
Dragon Ball: Lao Tzu is Sharu

Traveling to the Dragon Ball world turned out to be Sharu, who evolved endlessly, and was born to Planet Vegeta, which had not been destroyed before the main storyline began. See how Zhang Heng starts with an egg, eats it one bite at a time, becomes stronger step by step, breaks through the boundaries of genes and blood, and becomes the ultimate form that transcends the complete body. "Super Sharu God!" ---------------------- "There is nothing that can't be solved by a single shot of vitality." "If there is..." " Then send it twice." This novel is not mine I will not leave a description this time it will be in English instead of Spanish

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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384 Chs

204 Violent Void!


was Shalu's only feeling.

After being sucked into the inexplicable vortex by Liu Yun, Shalu knew that he could never open his eyes.

Everything in the outside world seemed to be twisting and tearing his body. If it is a hard carapace, it is fine, but if you open your fragile eyes, you will be crushed immediately.

Even this inexplicable thing will crush your own brain directly along the eyes! "Where is this place?"

He felt I feel like I'm in the sea, drifting with the waves, I don't know the destination, I don't know the direction of movement, I can only rely on fate

. All of a sudden it rang out, and it sounded like the sound of heaven in Sharu's ears.

"Om—" A

completely transparent glass-like sphere expanded directly from Sharu's eyebrows and quickly wrapped around his body. "

This is"

Sharu immediately felt that the pain from outside his body had completely disappeared, and boldly opened his eyes, only to find that the effect of opening and not opening was exactly the same.

There was no light around, and it was completely dark.

But Sharu knew that there was still a strange power that kept twisting his body in this darkness.

The glass sphere used by the system to protect Sharu looked fragile, but it ran rampant in this emptiness, without a trace of tremor, and was extremely stable.

"Where have I been!"

Shalu said to himself, and the whole person was stunned.

[Detected that the host's original main task: becoming a god, has not been completed, release an emergency task!] [Emergency task: due to insufficient system energy , In the void gap, the protective measures can only last for a quarter of an hour.

Please enter the universe within this period of time.

] [Success Reward: None] [Failure Punishment: None] [Remarks: Each universe exists independently, and there is an endless void in it, also known as the riotous void.

It is filled with countless spatial turbulence, once it touches, it will be destroyed. Moved to another location.

] "Space Turbulence"

Sharu finally understood what that tearing force was, that is to say, the pain caused by constantly teleporting himself. But

this thought also made him suddenly, I have been teleported many times, doesn't it mean that I am very far away from the universe of Dragon Ball. I think about Xue Ling, No. 18, Xiaolu, and Bumasalu. If they are there, will they be able to live well on their own?

You must know that the people in the underworld have noticed themselves, and it is very likely that they will send those gods of Luo Shizi to come to trouble again.

If they meet, what will happen to Sharu.

"The top priority now is to hurry up and repair the universe. , This glass cover can't last long."

Shalu looked at the glass cover outside the body, it was much thinner than the first one.

Simply [Dance of the Sky] is to fill the body with energy and generate thrust to act. , does not need any medium, so it can also play a role in this void where there is nothing but space turbulence.

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> Unsure of the direction, he can only rush forward, hoping to hit a cosmos.

Time has almost no concept in this void, and Sharu can only judge by the thinning speed of the glass cover. How long did he fly?

Finally, when the glass cover was almost thin and completely transparent, Shalu saw a larger glass cover.

"This is the boundary of the universe!"

Sharu looked at the boundless glass cover and was a little surprised: "Could it be that the glass cover used by the system is exactly the same as the boundary of the protection universe?"

He had a clearer understanding of this strange system, and he felt a little I was confused, but I still gritted my teeth and threw away these useless thoughts.

Not to mention other things, just to protect my own life, the system has done it twice.

Once I just traveled to the Dragon Ball universe, I am afraid that at that time I was only left. The soul and the system can protect themselves through the void.

The other time is now. Sharu

has absolutely no reason to doubt the motives of the system.

At least not now


With this universe, Sharu suddenly stayed in place.

Everything in front of him was not as he expected. He came to a strange starry sky, surrounded by strange universes.

He actually came under a blue sky! In the distance is the earth, he floats above the white clouds, with the hot sun on his head.

"What's the matter? Is it possible that there is no starry sky in this universe, it is only so big!" A series of questions appeared in

Shalu's heart.

To verify the doubts in his heart, there is only one ready-made method.

The 247 is to fly upward! Shalu guessed that he was very lucky, but he just entered a planet in a universe. As long as he flew out of the atmosphere, he would I can see the boundless starry sky.

However, just like this, Sharu did fly out of the atmosphere, but it just reached the top! It was a magnificent glass cover, without systematic blessing, Sharu found himself It is difficult to break this hood.

The outside world is a terrifying darkness, and Sharu is very familiar with it, that is the riotous void.

"There is really only one planet."

Shalu was extremely surprised, finally recognized this point, and slowly landed down.

[ding!] [Emergency mission: enter a universe.

Complete!] [Detected the original main task of the host: becoming a god has not been completed! Release transition Mission: Return to the Dragon Ball universe.

][Task description: Replenish the energy for the system and repair the crossing module.

Energy can be but not limited to a single life with sufficient energy.

][Time limit: forty-five days.

][Success reward: The crossing module is enabled , After replenishing energy, you can shuttle freely.

] [Failure penalty: The system starts to absorb energy independently, forcing the host to sleep, wait until the energy absorption is sufficient, and return to the Dragon Ball universe. ]