
Dragon Ball Super Duper

An attempt at not only connecting the arcs of Dragon Ball Super together, but also explaining certain aspects, as well as adding new threaths and fixing story lines. From the spirit of the late Super Saiyan God, to the old guards of the Cold Force, to Super Saiyan God Kaioken, into a more sadistic time-morphing Goku Black, new additions will be made to the story. Any repeated sections from the anime or movies, I will try speed through. Feel free to add to the comments any ideas you may have and they might get added in the chapters.

WriterSaint · Anime & Comics
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Battle of Gods and Spirits - Part 4

Ok, let's speed things up. Vegeta goes into his enraged Super Saiyan 2 form and is able to fight Beerus for a bit. The cat god comments:

"So this is the hate-filled power that saiyan had to give up to reach Super Saiyan God. You're not getting anywhere like this."

Vegeta goes in for another punch.

"Why? Are you afraid? You want me to stop?", Beerus catches his hand and looks at him with disapproval.

"I'm bored.", Beerus knocks him out with a kick and throws him back down, and points his finger up.

A ball of red ki begins forming, as Beerus yawns.

"Maybe there's a third pure blooded saiyan out there with a kind heart. Let's hope so.", As he is readying the blast, a hand catches his arm.

"You really need to stop trying.", Beerus looks back, noticing it was Goku. "Goku?"

"Sorry about this.", Goku puts his free hand on his forehead teleporting Beerus with him.

They end up at King Kai's planet. King Kai looks at Goku surprised.

"Wha... Goku? Wait, is that?"

"Hey, King Kai. Can you keep him occupied for a bit? Thanks.", Goku lets go of Beerus using Instant Transmission to return to Earth. Beerus is furious. Enveloped in purple ki he shouts.

"SAIYAN!!", King Kai trembles.

"Omni King Allmighty, not this again!"

Goku appears on the cruise ship. Most of the Z fighters are besides Bulma who was knocked out, while Gohan grabs Vegeta out of the water, dropping him on the ship. He notices his father:

"Did you handle him, dad?"

"I left him in King Kai's planet, so unless he can also instant transmission, he should take some time to get here. He he, I hope King Kai isn't too mad about it."

Whis appears eating some corn dogs as he gets besides Goku laughing.

"Oh oh oh, you must have really pissed him off."

"I suppose. Who are you? Are you strong too?", Whis smiles.

"Well, of course I'm strong, I'm his teacher, Whis.", Goku and Gohan look at him shocked. "I'm going to go get him back. See if you can find a Super Saiyan God while we're out."

Whis leaves to go pick up Beerus. Goku and the others start discussing the next step, deciding to ask Shenron for information. He tells them about the Super Saiyan God ritual after being terrified of hearing that Beerus wants to know about it, and goes back to the Dragon Balls. With everyone focusing on the ritual the Pilaf Gang take their chance and snatch the balls, hurrying back to their raft. The Saiyans all get together, Goku, Gohan, Goten, Trunks and Vegeta but it doesn't work. Videl feels bad that she couldn't join the fight due to being pregnant, inadvertally telling everyone that she is pregnant, which luckily enough allows them to do the ritual. They join hands and start distributing ki. Trunks comments:

"It's like one of those ghost calling rituals I saw in a movie.", The TV deprived Goten is interested.

"Oh really? It's the same?"

"Yeah, spirit mediums join hands with a ghost's beloved ones to call upon it, but only the medium can take the ghost's power." Vegeta is intrigued and asks:

"Hmm, so who's the medium here? From what Shenron said only one of us gets the power. If anything, it should be me.", Goku jokes.

"But you just fought Beerus, I want to try too."

"Well, he hit my wi...", Vegeta notices Bulma watching, grunting. "You can't always have the win to yourself.", Gohan comments.

"Well, if anyone is going to get it, it's definitely one of you two. A pure blooded saiyan makes more sense taking into account how the prophecy works.", Trunks complains.

"Oh, but I wanted it.", Vegeta reprimands him.

"Don't complain boy. Just be happy your dad is going to be the strongest saiyan there is.", Goten interjects.

"What? My dad will always be the strongest.", Videl sighs.

"Can you guys calm down and do the ritual? Beerus might arrive here any minute now.", Everyone shuts up and close their eyes as they start transfering energy amongst themselves.

They all get clad in rainbowish brightness, before a large beam strikes at the sky. A tremendous red beam of light descends upon them. They are all now inside a bright red realm. Once they open their eyes they see a speck of light dancing among them. A voice speaks aloud:

"Only the purest of heart and blood may welcome my might. Kakarot, I choose you to be my vessel.", The spec of light hits Goku, releasing everyone else from the red realm. Goku remains there, asking:

"So you're the original Super Saiyan God, huh? You must be a crazy strong Saiyan."

"You're the one who called upon my spirit, you should know I am not a proud Saiyan, not an angry and evil one, I simply am. My birth race no longer belongs to me."

"Wait, I don't get it. You're not a Saiyan?"

"Hmm... You came to me for power, did you not? I shall grant it, but only if you promise to follow my path. I know that in your heart you are a good man, however this pursuit worries me."

"I need this power to save my friends."

"Then I'm pleased to give it to you. However, a sacrifice must be made. After all, this power can only be obtained by those who abandon their Saiyan lineage."


"I'm sorry for the pain."

The original Saiyan enters Goku becoming one with him. Goku feels the power surging within him, through his skin, through his muscles, through his veins. He screams:

"AAAHHHH!", The bright red realm dissipates as everyone else sees Goku shouting in pain.

His veins start pumping blood out, as the literal blood of the Saiyans within him leaves his body. His physique shortens, his muscles become smaller, but his hair takes the blood to itself, gaining a red taint. In a pressure much higher than that of a Super Saiyan 3, Goky feels his insides wanting to explode, his skin leaving his body. Red, bloody aura surrounds him, as the pain starts stopping.

Beerus arrives with Whis over the cruise, with cat god being clearly fuming. He wanted to destroy any planet along his travel, but supressed it, and now that he saw Goku in his new form, he felt rejuvenated. He had obtained the one thing he came to Earth for. He had a worthy challenger.

Goku recovered his breath, looking at his body. Gohan and Goten run to him, Goten asks:

"Are you okay, dad? That looked like it hurt."

"Nothing I can't take.", Beerus lands beside him. "Is this what you wanted, Beerus?", The God of Destruction smiles at him. The air is filled with such intensity no one even dares approach them.

Vegeta grunts. He had already accepted that Goku was number one when they fought against Buu, but just letting him always be a step ahead didn't please him. He didn't mind being a close second, but the gap was too big. He could only hope Goku could handle it.

The fight between Goku and Beerus happens similarly to the anime. Goku can't control his new power too well so when approaching Beerus he flies past him. He has revenge for the flick and the fight proceeds to space. Goku comments how he doesn't like that he needed the help of others to gain that power, which amuses Beerus. Beerus jabs Goku in the gut, trespassing it and dropping Goku on the ocean, but his Super Saiyan God powers allow him to heal it up slightly, as the blood in his hair fills the wound. This will be important for later.

Goku goes back in space and the fight proceeds. As Goku is able to use more of the new transformation's power he starts affecting the whole universe with it. Beerus comments.

"You're probably so used to supressing your power to not destroy Earth, that now that you've gained new uncontrollable strenght, you affect the whole universe."

"What?", Goku looks at his fist, shocked by himself. " The whole universe?"

"Want to stop? I'm still not satisfied. If we pause here, I'm definitely going to blow up Earth."

"Nah. I'll get the hang of it."

Goku keeps shaking the whole universe. When it seems like one more punch might unbalance reality, Beerus gets ready to destroy Goku completely, however the Saiyan catches him off guard and hits him with a controlled punch.

They keep fighting to an extent where Beerus has to push himself. It seems like him and Goku are equals. Unfortunately, Goku can no longer maintain the transformation. Beerus throws his Sphere of Destruction, forcing Goku to block it by transforming once more, repeating the blood transfusion. Goku successfully dissipates the ball, and Beerus gives in. He no longer will destroy the Earth. Everyone gets happy about it, as he leaves.

While in hyperspeed, Whis discusses with Beerus.

"So, how was it my lord? Did he prove to be a challenge?"

"Quite so. For a moment there, I was afraid I had supressed myself too much."

"Oh oh, that would definitely be a problem. About that, want to go collect your clones?"

"I'd appreciate it."

The Beerus on Earth was fighting with all his might, however there were many others. Whis had asked Beerus when they left their planet "You could always try that time saving technique if you really only woke up for the saiyan.", and he agreed to it. He separated himself into several versions of himself, dividing his power immensely. Whis took all of them with him, sending one to each planet Beerus hadn't visited for decades, and lastly arriving on Earth. This is why Beerus seemed so absent minded at times, like he was in multiple places at once, because, in truth, he was. Goku hadn't even come close to Beerus' true might, but with some training he might be able to reach his level. Whis asked:

"How do you think that Saiyan would react if he knew about this?"

"If it was anyone else, I would say with dread, but Goku is different. I think he would actually be excited to learn this."

"Then what do you say about training him? After your brother left for his own universe, you could really use a new sparring partner."

"If you do so, demand some food from him. I don't want to have to go through all the work of returning to Earth just to eat more of their grub."

As all the replicas of Beerus join back to him, someone from one of the planets is seen shaking. He wears something similar to an advanced Frieza Force armor. He grabs a phone, calling someone through it.

"Hey, I think I have some bad news."

"What is it, grunt? Has the recruitment gone bad?"

"It did have a sudden stop.", The other voice on the communicator sounded aggressive.

"I told you that if you can't get the people to join us, then just kill them. What could possibly be..."

"The Destroyer is back.", The other voice stops talking, shocked. The recruit on the planet asks. "Wasn't Frieza abiding by his rule? What if he wants to speak to him and finds that he died?"

"He could destroy our whole force... We need him. We need to bring back Frieza!"


Author here,

There weren't many changes in this arc, but it's mainly because I think it was already a pretty good introduction arc to Dragon Ball Super as a whole. The next one will be completely different though. So get ready for Frieza the Destroyer and Cold's Elite Guard.