
Dragon Ball: Lao Tzu is Sharu

Traveling to the Dragon Ball world turned out to be Sharu, who evolved endlessly, and was born to Planet Vegeta, which had not been destroyed before the main storyline began. See how Zhang Heng starts with an egg, eats it one bite at a time, becomes stronger step by step, breaks through the boundaries of genes and blood, and becomes the ultimate form that transcends the complete body. "Super Sharu God!" ---------------------- "There is nothing that can't be solved by a single shot of vitality." "If there is..." " Then send it twice." This novel is not mine I will not leave a description this time it will be in English instead of Spanish

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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384 Chs

205 Sorry I don't understand!

After reading the side quests released by the system, Sharu resisted the urge to curse.

Force the sleeping host to wait for you to slowly absorb the energy. When the energy is sufficient and I can go back, how many years will it take! He shook He shook his head and decided that he couldn't trust the system's function of absorbing energy on its own, and it was better to complete the side quests by himself.

It's just a matter of looking for a living or non-living body with huge energy. Sharu, who has induction, wants to find this kind of life. It was an extremely simple matter.

He immediately closed his eyes and sensed, but he was stunned to find that in his perception, there was no powerful life form in this world. It was empty and empty, as if he had come to a silent dead place.

But he looked at the ground . On, the trees are full of life. It takes six or seven people to embrace the trees, and it doesn't seem like there is no life.

There is only one explanation, and that is the life in this world, there is no gas! They It uses another system, which has almost nothing to do with the Qi in the Dragon Ball universe.

This makes Sharu unable to sense their existence at all.

"This is troublesome."

Sharu felt a little tricky, and decided to personally Land on the ground and check if there is any...

The planet of intelligent creatures is the only existence in this universe, and its area is unreasonably large. At least Sharu has seen so many planets. A quarter of 1.

There is still the sun in the sky, but it seems to be outside the glass cover.

There is also a gray-white moon of 1, which is very large, but is not high above the atmosphere.

The two are very different The situation made Shalu secretly remembered in his heart.

Finally, after leaping over a giant wood forest, Shalu stood on the top of a cliff, looked at the endless sea of ​​trees under his feet, and shook his head.

It's not that he can't fly directly, but he has the heart to find intelligent creatures, and he can't sense qi, so he can only use the naked eye to find it. If he flies directly, it is very likely that he will miss it.

This cliff is actually a big waterfall .

"Dangdang" Shalu

raised his brows. He seemed to hear the sound of weapons colliding, which was extremely small, but it was real.

He touched the ground lightly, and the whole person was already suspended. In the air, away from the huge noise source of the waterfall, he searched around for the sound he just heard.

Finally, he found the source of the sound. It was a scene where one person was fleeing and several others were chasing

. Wisdom is also a human being."

He was very surprised. After he was used to seeing the strange things in the Dragon Ball universe, he still had a feeling of surprise for this guy who was completely similar to the earth people back


. At the top of the tree, I watched them fight quietly, but it seemed familiar.

These people were all very tight-fitting, and they seemed to be dressed like this for flexibility.

Between their fights, conventional weapons used throwing weapons ,Sharu's eyes widened in shock at the first sight of this weapon. <center>-->>This chapter is not over, click on

the next page to continue reading</center>

"Shuriken Kunai!"

He secretly said in his heart: there was a deep disbelief in his eyes, "This is the world of ninjas"


Shalu suddenly saw a guy in a milky white tight cloth holding his hands in front of his chest, forming a tense Strange gestures, shouted something, and Sharu couldn't understand.

Then I saw his hands on the ground, and a violent arc was released frantically, and the ninja who was fighting with everyone was directly charged with arcs all over his body, and he collapsed to the ground.

"Is this his ninjutsu!"

Sharu He almost couldn't help exclaiming, he faintly felt as if he had arrived in the universe. Several ninjas in white tights slowly stepped forward and looked down at the... In front of the ninja who was flickering with arcs and trembling, his hands The sword was raised above his head, and the pitch-black edge of the sword flashed a long cold light.

"Are you going to die?"

The ninja lying on the ground was paralyzed and could hardly move at all. Looking at the shuriken that was getting closer, he closed it in despair. " Boom


"What!" I

heard a few exclamations, followed by the huge sound of trees being broken by hammer.

There were no screams, except for these sounds, the scene was extremely silent.

The ninja paralyzed by lightning Slowly opening his eyes, he found that there was a monster in front of him.

It had a hard carapace covered with terrifying dark spots. It's just that the pale blue complexion doesn't look like a human's blood at all.

Its expression is very calm, and it seems that its intelligence is at least the same as a human being. The

ninja looked at it blankly, and then looked at the surrounding environment, It was found that the three Yun Ninjas who had just chased him had completely disappeared.

There were only broken wood chips and broken tree trunks, covered with blood.

Long-term combat training made him look at this scene for a moment. I have come to understand.

Those guys must have been solved by the monster in front of them.

After experiencing extreme despair, the hope of life suddenly ushered in, which made this person who endured Li extremely excited.

He stared at this innocent-looking monster and said, "

Thank you."

Sharu suddenly smiled, and the ninja's words were in his ears, but it was just a chatter.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand what you said. "

Then the tail needle was raised high, turned into a phantom, and stabbed directly at the ninja who hadn't reacted.

"Gulu Gulu" The

tail needle bulged slowly, representing that the essence of life in the ninja was rapidly pouring into Sharu's body. In the body, at the same time, there are memories of his life. In the

current situation, absorbing an intelligent creature is undoubtedly the most correct and easiest thing. The

reason why I chose the ninja in front of me is because of the forehead sharu on this guy's head Know.

He also only knows this one pattern - "Konoha".