
Dragon Ball: Lao Tzu is Sharu

Traveling to the Dragon Ball world turned out to be Sharu, who evolved endlessly, and was born to Planet Vegeta, which had not been destroyed before the main storyline began. See how Zhang Heng starts with an egg, eats it one bite at a time, becomes stronger step by step, breaks through the boundaries of genes and blood, and becomes the ultimate form that transcends the complete body. "Super Sharu God!" ---------------------- "There is nothing that can't be solved by a single shot of vitality." "If there is..." " Then send it twice." This novel is not mine I will not leave a description this time it will be in English instead of Spanish

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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384 Chs

343 The Rule of All Kings!

"The death knell of the King of Power,"

Sharu asked with a frown.

He turned his head and found that most of the people around him had more or less sad expressions on their faces, as if they were here to sweep the graves of their relatives

. Ang nodded and said: "Every competition will be held only when a Quanwang's life is about to end."

"After his fall, the vacated Quanwang Divine Spark and the corresponding Quanwang title will be given to him. The winner of the competition."


Sharu thought about it and asked, "So, all the kings have been passed down from generation to generation."

"Since the lifespan of the kings is only about fifty thousand years, then Why would there still be people who put a good high-level god in disrespect and insist on participating in the competition to become the king of the whole?"

"What's the difference between this and the "Nine Two Three"

suicide in disguise?"

Hearing Sharu's words, Leon smiled bitterly, After a long time, he said: "After becoming the Quanwang, you have the power that surpasses everyone else. Except for other Quanwangs, no matter how many people and how many gods are in front of

you, you can solve them all by just blowing your breath." I don't want to gain such power."

After hearing this, Shalu immediately replied: "What is the use of a stronger power, as long as it is one point stronger than the opponent. Any

more is just a waste."

Unexpectedly, Leon's face changed . Su, he looked at the many gods around him who worshiped the statue of King Quan, and said slowly: "This is not a stronger power."

"If you insist on describing it, this is absolute power."

"Absolute power"

Sharu Repeated one sentence.

Leon nodded and continued: "Absolute power means that once this power is obtained, other things in the world are no longer important."

"You can get everything you want.

What you hate, you can also destroy it at will."

"Being the king of the whole, you can completely redefine the world according to your own preferences."

Sharu looked at Leon, I always felt that this guy's face was full of longing, and then he shook his head and said: "You mean, after becoming the Quanwang, you can do whatever you want so that other Quanwangs won't come to stop it?"


Lei Ang said resolutely: "As early as the place where the underworld was established, the first generation of Quanwang Jing set the rules."

"First, all the kings must aim to fulfill the great wish of the underworld."

"Second, there is no honor among the kings. In terms of inferiority, no Quanwang is not required, nor is it allowed to obey other Quanwangs."

"Thirdly, each Quanwang expresses the common will of the underworld, and their thoughts are the thoughts of the underworld."

"This is the Quanwang. Law, at the end of the ancient war, some people sacrificed together, and the law was recognized by the whole universe."

"Like other natural laws, it can be understood.

But the premise is that only the king can understand.

This law of the king, It is the absolute power of all the kings."

Sharu's footsteps walking towards the interior of the temple suddenly stopped, he turned around, with a rare seriousness on his face: "Ming

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Is the world's long-cherished wish to defeat the sky whale?"

Leon nodded silently. "It's interesting


Sharu nodded with a stunned look on his face . Said: "If you say this, the underworld looks like a super life form."

"All gods are cells or components within them, even the King of Quan."

"And the blame of the Kings is the brain of the underworld, and other gods are responsible for other parts, right?"

Leon's face showed surprise This is the first time he has heard of such a statement.

But after thinking about it, he found that Shalu was right at all. He couldn't find anything to refute, so he nodded and said, "You said It has to make sense."

Shalu also nodded, turned around again, his eyes were full of confusion, as if

he was thinking about something. After a long while, he slowly opened his mouth, as if talking to himself: "So say that. Come on, the various races in the universe that fought against the sky whale actually did not fail."

"When they found out that the sky whale is not an existence that a single individual can defeat, they turned to think of other ways."

"It seems that the essence of this underworld is that they I figured out a way to defeat the sky whale."

Hearing Sharu's analysis, Leon, who grew up in the underworld, was naturally very concerned, and he quickly asked, "You mean?"

Sharu glanced at him , continued: "Those warriors at the time must have discovered the life level of the sky whale, and there is an insurmountable gap between ordinary life.

" It 's possible."

"So, they came up with a way to create a super life that is equivalent to the life level of the sky whale."

Leon finally understood what Sharu meant: "You mean that the entire underworld is actually the original The super life created by the ancestors"

His voice was bitter, after all, the underworld, as his hometown, suddenly analyzed the purpose of establishing the underworld, and it was a huge psychological impact for everyone.

"We In fact, the underworld is not to hide from the sky whale, the establishment of the shelter, the training camp, the Anle Township itself, is the biggest weapon against the sky whale, is it?"

Sha Lu nodded, his face returned to calm, and his voice carried a hint of admiration: "It's really a wild way to do it, I don't know

who came up with such a way in 5.3."

"He originally wanted to gather everyone . The power to form a virtual super life, used to defend the universe and resist the sky whale"

"However, it has spread to this day, the sky whale has disappeared spontaneously, and the threat has almost disappeared."

"And your underworld, instead of the sky whale, became the Another 'Sky Whale' who has abused this universe."

After speaking, Leon was speechless.

At the time when the Sky Whale suppressed everyone's way forward, they were fiercely resisted.

Today's underworld, what they do , and how is it different from the sky whale at the beginning.

"It's ironic."

Leon lowered his head, his face full of depression.