a myth, I was expecting a larger power growth, he is still manageable.", He looked back. "Men, keep your fire on them, but avoid the one in green gear. I'll deal with him personally.", He then looked at Frieza. "And you. Stay put, and help with the fire.", Frut charged forward at Gohan, beggining to trade blows with him. Frieza gritted his teeth.

"No one, except for my father, has any right to tell me what to do. I'll deal with the Super Saiyan. I'LL BE THE ONE TO KILL HIM!!", Frieza also charged forward, forcing the soldiers to stop firing. He shouted with purple aura envolving him, ready to hit the Super Saiyan in his monkey face, however, he was once again stopped from doing what he wanted.

Gohan going Super Saiyan was enough of a power increase for Goku to sense him and teleport there, allowing Vegeta enough time to grab Frieza. Frieza was overwhelmed in anger. He was confused as to why the monkeys suddenly appeared, but in a way he was also pleased. He could have his revenge. He shook his arm off of Vegeta's hand, and pointed his finger at Goku readying a Death Beam.

"DIE, MONKEY!", He fired the blast, hitting Goku in the cheek, but not trespassing it. Goku scratched it complaining.

"Oww, hey, that kind of hurt. You...", He looked to the side, noticing who fired. "Frieza.", The old emperor was shocked. In his panic, he thought it was a fluke and kept firing. Frieza's muscles pumped up as he was now using his Full Power shooting crazily at Goku, who effortlessly blocked all the beams with his finger.

"Ho... How? No, this can't be possible. Begone!", He charged a much bigger blast, and as he was about to fire it, he noticed someone. "Beerus?", The God of Destruction looked at him.

Once Frut heard Beerus he stopped fighting. Gohan lunged at him, and punched him in the face, dealing close to no effect. Frut hit him in the chest, launching him away.

"Get away, earthling. Lord Beerus is here. Soldiers, stop firing!", Frut was afraid that one of the firing blasts would hit the Destroyer, and was quick on telling them to stop. This would obviously give the other earthlings a chance to strike, but he believed they wouldn't dare to strike with the Destroyer around.

Frut got closer to Beerus, kneeling before him, and started to quickly explain everything.

"Lord Beerus, excuse me. I'm one of the advisers of the Frieza's army, whom you elected to do your bi...", Beerus interrupted him. Frieza looked in shock, as Vegeta and Goku were confused.

"Get on with it. What is it you want to say?"

"I just wanted to tell you that the Frieza Force is alive and well, and will continue with its duty."

"I know Frieza died.", Frut gulped. This was his worst fear. "You took his place, didn't you?"


"And you brought him back, so as to fool me to think you kept things in orders?"

"You are very perceptive, sir. Please, I beg of you, don't..."

"I won't destroy you. I honestly don't care.", Frut could feel all his stress leaving his body. He was a little annoyed that all his work was for nothing, but still happy that it turned out all right. "You may continue your fight.", Vegeta grunted, tired of waiting.

"Frieza, so you came here to get your revenge, didn't you? Well, let me warn you that I'm the only one doing that here.", Frieza regained his senses, calming down.

"Oh, Vegeta, I don't care about your meaningless boastful attitude. I have business with another monkey."

"If it's Saiyans you want to exact revenge upon, then you should go to the prince first."

"You're not even a Super Saiyan. Goku, you're going to pay for the humiliation you put me through.", As Frieza headed towards Goku, a golden light flashed beside him. He looked to the side, seeing the transformed prince.

"What were you saying?"

"No... No...", Frieza was panicking. Frut, Beerus, Goku, Vegeta. For the first time in his life, he was surrounded by several beings stronger than himself, and he was unsure of what to do. For a moment, he felt the same as when Goku fired at him in Namek, fear and a hint of regret.

He got on his knees. Vegeta approached.

"Feeling defeated? You're almost taking away the joy out of this. The emperor of the universe, bowing before a prince? Just like it should be.", He opened his hand, as ki was forming on it. "You have no idea how long I've waited for a chance like this. To avenge my race."

"You're a prince of what? Two people and some halflings? No, I won't bow down to trash like that. I won't die because of an order Lord Beerus gave me.", This caught Vegeta off guard, but his anger let his focus stay on Frieza. He started getting up, building up power. "I am Lord Frieza and you will...", Vegeta fired his attack, fully destroying Frieza. His dead body fell on the ground. Vegeta now faced Beerus.

Frut was surprised. His men had joined his fight against the Z fighters and were still having some trouble. On a one on one, Frut would clearly win, but with all of them teaming up, it was trouble. Plus, he saw how strong Vegeta was, and from the looks of it, not only was it clear that that wasn't his full power, but it seemed like the other Saiyan might be around the same level if not higher. They even came alongside Beerus, so who knows how mighty they were. He would be doomed if they were to attack him. He would have to retreat, he thought, it was their best optio...

"Ah!", Goku punched Frut before he could even react, and launched him against the mountains. Gohan smiled at him.

"Hey, dad. Thanks for coming in for the save."

"Always glad to help, but you really should have had this handled. I thought your potential was unleashed."

"Yeah, well, I can't really keep my potential unleashed if I don't train to do so.", Goku was happy for him, but Gohan couldn't help but feel a bit of disappointment from him. It was honestly striking, but no one was more disappointed than Frut was with himself.

The galactic emperor for the past 12 years was defeated, embarassed even. A single punch was almost enough to knock him out. He had no chance anymore, no way to survive and escape the planet, no way to keep his pride. Was this what Cold felt when he was overpowered by the Saiyans? He felt his whole self crumble. His forces were defeated, he as well, he only had one option left for him, he thought. His plan C. He already had a small part of his forces still alive, he could do this. He pointed his hand down, and fired a ki blast.

The whole Earth was destroyed.