
Dragon Ball Super Duper

An attempt at not only connecting the arcs of Dragon Ball Super together, but also explaining certain aspects, as well as adding new threaths and fixing story lines. From the spirit of the late Super Saiyan God, to the old guards of the Cold Force, to Super Saiyan God Kaioken, into a more sadistic time-morphing Goku Black, new additions will be made to the story. Any repeated sections from the anime or movies, I will try speed through. Feel free to add to the comments any ideas you may have and they might get added in the chapters.

WriterSaint · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Frieza the Destroyer - Part 4

Beerus and Whis floated in the emptiness of space. The two sole survivors of Earth's destruction, since everyone, including Frut, was uncapable of breathing in space. Even Beerus only survived because Whis made a protective sphere for him to breathe in. Beerus commented:

"What a pity. And just when we were about to get sundaes. The timing couldn't have been worse."

"And those Saiyans. They had so much potential in them. They could have actually given you a challenge. Too bad the universe's balance must be kept. If a planet is destroyed then it is as fate decided."

"Yeah... or not.", Beerus felt sorry, a feeling he thought he would never have towards a planet. Whis thought it weird.

"Having second thoughts, my lord?"

"The food, the Saiyans, the everything. Earth really was a good culmination of good things, wasn't it? It's a pity it had to be erased like that."

"You wish to go back and change the events that transpired? That is against..."

"I know." , He looked directly at Whis. "I know, but so was what we did.", Whis was confused, yet amused. "A few decades ago I decided to destroy the Saiyan race through the one who overseed them, Frieza, and yet I ended up training them to kill him. I went against my own rule, and the only way to correct a mistake..."

"Isn't by commiting another, my lord. Although, it is a curious way to perceive it."

"Send us back, Whis. Let the Saiyans prove themselves worthy. Let's test them."

"As you wish. But don't think there won't be consequences."

Whis stomped his staff against the non-existent ground. They were transported back in time. Frut was punched by Goku, and Frieza was on his knees telling Vegeta.

"You're a prince of what? Two people and some halflings? No, I won't bow down to trash like that. I won't die because of an order Lord Beerus gave me.", This caught Vegeta off guard, but his anger let his focus stay on Frieza. He started getting up, building up power. "I am Lord Frieza and you will...", Vegeta fired his attack. Smoke covered the emperor, as Vegeta, sure of his victory, eyed Beerus.

"What did he mean by the order you gave him?"

"I don't know. Ask him.", Vegeta was confused. The blast he shot would have certainly killed Frieza. There was no way he had survived.

And yet he did.

The smoke cleared as purple aura shot out from it. Purple, chaotic, destructive ki. Vegeta could ascertain with a single look. That wasn't Frieza's ki, that was a destroyer's. He looked back at Beerus.

"What did you do?"

"What I had to."

Frieza shot a blast hitting Vegeta and launching him away against a mountain, wrecking it almost conpletely. The space emperor stretched, cracking a few bones. His skin started to change, adopting a golden taint. He couldn't contain his happiness.

"This power is above anything I even considered possible. Truly fitting for a space emperor, wouldn't you say so, Frut?", Frieza looked to the side snarkily.

Frut leapt out of the crater Goku punched him into and got back on his feet. He growled, annoyed by Frieza's sudden power boost. So much time was spent organizing forces, conquering back his power over the galaxy. He had already been on the brink of accepting his defeat against the earthlings, would he accept allegiance to Frieza? No.

"I won't obey you Frieza. You can have the forces if you want, but I'm not working under a ruthless child.", In an instant, Frieza moved towards him.

Goku could barely follow his speed. He was afraid, but most of all excited. Frut however wasn't too happy with his situation since he had his neck at Frieza's grasp. He heard him say:

"Such a waste. You would be a most helpful soldier. I was never one of strategy, but you are. A strategic war monger. You could be in charge of my forces. I would even let you act as you please. You wouldn't be under my finger."

"You would put me in charge after how I treated you?"

"You ressurected me and brought me here to have my revenge.", Frieza looked at Goku, who had an angry look on him, and remembered the time the monkey gave him energy. "Fight against these earth slugs, I have a monkey to eradicate. After that, you're free to do as you wish.", Frieza let go of his neck, heading for Goku.

Frut grunted, but he knew he had no other option. He charged at Gohan once more.

Frieza had already fully adapted to the destroyer's power, attaining a golden form. He charged ki on his fingertip and shot another death beam at Goku. He turned Super Saiyan in an instant, attempting to block the beam, however it passed through his hand, piercing his shoulder. He put his hand on it, as blood fell in streams. He was bewildered by the power increase. Frieza laughed.

"Ho ho ho, the irony. I achieved my golden form, and now its you who has to beg for his life. It is time we finish this, monkey."

"You really are amazing, Frieza. You already adapted to the power Beerus gave you. You're a true prodigy."

"How kind monkey, but after the way you humiliated me, compliments simply won't do, not even torture is enough for you. I will dismember you, burn you, and bring you to our healing pods so I can do it again! You will suffer endless suffering, like I DID IN HELL!!!", Frieza shot once more, this time aiming at his stomach. Goku tried to block once again, but this time it was successful.

With immense strain, Goku was able to transform into Super Saiyan God quickly enough to block the attack. Frieza was surprised. Goku answered.

"You're not the only one who had to control power others gave you. This is Super Saiyan God.", Goku's ki surrounded the injury, closing it. Goku twirled his arm around, feeling healed. Unfortunately, it came in the cost of god ki output. The fight hadn't even started and Goku had already spent too much stamina. It wasn't ideal.

"What? Another legendary transformation? Rubbish! No Saiyan legend is mighty enough against me!", Frieza charged at Goku, as their fight began.

Gohan got his back against Videl's. All the Frieza soldiers had already been dealt with, only Frut remained. Krillin had gone to give Vegeta a Senzu Beam after Frieza's blast, Master Roshi was resting, too tired to keep fighting, Piccolo had his hands against one another charging a Light Grenade.

Videl was the first to go for the attack. With her martial arts she was able to dodge some strikes and land a few hits, which unfortunately barely fazed Frut, but was enough to distract him. Frut tried to strike back, but Videl backflipped, allowing Super Saiyan Gohan to charge in with a kick, which fortunately did damage. With a barrage of punches and kicks, Gohan kept Frut at bay, before being pushed back. The alien charged forward to strike Goku's son, but a powerful knee hit his ribcage. Videl hit him up, with angel's wings made of ki on her back. Her Eagle Kick shot him up, and once he stopped midair, Videl's wings fired at him. Each feather was a like a spike of ki trying to penetrate Frut, but it only served to graze him and push him further away. Thankfully, Gohan was already behind him, knocking him into the ground with his hands, like a sledgehammer. Frut got up disoriented. He looked around, only to see a large light beside him. Piccolo had finished charging his attack, aiming it forward and shouting:

"Light Grenade!", The powerful blast was capable of anihilating anything in his path, and eviscerating Frut completely, that is, if nothing stood in the path to Frut.

Throughout the entire invasion, one soldier was kept in watch of Frut, one to weak to actually fight and be defeated by the Z-fighters. Ginyu was powerless in Sorbet's body, and so he was put in charge of overseeing the attack. He had watched closely how things transpired, and he was not blind to the namekian's charging. He knew that was his chance, so when Piccolo fired, he took it.

As the Light Grenade approached Frut, Ginyu jumped in the way, and shouted:

"Change!", They changed bodies. Ginyu was in possession of Frut's powerful body, and Frut, now in Sorbet's body, was atomized by the blast. Ginyu clenched his fist, looking at himself. Piccolo saw him in horror.

"Now this is true power. I can't believe that idiot was supressing himself this much. He should know the first rule to fighting. Always go all out, no matter the opponent. Now earthlings, be ready. Feast your eyes on my Full... Power... STANCE!" , Ginyu had practiced throughout his entire frog life, to do a variety of poses. He chose the safest option, bending his knees and placing his hands above his head. He had been waiting so long and finally got his chance. "What now? Are you trembling in fear?", Videl found it curious.

"It kind of looks like the stance you do when you're Great Saiyaman, Gohan."

"What? This is way better than that.", Gohan demonstrated his stance. Ginyu was overwhelmed. He thought:

'How could a mere earthling adopt such an imposing pose? I won't let him win.' He proposed. "To the Earthling who dared to pose before me. I dare you to a pose tournament, with the girl as the judge."

"What?", Videl wasn't too happy. "I don't want to judge you for that. There has to be someone more capable.", Gohan put his hands on her shoulders.

"It's for the fate of mankind. You have to do this.", Videl was nervous. She gulped down her fears, staring Gohan in the eyes.

"Fine. I'll do it."

As Piccolo watched in confused awe. Gohan put himself in front of Ginyu, stretching himself. The most important tournament of his life was just about to start.