
Dragon Ball: Lao Tzu is Sharu

Traveling to the Dragon Ball world turned out to be Sharu, who evolved endlessly, and was born to Planet Vegeta, which had not been destroyed before the main storyline began. See how Zhang Heng starts with an egg, eats it one bite at a time, becomes stronger step by step, breaks through the boundaries of genes and blood, and becomes the ultimate form that transcends the complete body. "Super Sharu God!" ---------------------- "There is nothing that can't be solved by a single shot of vitality." "If there is..." " Then send it twice." This novel is not mine I will not leave a description this time it will be in English instead of Spanish

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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384 Chs

344 The Tournament Begins!

This is the end of the topic of the underworld. Sharu did not say more, but concentrated on the upcoming battle.

All the doors of the temple have been opened, and he followed the flow of people and went to the martial arts field in the back

. At the place, Shalu found that there were already many people gathered around.

This is a platform, and there are thick clouds surging in the distance. It is located on the top of the holy mountain and has a magnificent view.

However, on this large platform, people can see There is no trace of the martial arts field, and it looks like an ordinary garden.

"It's above."

Leon pointed to the top of his head.

Sharu looked up, and his eyes showed surprise.

The top of the holy mountain was straight and suspended. A small planet, the whole body is pale yellow, with vegetation, buildings, trees, hills, and swamps on the surface. Although this planet is small, any combat environment is included.

Sharu is somewhat familiar, and suddenly remembers the place where the king lives. , It seems to be such a small planet.

Could it be that the underworld is very good at making planets? 13 Using a 1 asteroid as a martial arts field, the underworld really lives up to its reputation.

Of course, this planet is more compact than the original world king. It has grown many times bigger.

"How do we get there?"

Shalu asked.

Don't look at this asteroid floating overhead, but above the holy mountain, it is forbidden to fly. No one can fly except King Quan

. How to go up is a question.

Leon shook his head and said, "I'm waiting for everyone to gather.

After everyone arrives, the kings will go up first, then the seed players will turn, and then the ordinary players will turn.

" Even this kind of place is full of class."

As if thinking of something, Shalu asked, "What's the difference between a seeded player and an ordinary player?"

Leon glanced at him, as if he was talking about such a common sense thing, why did he just remember to ask now

. But he didn't dare to say anything, he just explained obediently: "There are only two rounds of the competition. This is the preliminary round, and all the contestants will participate together."

"You see, it's on this planet.

When each contestant lands, they will get a If you collect all 20 badges, you will be promoted to participate in the final round."

Sharu frowned and asked: "Collect badges"

Leon nodded and continued: "Yes, the badges have all the The barrier established by the king, or the killing of the opponent, can strip the badge from the opponent, and other means are not allowed."

"And the seeded players, when they go up the mountain, kill four heads within ten seconds. All the male lion statues."

"They don't have to land on this competition planet with the ordinary players, they can delay the landing for a day, and they will only land when the ordinary players are fighting the most fiercely."

Sharu laughed dumbly: "This pair of ordinary players Isn't it too unfair?"

Leon quickly shook his head and said, "No, this is the rule set for the fairness of ordinary players."

"How do you say it?"

Leon looked at Sharu and suddenly smiled bitterly. Get up: "Because you guys are too strong, if you land on the planet together, there are still many people at that time, and there are many potential ordinary

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contestants, It is very likely that you will die under your various ignorance."

"That's why you are separated from the seed players and give those potential ordinary players more opportunities."

Sharu nodded, understood, and looked at Lei Ang had a look of disgust and envy on his face, a little embarrassed.

"So, I'm an ordinary player, or a seed player."

He suddenly remembered that he did not fight the lion statues, but used other methods.

Leon stared at Sharu with a strange look, and said: "You are directly Smashing the giant gate and destroying the test arena, what kind of contestant do you think you are?"

Shalu spread his hands and did not speak.

At this moment, all the doors to enter the platform behind him suddenly closed, and everyone present suddenly fell silent. The noise came to an abrupt end.

Sharu looked at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, and suddenly found three figures rushing up from under the sea of ​​clouds. The only one who

can fly near this holy mountain is King Quan.

When they came to the top of everyone's heads, they suddenly stopped, and everyone could look at their faces. The King Quan at the

head was very tall and looked like a giant.

"That's the full king of our Titan family - the full king of the mountain.

Leon's voice was filled with incomparable reverence. "

You Titans also have a full king,"

Sharu asked.

"What do you mean? Why can't our Titans have a full king?"

Sharu didn't speak, just looked Looking at the other Quanwang floating in the sky, he asked, "What about the others?"

"The one in black is the Quanwang of the night. Before he became the Quanwang, he was already a high-ranking god with a great reputation in the underworld.

He is good at assassination and the law of time."

Leon said obediently.

Sharu suddenly found that the remaining King Quan had a familiar feeling.

He was wearing a light blue robe, and he was still dragging behind him . A long snake tail looks very strange.

He didn't wait for him to remember where he had seen this guy.

I saw that the king suddenly turned his head, his eyes were like snake eyes, and he was staring at Sha Lu.

When he was staring at him, Sha Lu's heart suddenly felt There was a chill.

"This is the full king of the wind."

Leon paused in his words, leaned into Shalu's ear, and said softly again: "You were the one who stole the law orb, Wind Snake. The whole king of a family."

Sha Lu suddenly realized, no wonder this guy sees himself as if

he sees the enemy. As the king of the whole family, he naturally has many superb methods, and he must have sensed the law orb in his mind. He recognized it himself.

But he wasn't worried. The Holy Mountain Tournament was the most sacred meeting in the underworld, and no Quanwang was allowed to intervene.

As a contestant now, he naturally wouldn't worry that the Quanwang of the Wind would meet him. He attacked himself.

At this moment, two Quanwangs flew out from the temple behind him.

They were the Quanwang of Strength who looked like the skinny old man, and the Quanwang of the prophet who looked weird.