
Dragon Ball Odd Future

HISTORY IS CHANGING After Trunks defeated the Cyborgs of his timeline, the future has been restored to what it used to be. The Z-Warriors are still gone but a future of peace is on the horizon for there to be new stories to tell. A Meteorite falls down on Earth as an unknown life form crawls away from its wreckage to find a host.

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Chille Chille

Mo-Mochi and Balance were able to travel far with their newfound strength. Wild animals had nothing they could throw at the boys. Animals like wolves, tigers, and bears were no match for their agility and power. The boys effortlessly maneuvered through the dense forests, leaving the predators in awe of their prowess. Their increased power allowed them to effortlessly evade any threats that came their way. As they journeyed through the wilderness, Mo-Mochi and Balance became confident in both their fighting and survival skills. 

Their bond grew stronger with each passing day as they relied on each other for support and protection. Even rubbing off on each other a bit, with Mo-Mochi picking up Balance's style of fishing in his own way. Balance sometimes hears Mo-Mochi out on ideas instead of running head-on; rarely, the cat can still be very stubborn.

During the night after Balance went to sleep, Mo-Mochi would practice the Go-Go Gum technique using the scroll that Chiran had entrusted to him. He would carefully study the movements and try to mimic them, determined to master the technique. Although progress was slow, Mo-Mochi had never done anything quite like this before. He would spend hours at night in solitude, trying to learn this technique, but he didn't know what he was missing.

Mo-Mochi felt a sense of frustration, saying to himself, Dammit, why can't I get this right? I'm doing it properly; I'm following the scroll's instructions. What exactly could I be missing that is preventing me from getting the hang of this? He wondered if there were any hidden nuances or subtle details that the scroll failed to mention. He thought perhaps he could show the scroll to Balance, but the cat never likes reading, so maybe not. Maybe he'll find someone later on his journey who could help him, so he'll keep the scroll until he encounters someone knowledgeable enough to show him where he's going wrong.

After a few days, they arrive in the snowy area, which they weren't fully prepared for, with Mo-Mochi tightly wrapped in his coat. The cat, on the other hand, seemed unfazed by the freezing temperatures, leading Mo-Mochi to envy his friend's natural warmth. After a bit of stepping through the thick snow, Balance stops Mo-Mochi as his cat's nose begins to smell something. It smelled really good. Balance recognized that scent from anywhere, and as he whispered to himself, "Fish," He ran through the thick snow, leaving his footprints in the snow. Mo-Mochi shouted over to the running cat that began to run on all fours, "Wait for me!" But Balance was too excited to slow down. He knew that the scent of fish could only mean one thing: a potential meal. Mo-Mochi chased after his friend. 

That's when they saw it—a small village nestled in the snow. Pointing towards the village, Balance exclaimed, "They have some fish there! Not just one, but multiple types: baked, steamed, fried, grilled, and I think I also smelled sushi." Mo-Mochi was happy to see they found some civilization but said, "Let's not get too carried away with the food. We should make sure we're welcome first before indulging in... Balance was already gone, sprinting towards the village with excitement. Mo-Mochi sighed and followed suit, hoping that Balance's personality wouldn't cause any trouble with the villagers.

Apologies for the way I honestly havent been feeling creative these past few days. I still wanna make this story but I wanna make sure im in the right mindset to do so.

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